Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Dewey Decimal Classification System Workshop in Western Cape

Dewey Decimal Classification System Workshop
SSIG.  Invites U

When:  2 July 2012 at 8.30 for 09.00 – 13.00

Venue: Brackenfell Public Library Paradys Street          

Presenter: Dr. Gavin Davis Senior Lecturer University of                                          
                    the Western Cape

A brief theoretical overview of Classification, discuss classification models and then concentrate on library classification in particular. I will concentrate on the Dewey Decimal Classification System which is a widely used model. I expect the delegates to be able to perform some practical exercises, using real books. 

R40.00 for LIASA members
R60.00 for non LIASA members

RSVP. By 27 June 2012
Anolette Manuel
021 873 6038

Lizei Johnson
021 808 4883