Thursday, July 27, 2006

Unofficial wiki for LIASA 2006 Conference

An unofficial wiki has been created for the LIASA conference.

The url is

This follows the international trend of wikis being set up for conferences -- Computers in Libraries, ALA conferences, PLA conference.

What is a wiki?
A wiki is a kind of free-form website that is easy toedit. It is *collaborative*, allowing any visitor with the site's password can edit any page on the site. It can be made public to allow anyone to read a wiki, while still restricting editing to those who know the wiki's password.

Edits are done in plain text and don't require learning fancy or complex codes like HTML. Just start typing! It's also easy to create new pages and make links to pages already made. If you feel nervous, go to the site and start playing in the sandbox.

he unofficial conference wiki should contain all sorts of information-- official and unofficial -- and will be a useful reference source, but the content is only going to be as good as as the contributions you make.

If you look at the front page of the wiki, you'll see that there is some content and some links (some pages don't exist yet). If you would like to collaborate and have useful information for your fellow LIASA members or have ideas for content (information that you would like to have), please contact me (ingrid at uctlib dot uct dot ac dot za) to get the password.

PBwiki is a free wiki service, gives 10.0 MB space which should be more than sufficient for us. As we go along, we start adding tags and developing the site further.

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