Please be advised as follows:
Western Cape breakfast will be on 02 December 2009. I am sure you do not want to miss this day, so diaries this date now. Venue, and contribution amount towards this prestigious event will follow soon. Same day chair will be handing over the trophy and certificate to Nohra for her achievement in the Library of the Year competition. Please come to renew your membership and bring along a colleague, to join.
Lulama Langeni
Tel.: 021 371 3360
Fax: 021 371 3333
Cell: 084 874 3828
LIaSA: Western Cape: P R O
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Library Congress in Medellin, Colombia
Hi my dear friends,
In the library net where I work, we are organizing an international Congress about libraries in country areas, we are very interested in an organization or NGO or a person specialized in that kind of library work. Could you help me with the contacts. The Congress will be on November 11 to 13.
Thank you.
Sandra Rua []
In the library net where I work, we are organizing an international Congress about libraries in country areas, we are very interested in an organization or NGO or a person specialized in that kind of library work. Could you help me with the contacts. The Congress will be on November 11 to 13.
Thank you.
Sandra Rua []
LIASA Membership Fees for 2010
At the LIASA Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Thursday October 01, 2009, the following fees for 2010 were approved:
Individual membership
Full time students/pensioner
International individual
Africa individual
SA Institutional
International institutional
Africa institutional
As in past years, individual members have the opportunity to renew their 2010 membership at the 2009 fee of R275. This "early bird" membership renewal will be accepted until December 31 2009. Make use of this offer to renew your membership to LIASA.
Should you miss this opportunity you will then pay the full fee of R350.00 for 2010. Membership forms are available on the LIASA website:
Professional Identity; Networking; Publications (LiT & SAJLIS); Access to LIASAonline listserve; Quality subsidised training; Discounted conference, training, workshop and meeting fees; Awards; and Grants
1. Please use the following bank details:
CHEQUE A/C NUMBER: 5325 1066 743
2. In the reference box of the deposit slip, clearly print your first name and surname.
3. Fax proof of payment to 012-323 1033
Should you have any queries please contact Francien Maritz on 012 323 4912
Ujala Satgoor
LIASA EXCO: Membership
Individual membership
Full time students/pensioner
International individual
Africa individual
SA Institutional
International institutional
Africa institutional
As in past years, individual members have the opportunity to renew their 2010 membership at the 2009 fee of R275. This "early bird" membership renewal will be accepted until December 31 2009. Make use of this offer to renew your membership to LIASA.
Should you miss this opportunity you will then pay the full fee of R350.00 for 2010. Membership forms are available on the LIASA website:
Professional Identity; Networking; Publications (LiT & SAJLIS); Access to LIASAonline listserve; Quality subsidised training; Discounted conference, training, workshop and meeting fees; Awards; and Grants
1. Please use the following bank details:
CHEQUE A/C NUMBER: 5325 1066 743
2. In the reference box of the deposit slip, clearly print your first name and surname.
3. Fax proof of payment to 012-323 1033
Should you have any queries please contact Francien Maritz on 012 323 4912
Ujala Satgoor
LIASA EXCO: Membership
Stellenbosch University Library 2010 Symposium / IFLA Presidential Meeting
The Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service has been host to a very successful Annual Symposium since 1998 which has become an important event on the national library calendar. In honour of Ms Ellen Tise's IFLA presidency it has been decided to amalgamate this symposium with the first IFLA Presidential Meeting.
The next Symposium will therefore be presented as the Stellenbosch University Library 2010 Symposium / IFLA Presidential Meeting and will take place from 18 to 19 February 2010.
Having already earned a good reputation over the past ten years, the amalgamation of the Symposium with the IFLA Presidential Meeting creates an even more distinguished platform for deliberation on library and information issues of global interest, as well as for networking and professional development.
The theme of the Symposium is Knowing is not enough: engaging in the Knowledge Economy which will explore the role of libraries in the knowledge economy. One of the famous quotes by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "Knowing is not enough; we must apply" is used in the title to signify a need for libraries to actively pursue its pivotal role in the knowledge economy, pathing the way for growth, innovation and prosperity by driving access to knowledge. The latter which coincides with the presidential theme.
The Stellenbosch University's prestigious Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS), a place often referred to as a ‘Creative Space For The Mind’, has been chosen as the venue for the Symposium.
I kindly invite you to join us at this unique event and look forward to welcoming you to Stellenbosch.
For more information, please consult the Symposium website ( which will continuously be updated with new information as it becomes available.
Lucia Schoombee
The next Symposium will therefore be presented as the Stellenbosch University Library 2010 Symposium / IFLA Presidential Meeting and will take place from 18 to 19 February 2010.
Having already earned a good reputation over the past ten years, the amalgamation of the Symposium with the IFLA Presidential Meeting creates an even more distinguished platform for deliberation on library and information issues of global interest, as well as for networking and professional development.
The theme of the Symposium is Knowing is not enough: engaging in the Knowledge Economy which will explore the role of libraries in the knowledge economy. One of the famous quotes by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "Knowing is not enough; we must apply" is used in the title to signify a need for libraries to actively pursue its pivotal role in the knowledge economy, pathing the way for growth, innovation and prosperity by driving access to knowledge. The latter which coincides with the presidential theme.
The Stellenbosch University's prestigious Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS), a place often referred to as a ‘Creative Space For The Mind’, has been chosen as the venue for the Symposium.
I kindly invite you to join us at this unique event and look forward to welcoming you to Stellenbosch.
For more information, please consult the Symposium website ( which will continuously be updated with new information as it becomes available.
Lucia Schoombee
The Western Cape Branch of LIASA is calling for nominations for the 2009 Branch Award.
The LIASA Western Cape Branch Award recognizes an individual librarian or library team from any library (public, school, academic or special library) who has demonstrated exceptional creativity and resourcefulness in marketing, promoting and advocating for a single library or libraries in the Western Cape.
There are innovative and imaginative programmes, projects and events happening across the Western Cape in all our libraries. This award is aimed at recognizing and honouring the librarians for their creativity in promoting, marketing and advocating in their libraries through these activities.
So regardless of the size or type of library you are in, if your library has had a special programme or project or event in the past year, where you have made a difference, raised the profile of your library – we want to hear about it!
What type of programmes or projects would be considered? We are looking for programmes or projects which include the promotion and expansion or outreach of library services to the community where it did not exist before or in response to community needs. These could include:-
· support for educational programmes
· library programmes including promotion of library resources
· literacy, literature and reading programmes
· community outreach
· building or strengthening of local political, fiscal and public support
All nominations will be evaluated on the following criteria:-
· how innovative and imaginative the marketing was
· the obstacles and challenges faced, the partnerships developed
· how creatively resources were used
· the results obtained (outcomes)
· how the library is using these results
· sustainability
Only programmes or projects carried out from January to December 2008 are eligible. Previously nominated individuals or library programmes are eligible to be nominated again provided that they have not won the Award.
Who may be nominated?
If an individual librarian is nominated, he/she should be a current paid-up (2009) individual LIASA member. In the case of a library team being nominated, at least one member of the library team should be a current paid-up (2009) individual member.
Who may nominate?
Current paid-up (2009) Western Cape individual members may nominate individuals or library teams. Each entry must be accompanied by a written motivation from the nominator.
Judging Panel
The judging panel will comprise the Chair of the Western Cape Branch of LIASA; the Public Relations Officer of the Western Cape Branch of LIASA; the convenor or a representative from each of the following Western Cape interest groups:- the Public and Community Libraries (PACLIG); Special Libraries (LiSLIG), Higher Education (WCHELIG) and School Libraries and Youth Services (SLYSIG); Rheina Epstein, donor; and an independent marketing specialist.
The decision of the judging panel is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
What do you need to do to enter?
1. You must be a current paid-up (2009) member of LIASA or at least one member of your team needs to a current paid-up member.
2. You or your library team must be nominated by a current paid-up (2009) member of LIASA. Each nomination must be accompanied by a written motivation.
3. Only programmes or projects carried out from January to December 2008 (the previous year) are eligible.
4. Together with the proposer’s written motivation, you need to submit a portfolio which includes:-
• A written description of the programme expanding on the planning and execution, obstacles and challenges faced, the resources used and the results obtained
• Statistical information about the library, including the community served, circulation figures and staffing must be included as this will be helpful in giving context to the written submission
• Supporting material such as brochures, testimonials, press clippings, flyers and photographs should be included to substantiate the nomination. (These will not be returned as they will be used in other advocacy or marketing activities by the Branch and relevant interest groups.)
The individual or representative of the team that has been nominated should be available to provide further information either through interviews or site visits.
Nomination Forms
Nomination forms for the 2009 LIASA Western Cape Branch Award will be made available via the branch website at or through the Western Cape branch newsletter or via the branch blog at http:// Nomination forms are also available from any branch or branch interest group committee members.
Closing Date
All nominations and supporting material must be received by 30 October 2009.
Announcement of Winner
Short-listed candidates will be invited to attend the branch’s end-of-the-year Showcase event where the winner of the 2009 LIASA Western Cape Branch Award will be announced. (In the case of a team, a representative will be invited to the function.)
Need more info? Contact the current branch Chair or branch PRO.
Lulama Langeni
Tel. : 021 371 3360
Fax : 021 371 3333
Cell : 084 874 3828
e-mail :
Website :
LIaSA: Western Cape: P R O
The Western Cape Branch of LIASA is calling for nominations for the 2009 Branch Award.
The LIASA Western Cape Branch Award recognizes an individual librarian or library team from any library (public, school, academic or special library) who has demonstrated exceptional creativity and resourcefulness in marketing, promoting and advocating for a single library or libraries in the Western Cape.
There are innovative and imaginative programmes, projects and events happening across the Western Cape in all our libraries. This award is aimed at recognizing and honouring the librarians for their creativity in promoting, marketing and advocating in their libraries through these activities.
So regardless of the size or type of library you are in, if your library has had a special programme or project or event in the past year, where you have made a difference, raised the profile of your library – we want to hear about it!
What type of programmes or projects would be considered? We are looking for programmes or projects which include the promotion and expansion or outreach of library services to the community where it did not exist before or in response to community needs. These could include:-
· support for educational programmes
· library programmes including promotion of library resources
· literacy, literature and reading programmes
· community outreach
· building or strengthening of local political, fiscal and public support
All nominations will be evaluated on the following criteria:-
· how innovative and imaginative the marketing was
· the obstacles and challenges faced, the partnerships developed
· how creatively resources were used
· the results obtained (outcomes)
· how the library is using these results
· sustainability
Only programmes or projects carried out from January to December 2008 are eligible. Previously nominated individuals or library programmes are eligible to be nominated again provided that they have not won the Award.
Who may be nominated?
If an individual librarian is nominated, he/she should be a current paid-up (2009) individual LIASA member. In the case of a library team being nominated, at least one member of the library team should be a current paid-up (2009) individual member.
Who may nominate?
Current paid-up (2009) Western Cape individual members may nominate individuals or library teams. Each entry must be accompanied by a written motivation from the nominator.
Judging Panel
The judging panel will comprise the Chair of the Western Cape Branch of LIASA; the Public Relations Officer of the Western Cape Branch of LIASA; the convenor or a representative from each of the following Western Cape interest groups:- the Public and Community Libraries (PACLIG); Special Libraries (LiSLIG), Higher Education (WCHELIG) and School Libraries and Youth Services (SLYSIG); Rheina Epstein, donor; and an independent marketing specialist.
The decision of the judging panel is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
What do you need to do to enter?
1. You must be a current paid-up (2009) member of LIASA or at least one member of your team needs to a current paid-up member.
2. You or your library team must be nominated by a current paid-up (2009) member of LIASA. Each nomination must be accompanied by a written motivation.
3. Only programmes or projects carried out from January to December 2008 (the previous year) are eligible.
4. Together with the proposer’s written motivation, you need to submit a portfolio which includes:-
• A written description of the programme expanding on the planning and execution, obstacles and challenges faced, the resources used and the results obtained
• Statistical information about the library, including the community served, circulation figures and staffing must be included as this will be helpful in giving context to the written submission
• Supporting material such as brochures, testimonials, press clippings, flyers and photographs should be included to substantiate the nomination. (These will not be returned as they will be used in other advocacy or marketing activities by the Branch and relevant interest groups.)
The individual or representative of the team that has been nominated should be available to provide further information either through interviews or site visits.
Nomination Forms
Nomination forms for the 2009 LIASA Western Cape Branch Award will be made available via the branch website at or through the Western Cape branch newsletter or via the branch blog at http:// Nomination forms are also available from any branch or branch interest group committee members.
Closing Date
All nominations and supporting material must be received by 30 October 2009.
Announcement of Winner
Short-listed candidates will be invited to attend the branch’s end-of-the-year Showcase event where the winner of the 2009 LIASA Western Cape Branch Award will be announced. (In the case of a team, a representative will be invited to the function.)
Need more info? Contact the current branch Chair or branch PRO.
Lulama Langeni
Tel. : 021 371 3360
Fax : 021 371 3333
Cell : 084 874 3828
e-mail :
Website :
LIaSA: Western Cape: P R O
Once again we have made it. Let us continue working united and aiming at achieving excellence in Western Cape.
The Western Cape Branch is proud to announce that the Western Cape Branch has yet again won the President's Award for Best Branch. This will have been the third occasion that the Branch has won this award. My sincere thanks to the members of the Branch for making this possible since it will not have happened without the loyalty of members to the Branch.
The Western Cape Branch Librarian of the Year, Nohra Moerat, was also chosen as second place candidate in this prestigious award. She has won a R20 000 prize awarded by EBSCO. Congratulations Nohra on your achievement.
Best Regards
Lulama Langeni
The Western Cape Branch is proud to announce that the Western Cape Branch has yet again won the President's Award for Best Branch. This will have been the third occasion that the Branch has won this award. My sincere thanks to the members of the Branch for making this possible since it will not have happened without the loyalty of members to the Branch.
The Western Cape Branch Librarian of the Year, Nohra Moerat, was also chosen as second place candidate in this prestigious award. She has won a R20 000 prize awarded by EBSCO. Congratulations Nohra on your achievement.
Best Regards
Lulama Langeni
LIASA Librarian of the Year 2009
It gives us great pleasure to announce the winner of the LIASA Librarian of the Year 2009 award. At a glamorous gala dinner in Bloemfontein on 1 October, Busi Dlamini (Gauteng South) walked off with the first prize of R30 000-00 and a trophy sponsored by UKS. The second prize of R20 000-00 and a trophy, sponsored by EBSCO went to Nohra Moerat (Western Cape). The third place was awarded to Raspby Ramugondo (Free State). She received R10 000-00 and a trophy sponsored by SABINET.
LIASA congratulates these winners of this prestigious award on an outstanding achievement. The increased sponsorship for the award for the LIASA Librarian of the Year is an acknowledgement of the status of this award in the profession. This resulted in an increase in the number of nominations for this year’s competition. This is also an indication of the quality and performance of LIASA members.
LIASA also congratulates the branch winners on their excellent performance and thank them for their valuable contribution to the profession.
In congratulating the winners, the Sponsors confirmed their support for LIASA and expressed the wish to continue partnering with LIASA to ensure the ongoing development of the profession. LIASA acknowledge with pride and gratitude the support of our three sponsors for this prestigious award: UKS, EBSCO and SABINET.
LIASA congratulates these winners of this prestigious award on an outstanding achievement. The increased sponsorship for the award for the LIASA Librarian of the Year is an acknowledgement of the status of this award in the profession. This resulted in an increase in the number of nominations for this year’s competition. This is also an indication of the quality and performance of LIASA members.
LIASA also congratulates the branch winners on their excellent performance and thank them for their valuable contribution to the profession.
In congratulating the winners, the Sponsors confirmed their support for LIASA and expressed the wish to continue partnering with LIASA to ensure the ongoing development of the profession. LIASA acknowledge with pride and gratitude the support of our three sponsors for this prestigious award: UKS, EBSCO and SABINET.
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