*** Call for nominations - extended date: 3 August 2010***
This is your opportunity to exercise your right as a valued member of LIASA to ensure the leadership you want for the future of our Association!!
We would like to remind you about the call for nominations for the LIASA Executive Committee 2010 – 2012. The due date is extended to 3 August.
Kind regards
R More
LIASA President
Saturday, July 31, 2010
EE 24 hr Fast for School Libraries: over 5000 are fasting
Over 5000 people are Fasting with EE for school libraries in South Africa It is 10am, Friday 30 July 2010. School children, teachers, parents, activists and ordinary people have been fasting for 16 hours. Their aim: "1 School 1 Library 1 Librarian". If you haven't started fasting, start now for the remaining 8 hours.
At Salt River High School the entire school is fasting today. At Westerford, a privileged school, ranked South Africa's top school last year, 245 young people and many of their teachers are fasting. Learners from schools across Khayelitsha and Kraaifontein -- the core of EE who built this campaign -- are fasting; schools such as Hector Pietersen, Chris Hani, and Harry Gwala. The anti-apartheid icons after whom these schools were named would surely be proud.
The campaign has spread way beyond EE's core areas. Over 200 learners are fasting at Oscar Mpeta High School in Nyanga. Over 100 younger children are fasting for half at day at Zimasa Intermediary School. From learners in Sehunelo High School in Free State, to teachers in Munzhedzi Primary School and the University of Venda in Limpopo, today is a day of fasting and reading. From COSATU and the Treatment Action Campaign to UCT, UFS and Habonim, schools, universities, organisations and their members are fasting in solidarity.
Last night in Cape Town 250 people, comprising mainly of learners from schools in Khayelitsha, Kraaifontein, Bonteheuwel, Rondebosch and the city bowl congregated in Khayelitsha to begin the Fast. Speeches, poems and and songs were delivered by learners calling for a library in every school. Learners explained how they have battled to master reading because from grade 1 there have never been enough books available. Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, head of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, addressed the crowd to thunderous applause. He said: 'This is a right, not a luxury'. The issue of textbooks was raised by a learner from Langa who says in his school there are 6 to a book. SABC TV crews were present to conduct interviews and film the singing crowd. Yoliswa Dwane, an Equal Education leader, ended the event by announcing: "Tomorrow, as we end the fast outside the Book Fair at the Convention Centre, we will say that library books and textbooks are not affordable for our learners. How can we expect our children to succeed when they and their schools cannot afford books?"
Remember why we're fasting
Equal Education has been campaigning for a policy on School Libraries for the past year under the banner of ‘1 School, 1 Library, 1 Librarian’. Government has now drafted, but not finalised, National Guidelines on School Libraries, but these guidelines are unlikely to be binding and do not come with a budget allocation for posts and training for librarians, and are not tied to an implementation plan to roll out school libraries. This is commendable progress, but as it stands it is not enough to bring books into the poorest schools. The Guidelines must set as their long-term goal a functional library in every school.
We're also fasting because books are too expensive. Government pays around R120 per textbook, and sometimes almost R100 per library book. Government could do a lot to bring down the price of books, and so could publishers. That's why, in Cape Town, we're ending the fast outside the Book Fair. A memorandum will be presented to representatives from the Department of Trade and Industry, National Treasury and the Publishers Association of South Africa. The Book Fair has our 100% support. It brings people together to celebrate books which is a wonderful thing. But we need to make these events, and their books, realities for the 92% of South African school children who go to schools without libraries (NEIMS 2009) and the 50% who don't have all their own textbooks (Social Surveys).
Breaking the fast
Events are scheduled for the breaking of the fast in 4 locations across the country (Cape Town, Thohoyandou, Johannesburg and Bloemfontein). Equal Education is confident that public awareness is growing and that the government will respond with a stronger commitment.
For more information:
CAPE TOWN (and general interviews):
Join EE to Break the Fast today (gather at 17:00) outside the Cape Town International Convention Centre. (Call Wande: 073 964 2816).
Join EE to Break the Fast today (gather at 17:00) at the University of Venda. (Call Caroline Madzhie, 0722938201 Carolinendivhuwo.Madzhie@univen.ac.za)
Join EE to Break the Fast today (gather at 17:00) at Constitution Hill. (Call Samuel Fenyane, 0781913703 fenyanesb@yahoo.com)
Contact Moses Masitha 084 273 3537 MosesMasitha@gmail.com
office: 021 387 0022
At Salt River High School the entire school is fasting today. At Westerford, a privileged school, ranked South Africa's top school last year, 245 young people and many of their teachers are fasting. Learners from schools across Khayelitsha and Kraaifontein -- the core of EE who built this campaign -- are fasting; schools such as Hector Pietersen, Chris Hani, and Harry Gwala. The anti-apartheid icons after whom these schools were named would surely be proud.
The campaign has spread way beyond EE's core areas. Over 200 learners are fasting at Oscar Mpeta High School in Nyanga. Over 100 younger children are fasting for half at day at Zimasa Intermediary School. From learners in Sehunelo High School in Free State, to teachers in Munzhedzi Primary School and the University of Venda in Limpopo, today is a day of fasting and reading. From COSATU and the Treatment Action Campaign to UCT, UFS and Habonim, schools, universities, organisations and their members are fasting in solidarity.
Last night in Cape Town 250 people, comprising mainly of learners from schools in Khayelitsha, Kraaifontein, Bonteheuwel, Rondebosch and the city bowl congregated in Khayelitsha to begin the Fast. Speeches, poems and and songs were delivered by learners calling for a library in every school. Learners explained how they have battled to master reading because from grade 1 there have never been enough books available. Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, head of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, addressed the crowd to thunderous applause. He said: 'This is a right, not a luxury'. The issue of textbooks was raised by a learner from Langa who says in his school there are 6 to a book. SABC TV crews were present to conduct interviews and film the singing crowd. Yoliswa Dwane, an Equal Education leader, ended the event by announcing: "Tomorrow, as we end the fast outside the Book Fair at the Convention Centre, we will say that library books and textbooks are not affordable for our learners. How can we expect our children to succeed when they and their schools cannot afford books?"
Remember why we're fasting
Equal Education has been campaigning for a policy on School Libraries for the past year under the banner of ‘1 School, 1 Library, 1 Librarian’. Government has now drafted, but not finalised, National Guidelines on School Libraries, but these guidelines are unlikely to be binding and do not come with a budget allocation for posts and training for librarians, and are not tied to an implementation plan to roll out school libraries. This is commendable progress, but as it stands it is not enough to bring books into the poorest schools. The Guidelines must set as their long-term goal a functional library in every school.
We're also fasting because books are too expensive. Government pays around R120 per textbook, and sometimes almost R100 per library book. Government could do a lot to bring down the price of books, and so could publishers. That's why, in Cape Town, we're ending the fast outside the Book Fair. A memorandum will be presented to representatives from the Department of Trade and Industry, National Treasury and the Publishers Association of South Africa. The Book Fair has our 100% support. It brings people together to celebrate books which is a wonderful thing. But we need to make these events, and their books, realities for the 92% of South African school children who go to schools without libraries (NEIMS 2009) and the 50% who don't have all their own textbooks (Social Surveys).
Breaking the fast
Events are scheduled for the breaking of the fast in 4 locations across the country (Cape Town, Thohoyandou, Johannesburg and Bloemfontein). Equal Education is confident that public awareness is growing and that the government will respond with a stronger commitment.
For more information:
CAPE TOWN (and general interviews):
Join EE to Break the Fast today (gather at 17:00) outside the Cape Town International Convention Centre. (Call Wande: 073 964 2816).
Join EE to Break the Fast today (gather at 17:00) at the University of Venda. (Call Caroline Madzhie, 0722938201 Carolinendivhuwo.Madzhie@univen.ac.za)
Join EE to Break the Fast today (gather at 17:00) at Constitution Hill. (Call Samuel Fenyane, 0781913703 fenyanesb@yahoo.com)
Contact Moses Masitha 084 273 3537 MosesMasitha@gmail.com
office: 021 387 0022
Extension of Early Bird registration
We are pleased to announce that the Early Bird option for registration has been extended until 15 August 2010.
Please note that your registration fee has to be deposited into the Conference Bank Account by no later than 15 August to qualify for the discount.
Further updated programme information will be made available by the end of this week.
Naomi Haasbroek
Library and Information Association of South Africa
Please note that your registration fee has to be deposited into the Conference Bank Account by no later than 15 August to qualify for the discount.
Further updated programme information will be made available by the end of this week.
Naomi Haasbroek
Library and Information Association of South Africa
Change of venue: LIASA: WC AGM-18 August 2010
LIASA: WC AGM scheduled for 18 August 2010 will be held at CENTRAL LIBRARY and will commence at 09:00 for 09:30.
Parking will be arranged.
Parking will be arranged.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Waterfront Rotery School Library Support Pilot Project
The Waterfront Rotery and Biblionef has embarked on a project to assist Schools with existing Libraries which are not being used due to the lack of some resources and particularly trained staff to run the facility.
Fadeela Davids and Christine Fransman did a six day training programme with four schools which were chosen for this pilot project:
1.Factreton Primary School - Kensington
2.Rosewood P.S.- Bonteheuwel
3.Vuyani P.S. - Guguletu
4.Schotcheskloof PS - Cape Town
In addition to two participants from each of the four schools, trainees were included from schools like Easterpeak P.S, Heatherdale PS as well as some new volunteers.
On the last day, they were taken to Edulis, where Theresa De Young gave a presentation about LIASA & SLYSIG. Timothy did a presentation on the services which Edulis offers, and they were all shown around the Library. After this, Rose Damon (Edulis), and Dennis representing the Waterfront Rotary, handed out their Certificates.

Practical at Schotcheskloof

Christine, Rose and Dennis
Fadeela Davids
Fadeela Davids and Christine Fransman did a six day training programme with four schools which were chosen for this pilot project:
1.Factreton Primary School - Kensington
2.Rosewood P.S.- Bonteheuwel
3.Vuyani P.S. - Guguletu
4.Schotcheskloof PS - Cape Town
In addition to two participants from each of the four schools, trainees were included from schools like Easterpeak P.S, Heatherdale PS as well as some new volunteers.
On the last day, they were taken to Edulis, where Theresa De Young gave a presentation about LIASA & SLYSIG. Timothy did a presentation on the services which Edulis offers, and they were all shown around the Library. After this, Rose Damon (Edulis), and Dennis representing the Waterfront Rotary, handed out their Certificates.
Practical at Schotcheskloof
Christine, Rose and Dennis
Fadeela Davids
Thursday, July 15, 2010
PACLIG "Tell Your Story" Winner
The Winning Story!
Congratulations to Lyn Steyn from Fish Hoek Public Library in Cape Town who won the PACLIG “Tell Your Story” competition. If you want to hear the story form the “horse’s mouth”, then do not miss the PACLIG AGM at the LIASA Conference on 29 September 2010. I want to extend a special thank you to all the participants who entered the competition.
Flippie van der Walt
PACLIG National Chair
Congratulations to Lyn Steyn from Fish Hoek Public Library in Cape Town who won the PACLIG “Tell Your Story” competition. If you want to hear the story form the “horse’s mouth”, then do not miss the PACLIG AGM at the LIASA Conference on 29 September 2010. I want to extend a special thank you to all the participants who entered the competition.
Flippie van der Walt
PACLIG National Chair
LiSLIG AGM and call for nominations
The Annual General Meeting of LIASA Special Libraries Interest Group(LiSLIG) Western Cape will be held on Thursday, 12 August 2010 at TSiBA Education (more information to follow shortly).
You are invited to nominate LIASA members to serve on the LiSLIG Western Cape Committee in the following positions:
Deputy Convener
Membership/Newsletter editor
All 2010 paid‑up members may nominate or be nominated.
The term of office is October 2010 to September 2012. The commitment will entail attending 2‑3 committee meetings a year (i.e. approximately 4 hours for the year, after working hours) and 2‑4 events.
The attached nominations forms should be sent to Shireen Davis by email at
shireen@saao.ac.za or fax at 021 447‑3639 by 10 August 2010.
Kind regards,
Shireen Davis
LiSLIG Convenor
You are invited to nominate LIASA members to serve on the LiSLIG Western Cape Committee in the following positions:
Deputy Convener
Membership/Newsletter editor
All 2010 paid‑up members may nominate or be nominated.
The term of office is October 2010 to September 2012. The commitment will entail attending 2‑3 committee meetings a year (i.e. approximately 4 hours for the year, after working hours) and 2‑4 events.
The attached nominations forms should be sent to Shireen Davis by email at
shireen@saao.ac.za or fax at 021 447‑3639 by 10 August 2010.
Kind regards,
Shireen Davis
LiSLIG Convenor
WCHELIG AGM Thursday 29 July 2010 & reminder about call for nominations
The Annual General Meeting of Western Cape Higher Education Libraries' Interest Group will be held on Thursday 29 July 2010 at CPUT (Bellville).
Time: 9.30 am - 11 am
The guest speaker is Dr Reggie Raju (US) who has been conducting a study investigating the LIS profession acquiring statutory status on behalf of LIASA. There are a number of facets to this study which include, amongst others, developing a registry of those that are employed in the sector and the testing of their opinion with regard to the acquisition of statutory status. Dr Raju will update members.
Refreshments will be served at registration (9 am for 9.30 am).
RSVPs to Timothy Kolo tkolo@uwc.ac.za by Wednesday 28th July 2010.
Also, a reminder that you are invited to nominate paid-up 2010 LIASA members to serve on the WCHELIG Committee. The term of office is October 2010 to Sept 2012. Nomination forms can be faxed or emailed to Ingrid Thomson (ingrid.thomson@uct.ac.za) or Fax 021 689 7569. (If you need more information, please contact Ingrid Tel 021 650 3703)
Ingrid Thomson
Time: 9.30 am - 11 am
The guest speaker is Dr Reggie Raju (US) who has been conducting a study investigating the LIS profession acquiring statutory status on behalf of LIASA. There are a number of facets to this study which include, amongst others, developing a registry of those that are employed in the sector and the testing of their opinion with regard to the acquisition of statutory status. Dr Raju will update members.
Refreshments will be served at registration (9 am for 9.30 am).
RSVPs to Timothy Kolo tkolo@uwc.ac.za by Wednesday 28th July 2010.
Also, a reminder that you are invited to nominate paid-up 2010 LIASA members to serve on the WCHELIG Committee. The term of office is October 2010 to Sept 2012. Nomination forms can be faxed or emailed to Ingrid Thomson (ingrid.thomson@uct.ac.za) or Fax 021 689 7569. (If you need more information, please contact Ingrid Tel 021 650 3703)
Ingrid Thomson
You are invited to attend the 2010 Annual General Meeting of the Western Cape Branch of LIASA.
Our guest speaker on the morning will be our 2009 Western Cape Branch Librarian of the Year winner, Nohra Moerat. Nohra was the runner-up in the LIASA Librarian of the Year and as part of her prize she managed to visit the Alexandria Library in Egypt. Nohra will be sharing her experience with us on the morning.
We will also be announcing the 2010 Western Cape Branch Librarian of the Year.
As this is an election year, we will introduce the new Branch Executive after our business meeting concludes.
Please RSVP by Friday, 6 August 2010 to Bronwen Abrahams at bmabraham@pgwc.gov.za or fax 0865272091 or telephone on 021 483 5140
Date: Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Venue: Durbanville Library Hall
Time: 8:30 for 9:00
Bronwen Abrahams
W.C. Library Services
Regional Librarian: Southern Region
Rm: 507
Tel: 021 483 5140
Fax: 0865272091
E-mail: Bmabraham@pgwc.gov.za
Our guest speaker on the morning will be our 2009 Western Cape Branch Librarian of the Year winner, Nohra Moerat. Nohra was the runner-up in the LIASA Librarian of the Year and as part of her prize she managed to visit the Alexandria Library in Egypt. Nohra will be sharing her experience with us on the morning.
We will also be announcing the 2010 Western Cape Branch Librarian of the Year.
As this is an election year, we will introduce the new Branch Executive after our business meeting concludes.
Please RSVP by Friday, 6 August 2010 to Bronwen Abrahams at bmabraham@pgwc.gov.za or fax 0865272091 or telephone on 021 483 5140
Date: Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Venue: Durbanville Library Hall
Time: 8:30 for 9:00
Bronwen Abrahams
W.C. Library Services
Regional Librarian: Southern Region
Rm: 507
Tel: 021 483 5140
Fax: 0865272091
E-mail: Bmabraham@pgwc.gov.za
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
LIASA 12th Annual Conference
Remember the Early Bird Special closes on 31 July 2010 – register now!
LIASA 12th Annual Conference
Theme: Libraries driving access to knowledge
Date: 27 September – 1 October 2010
Venue: St George Hotel, Centurion, Gauteng
Contact: conference2010@liasa.org.za
Registration is now open. Take advantage of the early bird special.
To register for the LIASA 12th Annual Conference click here.
More information is available here.
LIASA 12th Annual Conference
Theme: Libraries driving access to knowledge
Date: 27 September – 1 October 2010
Venue: St George Hotel, Centurion, Gauteng
Contact: conference2010@liasa.org.za
Registration is now open. Take advantage of the early bird special.
To register for the LIASA 12th Annual Conference click here.
More information is available here.
Reminder: Call for nominations and notice of AGM
Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting to be held on 30 September 2010 at the Saint George Hotel and Conference Centre. Nominations are called for the Executive Committee for the period 2010-2012. Nomination forms have to reach the LIASA National Office by 27 July 2010.
Please look out for the following important documents that were posted to you on 15 June 2010: Notice of the LIASA AGM to be held on 30 September 2010, voting proxy form, minutes of the AGM held on 1 October 2009, call for nominations and nomination forms. These documents are also available on the website at http://www.liasa.org.za
All paid up members are entitled to nominate or to be nominated for the following national positions: President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary and PRO. Should you not have received your documents yet please contact the LIASA National office urgently at liasa@liasa.org.za .
Please look out for the following important documents that were posted to you on 15 June 2010: Notice of the LIASA AGM to be held on 30 September 2010, voting proxy form, minutes of the AGM held on 1 October 2009, call for nominations and nomination forms. These documents are also available on the website at http://www.liasa.org.za
All paid up members are entitled to nominate or to be nominated for the following national positions: President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary and PRO. Should you not have received your documents yet please contact the LIASA National office urgently at liasa@liasa.org.za .
LIASA Western Cape Support Staff Interest Group (SSIG) workshop and AGM
LIASA Western Cape Support Staff Interest Group(SSIG)
1.Care of Books – Pieter Coates
. Storage
. Pests control
. Photocoying
. Saving Damaged Books
2.Basic Book Repairs/Hands on – Oswald Cupido
Date : 11 August 2010
Place : Centre for the book 62 Queen Victoria Street Cape Town
Time : 09h00 – 13H00
RSVP.Laddy Mc Kechnie laddy.mckechnie@nlsa.ac.za –
Tel. 021 487 5619
Refreshments will be served
1.Care of Books – Pieter Coates
. Storage
. Pests control
. Photocoying
. Saving Damaged Books
2.Basic Book Repairs/Hands on – Oswald Cupido
Date : 11 August 2010
Place : Centre for the book 62 Queen Victoria Street Cape Town
Time : 09h00 – 13H00
RSVP.Laddy Mc Kechnie laddy.mckechnie@nlsa.ac.za –
Tel. 021 487 5619
Refreshments will be served
Call for nominations for WCHELIG Committee & AGM
You are cordially invited to nominate LIASA members to serve on the Western Cape Higher Education Libraries Interest Group Committee in the following positions:-
Deputy Chair
All 2010 paid-up members may nominate or be nominated.
The term of office is October 2010 to September 2012.
Nominations forms can be faxed or emailed to Ingrid Thomson (ingrid.thomson@uct.ac.za) or Fax 021 6897569
The closing date is 26 July 2010.
Deputy Chair
All 2010 paid-up members may nominate or be nominated.
The term of office is October 2010 to September 2012.
Nominations forms can be faxed or emailed to Ingrid Thomson (ingrid.thomson@uct.ac.za) or Fax 021 6897569
The closing date is 26 July 2010.
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