Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Call for Nominations for the LIASA WC BEC for 2006 - 2008


This year is an election year at national, branch, interest group and
branch interest group level.

To ensure that the branch, which won the first-ever Presidential Award
in 2005, continues to grow from strength to strength, LIASA Western
Cape needs your assistance and input.

This is an opportunity for you to participate in these elections by
either nominating someone to serve on the Branch Executive Committee (BEC) and
then casting your vote at the AGM or by making yourself available to be
nominated to serve on the BEC. One of the factors that will ensure the branch's
continued success is that there is proper leadership succession and continuity.

This notice serves as a call for nominations as well as alerting LIASA
Western Cape members of the current position regarding members of the
BEC and to ensure that there are sufficient nominations for the incoming

Together with the official written AGM notification, you'll be sent
nomination forms and brief descriptions of the portfolios. The
forms will also shortly be available via the branch's web page.
Details of where to send them will also be made available in due course.

The closing date for nominations is Friday 28th July 2006.

However, full job descriptions for each portfolio are available from the current
BEC members.

Important points to note
* Only paid-up members are allowed to nominate or be nominated.
* A nominee has to agree to stand for election and the nomination
has to be supported by at least two other paid-up members.
* The term of office is two consecutive years. One cannot serve
more than four consecutive terms (i.e. 8 years) and portfolio holders
cannot serve more than two consecutive terms (i.e. 4 years) in the same

NB: Before you agree to make yourself available for nomination, please
ensure that you have the necessary support from your institution; you
are able to attend regular BEC meetings; you have access to resources
such as email, internet, fax and telephone; you have some personal time

The BEC Office Bearers, elected by members are:-
* Chair (who then represents the branch on the national Representative
Council of LIASA)
* Vice-Chair
* Secretary
* Treasurer
* Public Relations Officer
* Membership Secretary
* Newsletter Editor
* A minimum of two other members
* Second Branch Representative on the national Representative

The closing date for nominations is FRIDAY 28 July 2006.

The following BEC members were elected in 2004, so they have therefore
completed one term. In terms of the branch Constitution, they may be
re-elected, should they be willing to stand for nomination.

* Lormarcia Zwaan (Treasurer)

* Joanita le Kay (Secretary)

* Rolf Proske (Newsletter Editor)

* Wilhelmina Zaal (Membership Secretary)

* Busisiwe Khangala (Member)

* Laddy McKechnie (Member, also Chair of Support Staff Interest

The following BEC members have served more than one term, but less than
four consecutive terms on the BEC. In terms of the branch Constitution,
they may be re-elected, should they be willing to stand for nomination.

* Nohra Moerat (Vice Chair)

* Alvina Matthee (Second Branch Representative)

* Ingrid Thomson (Public Relations Officer. In terms of the
branch Constitution, she cannot be nominated for this portfolio as she
has served two consecutive terms in this portfolio.)

* Naomi Haasbroek (Chair. In Naomi's term of office as
Deputy-President of LIASA, she served on the BEC ex officio [as described below] -- so
she has *not* yet served four consecutive terms as an elected branch representative)

Other members serving on the BEC are ex officio either as
representatives or convenors of interest groups active in the Western
Cape, or as office bearers or convenors at national level, working in
the Western Cape. They may be available to stand for nomination to the

* Tommy Matthee (President, LIASA. Past Chair of Branch)
* Wynand van der Walt (National Convenor: ICTLIG)
* Caroline Dean (Chair: ICTLIG)
* Fadeelah Davids (Chair: PACLIG)
* Fatima Darries (Chair: WCHELIG & National Secretary: HELIG. Past
Secretary of Branch)
* Cherezaan Basadien (Vice Chair: SSIG)
* Jean Uys (Interim Chair: RETIG)
* Rose Damon (Chair: SLYSIG)
* Amy Bell Mulaudzi (Chair: LiSLIG & National Convenor: LiSLIG)
* Nolubabalo Memani (Representative: LiSLIG)

Branch AGM 2nd August


This serves to notify you that the LIASA Western Cape Branch AnnualGeneral Meeting (AGM) has been scheduled for Wednesday 2nd August 2006.

You will shortly receive correspondence through your mail box about the AGM, but please diarise this date.

Time: 09h00 for 09h30 until 12h00
Venue: Library Auditorium, University of Western Cape

The agenda and programme will be made available in due course.

Elections for the Branch Executive Committee will be held at the AGM.
Please note that only paid-up LIASA members will be able to vote.
Proxy voting is permitted.
Please bring your current membership card.

RSVP to Wilhelmina Zaal at Wilhelmina@tlabs.ac.za or tel 021 8431004, or fax 021 843 3525 by Friday 28th July 2006.

Monday, June 26, 2006

LiSLIG AGM 19 July 2006

The LIASA Special Libraries Interest Group (LiSLIG) invites you to its AGM:

Date: Wednesday, 19 July 2006

Time: 14:00 for 14:30

Venue: South African Astronomical Observatory Auditorium, Observatory

Cost: FREE

RSVP: AlisonGarlick (021) 509-3604 or
email agarlick@oldmutual.com before Monday 10 July 2006

A map to the Observatory is available upon request.

Join us for a speed networking session, refreshments, and our business meeting.

Note that only paid-up members are allowed to vote according to the constitution, so please make sure that your membership fees are paid. You will be able to pay at the event as well.

A new committee will be elected at the AGM, so please volunteer to serve a term on the committee or nominate somebody(make sure the person is willing to stand).

Our committee meetings are held after hours (so they do not impact on your work), once every two months (so they don’t take up excessive amounts of your time) and the workload is shared between committee members. New committee members bring fresh ideas and input, so please consider volunteering to join.

WCHELIG AGM 27 July 2006

Annual General Meeting 2006

Date: Thursday, 27 July 2006
Venue: UWC Auditorium

The AGM of WCHELIG will be held at13:30 for 14:00 at the above venue. Please diarise!

As this is an election year, you are requested to consider nominations for office bearers.

1. Positions that may be nominated for are: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, PRO, Media Editor

2. A member can nominate for more than one committee position but each nomination must be on a separate properly completed form.

3. Each nomination form must bear the signature of the nominee and 1 paid-up member who is eligible to vote and whose signature must also be on the form.

4. Nominations must be received by one of the members of the WCHELIG Committee by 12am Tuesday July 25, 2006. Facsimiles will be accepted (at 021-8645269), but not e-mail.

5. Nominees should provide a short (1/2 page) resume to be used for balloting with the completed nomination form

6. Names of the nominees (with positions nominated for) will be on the blog http://www.wchelig.blogspot.com at 17:00 on Tuesday 25 July 2006.
7. All members are invited to vote by e-mail to DarriesFa@cput.ac.za.

For enquiries, please phone Mike Moll at 021-8645225 or e-mail: mollm@cput.ac.za

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Best Shelver of the Year Award



Is there an ace shelver in your library whose books are in perfect order at all times? Whose shelves are the neatest and straightest in the library and whoknows his/her Dewey?

Then perhaps the shelver in your library should be thewinner of LIASA Western Cape Library Support Staff Interest Group's Best Shelver of the Year Award?

Librarians and Managers of Libraries are encouraged to nominate staff to participate in this competition.

The purpose of this award is to acknowledge non- professionals in LIS especially shelvers and to motivate them to become part of LIASA.

* The first prize: R95 Support Staff Interest Group registration for 2007 plus R100 gift voucher.

* The 2nd runner-up will win R100 gift voucher

* The 3rd runner-up will winn a R75 gift voucher.

The winner will take part in the in the National Shelvers'Competition at the LIASA conference in Pretoria. The winning institution would have to pay for conference registration, transport and accommodation of their staff member.

You may enter up to 3 candidates for your institution, who will have to complete a test.

The winner will be announced at the Library Support Staff Interest Group AGM at the National Library of South Africa on 19th July 2006. All participants would have to be present at the AGM.

The test will take place on 28th June 2006 at the University of the Western Cape Library. All participants will have to be present from 09h00 and will be free to leave once they have completed their test.


Closing date for entries: 26th June 2006.


DATE: .........................

Fax to: (021) 959 2659 or email Attention: Beulah Isaacs
Contact details: tel. No (021) 959 2908 or email beisaacs@uwc.ac.za
Thank you for participating and helping LIASA to give recognition to those workers behind the scenes.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

"What teachers really think about librarians"

LIASA Western Cape Public And Community Libraries Interest Group(PACLIG)
and ELIG(SPA) Extension Library Interest Group


a thought-provoking report back by Genevieve Hart (UWC LIS Department) on a survey done in Mpumalanga

"What do Teachers really think about Librarians"

Date : 22 June 2006Time : 9 .30 - 12 noon
Venue : Pelican Park School / Public Library c/o Pelican Park Primary School

Free to all LIASA members
Potential LIASA members pay R10.00

Please contact Shereen to RSVP. and for directions @ Tel/fax 021 3961213

ICTLIG Western Cape AGM 5 July 2006

The AGM of ICTLIG Western Cape will take place on Wednesday 5 July 2006,from 09:30 to 12:00.

The meeting will be held at EDULIS (15 KruskalAvenue, Bellville).

Our guest speaker will address the topic of how cellphone technology can be used in libraries.

For once you'll be asked to keep your phone *ON* in a meeting, so bring it along.

Also at this meeting, the ICTLIG committee for the next term of office(2006-2008) will be elected.

Please start thinking of who you would liketo see on the committee ... (More to follow soon about nominationprocedures.)

For catering purposes, please let me know by 30 June, if you plan to attend the AGM.
And when you reply, please include your cellphone number.

Thank you,
Caroline Dean
Chair: ICTLIG Western Cape