Monday, September 10, 2007

Articles dealing with "Children's Literature and Reading"

The due date for articles dealing with "Children's Literature and reading" to be published in Mousaion has been extended until 14 September 2007.

Mousaion, a journal on Librarianship and Information Science, will publish a special edition on children's literature and children's reading at the end of 2007.
All scholars, researchers and practitioners working in these multidisciplinary subject fields, e.g. disciplines such as education, sociology, psychology, antrhopology, languages, literature, religion and others are invited to submit articles. Literary scholars are welcome to apply their theories as long as the articles are readable and understandable to persons working in other subject fields as well.

Articles should be between 5 000 and 8 000 words and a structured abstract of 200 words should accompany each article. All articles shall be critically reviewed by at least two referees. The due date for the submission of articles for this proposed edication is 31 August 2007. Mousaion is published by the University of South Africa and accredited with the National Department of Education.

Depending on the success of the planned edition, the Editorial board of Mousaion will consider publishing such a special edition on children's literature and children's reading annually.

Manuscripts and correspondence should be directed to:
The Editor: Mousaion
Prof TB van der Walt
Department of Information Science
University of South Africa
PO Box 392
0003 Unisa
South Africa
Fax: +27 12 4293792

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