Am forwarding the message below for your information and also as a way to advertise the Genealogy presentation to be held at Central Library in Cape Town on Wednesday 10th June. Our presenters are Heather MacAlister of Ancestry 24 and Sandy Shell of the African Studies Library at UCT.
There is still some space at the presentation - just email to RSVP. There is a R20 charge for LIASA members, while non-members pay R50.
The 1st episode of the SA version of "Who do you think you are?" featured Nthati Moshesh. Nthathi happens to be the great, great grand-daughter of King Moshoeshoe, the first king of Basotho, and in this episode, she crosses the border into Lesotho to speak to historians and family members, and travels to understand her ancestry. Will she decide to change her name back to Moshoeshoe or will she remain Moshesh? But why is her surname now different? What happened along the annals of history?
And for those who have access to DSTV, the BBC series is being repeated on BBC Knowledge.
Ingrid Thomson
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