We are so pleased to announce that Theresa Denton has been named LIASA Western
Cape Librarian of the Year for 2012.
Theresa is the Senior Librarian at
Rocklands Library, and she is passionate about libraries and believes that
libraries can become an active role player in changing communities. Theresa
lives out this passion for her community and her library. The sustainable
partnerships that she has established with various organisations within her
community demonstrates this. These organisations range from the Community Care
Organisation; "Hands off our children" NGO; to the Carnation Ward at G F Jooste
Hospital; to the Rocklands Primary "Siyafunda Community Project". There is an
early childhood development forum and she established sustainable literacy and
reading programmes in the library and surrounding schools.
To empower the
women in her community, she started an Adult Matric group, which met regularly
in the library where they were provided with question papers, memos, support and
motivational talks. over the years , more than 20 women, older than 30, have
been helped through their matric - and this included having matric ball to
celebrate the achievement. What is absolutely fantastic is that most of the
matriculants are actively either working in libraries, or establishing school
libraries in the area or studying further for their library degrees! What a
wonderful inspiration!
What makes this even more inspiring, is the road
that Theresa took to get here - having walked a similar walk to these women she
inspired. With finishing her matric at night school, and then completing her
studies at UWC; and then getting offered a junior lectureship, but opting
instead to take up a post as a librarian at Rocklands. Academia's loss is
public libraries' gain!
Under her leadership, Rocklands has scooped four
provincial awards over the last five years from the Western Cape Department of
Cultural Affairs and Sports. These were for "Most Involved Community Library",
"Best Children's Services", "Best Youth Services" and "Best Public Library".
One of her nominees remarked that she hoped that this time, Theresa would win an
award for herself, for inspiring us all. A real role model and example
for us all!
Congratulations Theresa! She now goes forward to represent
the Western Cape at the national leg of the LIASA Librarian of the
Kind regards
Ingrid Thomson
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Election Results for the Western Cape LIASA Branch and Interest Groups
Here are the results of the Elections for the Incoming Branch Executive
Committee as well as for those interest groups:-
Branch Executive Committee
Chair: Ingrid Thomson, UCT Libraries
Chair-Elect: Samantha Bennett, University of Stellenbosch Library
Secretary: Najma Patel, City of Cape Town Libraries
Treasurer: Sue Hardy, City of Cape Town Libraries
PRO: Elmarie Waltman, City of Cape Town Libraries
Additional Member: Mercia Sias, Drakenstein Libraries
Additional Member: Yusuf Ras, University of Stellenbosch Library
Additional Member: Dairmaid Wessels, City of Cape Town Libraries
Additional Member: Laddy McKechnie, National Library of South
Chair: Linda Ntaka
Chair Elect: Samantha Christians
PRO: Christelle Lubbe
Secretary: Jacinta Avontuur
Treasurer: Lormarcia Zwaan
Membership: Pearl Sojola
Additional Member: Rika Odendaal
Additional Member: Mogamat Anwa Adriaanse
Chair: Rene Reagon, University of Stellenbosch Library
Chair Elect: Susanne Noll, UCT Libraries
Treasurer: Lynn Kleinveldt, CPUT
PRO: Busi Khangala, UCT Libraries
Secretary: Alfred Nqotole, UNISA
Additional Member: Siviwe Bangani, CPUT
Two members to be co-opted, one from UWC and one representing the FET
College Sector
Chair: Alison Garlick, Independent
Secretary: Susan Dyamond, US Consulate General
Treasurer: Margie Struthers, Centre for Conflict Resolution
Additional Member: Zuthobeke Mvakade, SA Astronomical Observatory
Additional Member: Shireen Davis-Evans, SA Astronomical Observatory
Chair: Theresa de Young, Western Cape Education Department
Chair Elect: Gillian Kerchhoff, Disa Primary School
Secretary: Marianne Elliott, False Bay College
Secretary: Marianne Elliott, False Bay College
Treasurer: Fatima McCallum, False Bay College
PRO: Fadeela Davids, Independent
Additional Member: Faith Lawrence, Western Cape Education Department
Additional Member: Loyiso Mkula, Samora Machel Primary School
Additional Member: Sandy Zinn, UWC Library School
PRO: Fadeela Davids, Independent
Additional Member: Faith Lawrence, Western Cape Education Department
Additional Member: Loyiso Mkula, Samora Machel Primary School
Additional Member: Sandy Zinn, UWC Library School
Chair: Lizel Johnson, University of Stellenbosch Library
Secretary: VACANT
Treasurer: Andrid Pieters
Additional Member: William Wiese, Drakenstein Library
Additional Member: Anolette Manuel, Drakenstein Library
Additional Member: Laddy McKechnie, National Library of South Africa
Chair: Nikki Crowster, CHEC (until after Conference)
Secretary: VACANT
Treasurer: VACANT
Additional Member: Lynn Johnson, e-tv
Additional Member: Allegra Louw, UCT Libraries
A call for further nominations for various vacant portfolios will be
circulated after the LIASA Conference at the end of September.
Kind regards
Ingrid Thomson
Chair: Western Cape LIASA
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Chair's Report to the AGM 2012
A warm welcome to the branch Annual General Meeting.
Thank you for taking time out this morning to attend the
respective Interest Group AGMs and then staying for the branch AGM. Judging
by the LIASAOnline listserv postings about AGMs elsewhere in the country, quite a number of branches are holding their
AGMs this morning, but also their
interest groups. Western Cape led the
way with this last year! The idea was to enable members to take time
out on one morning, attend their primary interest group business meeting and
then the branch AGM, and take the
opportunity to do some good networking and sharing. The only interest group not able to meet
today is SLYSIG as their membership is mostly teachers - and according to WC Department of Education
regulations, meetings need to happen after hours, so their meeting happened on
This is also an
election year for national, branch and interest groups. A
little later in the proceedings, we will hand over to Nazeem Hardy, who is the
Electoral Officer for the Western Cape to take us through the proceedings and
announce the new incoming BEC as well as the results of the elections for the
interest groups.
The current BEC has continued unchanged since the AGM last
The Western Cape Branch has had an exciting and busy year
thus far, with the branch and the active interest groups offering opportunities
for ongoing professional education and development. We
had some great plans for events, which didn’t happen for a variety of reasons,
but which we hope the new incoming BEC will take up. Nevertheless, there were quite a number of
opportunities which very quickly became oversubscribed . Within hours of an event being posted on the
listserv, we had to put up “Fully
Booked” “Sold out” signs. It
certainly seemed that members had to move quickly to secure spaces to avoid
- Our successful end of the year Recruitment Breakfast which has become a tradition on the Western Cape LIASA calendar. The special guest was author, S E Partridge, prize winning author of youth titles. We probably all went back to our libraries to check that we had the books! I know I did! The venue was Durbanville Hills Winery.
- LIASA, in conjunction with US Embassy American Libraries, offered a range of free workshops on Consumer Health Information, across the country during SA Library Week. Visiting University of Tennessee Preston Medical Library Librarians Cynthia Vaughn and Martha Earl presented workshops at the MRC and at UCT’s Health Science Library.
• SSIG took the Customer Care Workshop to Worcester which was
also “sold out”. A Dewey Decimal Workshop was held a few weeks
ago, and that proved to be very
popular. There were 50+ attendees at a
- E-books was the topic of the two sessions run by LiSLIG this year. Again, both times “Sold Out”. Interestingly, the second workshop was indeed over tea, at a restaurant.
- WCHELIG organised a workshop on “Thinking about Teaching and Learning” which was presented by Prof Jeff Jawitz from the Higher & Adult Education Studies and Development Unit (HAESDU) and Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED) at UCT. The workshop was fully booked within hours of the notification going out to members. This was the second time this workshop had been offered. WCHELIG also organised a colloquium on Information Literacy Practices which was also very well attended.
- PACLIG held a workshop on creating a Reading Programme. Plus held a very exciting competition asking librarians how they see themselves. The winner was announced at their AGM earlier on.
- SLYSIG (School Libraries and Youth Services Interest Group) Western Cape hosted a two-day workshop on School Library Management for teachers and other individuals working in school libraries within the Western Cape. There were over 100 attendees.
As of 16 August 2012, we have 297 signed up members. At last year’s AGM, our paid-up members
stood at 261 members.
LIASA has a couple of membership campaigns on the go which
you would have seen in the LIASA-in-Touch and on both the Western Cape listserv
and LIASAOnline.
Campaign No 1: And
if the branch increases its membership by 25% (based on the 2011 stats), then
the branch gets a reward. The Western Cape 2011 stats was 274. 25% of that is 69 new members. (well 68,5 ….). We are currently at 297 and the target (if we are to get a
reward) is 343. 46
more members. The closing date for
this is 15th September.
Any prize money that
the branch wins (no matter where and for what) is ploughed back into subsidies and
sponsorship for continuing education programmes and workshops - such
as the School Library Management Workshop,
"Librarians as Teachers" Workshop, "E-books Over
Tea" and the "Dewey Decimal
If you as a member, recruit 10 new members, then you stand a
chance of winning some prizes.
Campaign No 2 is the Winter Campaign where, if you recruit 2
new individual members, you’ll get 25%
discount on your membership fees for 2013.
The new recruits must join for this year and again in 2013 for the
discount to be applied.
Campaign No 3 is our own campaign. We know how popular the end of the year
recruitment breakfast is , so we have come up with an offer that the first 10
Western Cape members to recruit 5 new members (or get lapsed members to renew)
for this year - 2012 - get
to go to the breakfast for free, as a thank you. Our
deadline is also 15th September.
The BEC considers that all events held in the Western Cape
are , in fact, recruitment opportunities.
Sue Hardy, our treasurer, will present a financial statement
during her report. The financial
statement has been audited, but Sue will talk to this.
Christelle Lubbe was
named 2nd place runner up in
the national Librarian of the Year competition in 2011. The
prize, generously donated by Ebsco , was R20 000 which she used to become a 2013 Summer
Associate at the Mortensen Center for International Programmes at the
University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.
She will be sharing her experiences with us shortly.
We will also be announcing the Western Cape Branch Librarian
of the Year for 2012 this morning.
Our thanks need to go to our sponsors and supporters, not just
at this event, but all our events over the past year. We acknowledge and thank our institutions
for their support which has ranged from financial sponsorship for events to
providing venues for meetings and training.
One of the strengths of the Western Cape branch is the
number of active interest groups we have -
without them, it would be very difficult for the branch to provide the
range of opportunities to members. We
acknowledge and thank the interest groups and the committee members for their
enthusiasm and commitment to LIASA, and to serving the LIS sector in the
Western Cape.
I would like to say thank you to a fantastic team - “the Win Team” . The spirit of co-operation, camaderie,
friendship and professionalism is alive
and kicking! You are truly
awesome! These are indeed “LIASA members who are Leaders! “
A special mention needs to be made of those BEC members who
are stepping down. Julian Schroeder
who has served on the BEC, first as
treasurer and then as Vice Chair; Lulama
Langeni, PRO and Dr Reggie Raju, the branch’s Second Representative. We would like to thank them for their
services, support, professionalism
- shining examples of LIASA Members who
are Leaders! And just because they no
longer serve on the BEC, they will still
remain active members of the branch and organisation.
We would also like to acknowledge our President, Naomi Haasbroek, whose term of
office comes to an end at Conference. It is going to be strange not to have Naomi
around, serving LIASA in some capacity -
whether in the branch or at national.
LIASA, in my mind, is synomous with Naomi. The two are really intertwined. The incoming President has big shoes to
Naomi - in honour of
LIASA’s 15th birthday, we
would like to hand over this birthday card signed by LIASA members here at the
- Please diarise 28th November 2012 for the End-of-Year Recruitment Breakfast. The venue will be Anura Vineyards. Details will be made available a little closer to the time.
Ingrid Thomson
Chair: 2010 - 2012
Incoming Branch Executive Committee and Interest Groups for 2012 - 2014
Here are the results of the Elections for the Incoming Branch Executive
Committee as well as for those interest groups:-
Branch Executive Committee
Chair: Ingrid Thomson, UCT Libraries
Chair-Elect: Samantha Bennett, University of Stellenbosch Library
Secretary: Najma Patel, City of Cape Town Libraries
Treasurer: Sue Hardy, City of Cape Town Libraries
PRO: Elmarie Waltman, City of Cape Town Libraries
Additional Member: Mercia Sias, Drakenstein Libraries
Additional Member: Yusuf Ras, University of Stellenbosch Library
Additional Member: Dairmaid Wessels, City of Cape Town Libraries
Additional Member: Laddy McKechnie, National Library of South
Chair: Linda Ntaka
Chair Elect: Samantha Christians
PRO: Christelle Lubbe
Secretary: Jacinta Avontuur
Treasurer: Lormarcia Zwaan
Membership: Pearl Sojola
Additional Member: Rika Odendaal
Additional Member: Mogamat Anwa Adriaanse
Chair: Rene Reagon, University of Stellenbosch Library
Chair Elect: Susanne Noll, UCT Libraries
Treasurer: Lynn Kleinveldt, CPUT
PRO: Busi Khangala, UCT Libraries
Secretary: Alfred Nqotole, UNISA
Additional Member: Siviwe Bangani, CPUT
Two members to be co-opted, one from UWC and one representing the FET
College Sector
Chair: Alison Garlick, Independent
Secretary: Susan Dyamond, US Consulate General
Treasurer: Margie Struthers, Centre for Conflict Resolution
Additional Member: Zuthobeke Mvakade, SA Astronomical Observatory
Additional Member: Shireen Davis-Evans, SA Astronomical Observatory
Chair: Theresa de Young, Western Cape Education Department
Chair Elect: Gillian Kerchhoff, Disa Primary School
Secretary: Marianne Elliott, False Bay College
Secretary: Marianne Elliott, False Bay College
Treasurer: Fatima McCallum, False Bay College
PRO: Fadeela Davids, Independent
Additional Member: Faith Lawrence, Western Cape Education Department
Additional Member: Loyiso Mkula, Samora Machel Primary School
Additional Member: Sandy Zinn, UWC Library School
PRO: Fadeela Davids, Independent
Additional Member: Faith Lawrence, Western Cape Education Department
Additional Member: Loyiso Mkula, Samora Machel Primary School
Additional Member: Sandy Zinn, UWC Library School
Chair: Lizel Johnson, University of Stellenbosch Library
Secretary: VACANT
Treasurer: Andrid Pieters
Additional Member: William Wiese, Drakenstein Library
Additional Member: Anolette Manuel, Drakenstein Library
Additional Member: Laddy McKechnie, National Library of South Africa
Chair: Nikki Crowster, CHEC (until after Conference)
Secretary: VACANT
Treasurer: VACANT
Additional Member: Lynn Johnson, e-tv
Additional Member: Allegra Louw, UCT Libraries
A call for further nominations for various vacant portfolios will be
circulated after the LIASA Conference at the end of September.
Theresa Denton - Western Cape Librarian of the Year 2012
Theresa Denton has been named LIASA Western Cape Librarian of the Year for 2012.

To empower the women in her community, she started an Adult
Matric group, which met regularly in the library where they were provided with
question papers, memos, support and motivational talks. Over the years , more than 20 women, older
than 30, have been helped through their matric - and this included having a matric ball to celebrate the
achievement. What is absolutely
fantastic is that most of the matriculants are actively either working in
libraries, or establishing school libraries in the area or studying further for
their library degrees! What a wonderful
When accepting the award at the Branch AGM on Friday 24th
August 2012, Theresa acknowledged the
influence of librarians on her when she was growing up. The light of librarianship has been passed
on to her, and in turn, she is passing this on to others. A true role model!
What makes this story even more inspiring, is the road that
Theresa took to get here - having walked
a similar walk to these women she inspired.
With finishing her matric at night school, and then completing her
studies at UWC; and then getting offered a junior lectureship, but opting instead to take up a post as a
librarian at Rocklands. Academia's loss
is public libraries' gain!
Under her leadership, Rocklands has scooped four provincial
awards over the last five years from the Western Cape Department of Cultural
Affairs and Sports. These were for "Most Involved Community Library",
"Best Children's Services", "Best Youth Services" and
"Best Public Library". One of
her nominees remarked that she hoped that this time, Theresa would win an award
for herself, for inspiring us all.
A real role model and example for us all!
Theresa is a graduate of the Carnegie Library Leadership
Academy as well as the Train the Trainer
Congratulations Theresa!
She now goes forward to represent the Western Cape at the national leg
of the LIASA Librarian of the Year.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
SLYSIG Western Cape AGM Reminder
The School Library and Youth Services Interest Group (SLYSIG) AGM that
will take place on Wednesday 22 August 2012 (14h30 for 15h00) at
Biblionef in Pinelands.
For catering purposes, please R.S.V.P. by Friday 17 August 2012 to
Marianne.elliott@falsebay.org.za if you are planning to attend.
Our guest speaker will be Sandy Zinn (Department of Library &
Information Science UWC) who will speak on her doctoral research
"Converting teachers into agents in information literacy" about
teachers’ roles in teaching information literacy in our schools.
Attached please find the formal invitation with more information as
well as directions to Biblionef.
Theresa de Young
Co-ordinator: School Library Services
will take place on Wednesday 22 August 2012 (14h30 for 15h00) at
Biblionef in Pinelands.
For catering purposes, please R.S.V.P. by Friday 17 August 2012 to
Marianne.elliott@falsebay.org.za if you are planning to attend.
Our guest speaker will be Sandy Zinn (Department of Library &
Information Science UWC) who will speak on her doctoral research
"Converting teachers into agents in information literacy" about
teachers’ roles in teaching information literacy in our schools.
Attached please find the formal invitation with more information as
well as directions to Biblionef.
Directions to Biblionef in the SASNEV building, 4 Central Square,
Pinelands (021) 531-0447
the N1:
Go onto the M5. Take Exit 9A (N2, Airport). Take Exit 10 (Pinelands) into
Forest Drive. Turn left into Forest Place at the foot of the bridge.
Immediately turn right into Central Avenue and drive to the end of the road. Biblionef
is housed in the SASNEV building which is on your left.
the N2 North: Take Exit 10B (Pinelands) into Forest Drive. Turn left into Forest Place
at the foot of the bridge. Immediately turn right into Central Avenue and drive
to the end of the road. Biblionef is housed in the SASNEV building which is on
your left.
Cape Town:
Take the M3 (Muizenberg). Take the Exit Airport/N2. Take Exit 10 (Pinelands)
into Forest Drive. Turn left into Forest Place at the foot of the bridge.
Immediately turn right into Central Avenue and drive to the end of the road. Biblionef
is housed in the SASNEV building which is on your left
N2 South:
Take Exit 10 (Pinelands) into Forest Drive. Turn left into Forest Place at the
foot of the bridge. Immediately turn right into Central Avenue and drive to the
end of the road. Biblionef is housed in the SASNEV building which is on your
Theresa de Young
Co-ordinator: School Library Services
ICTLG Western Cape call for nominations 2012-2014
You are invited to nominate LIASA members to serve on the the Western Cape
ICTLIG (Information and Communications Technology Library Interest Group). The
positions open for elections are Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary, Treasurer and
Additional members. Nomination forms are attached together with a document
describing the roles and responsibilities of the positions.
Kindly ensure that these forms are completed fully. Nomination forms should be faxed to 021 7637117 (clearly addressed to Nikki Crowster) or scanned and e-mailed to nikki@chec.ac.za by 17 August 2012. Elections will be held at the AGM on 22 August 2012.
Thank you and regards
Kindly ensure that these forms are completed fully. Nomination forms should be faxed to 021 7637117 (clearly addressed to Nikki Crowster) or scanned and e-mailed to nikki@chec.ac.za by 17 August 2012. Elections will be held at the AGM on 22 August 2012.
Thank you and regards
Date Extension: Fwd: Could you be the Western Cape Librarian of the Year for 2012?
Dear Western Cape LIASA Members
The closing date for the branch nominations has been extended to
Friday 17th August 2012.
Kind regards
Ingrid Thomson
WCHELIG 2012 call for nominations
You are invited to nominate LIASA members to serve in WCHELIG (Western Cape
Higher Education Libraries Interest Group) Committee for the positions of Chair,
Chair-elect, Treasurer, Secretary and Additional members.
See attached nomination form and description of the roles
responsibilities of these positions.
Nomination forms must please be faxed to 021 9337693 or scanned and
e-mailed to Alvina Matthee on alvinam@sun.ac.za by 20 August 2012.
Note that elections will be held at the AGM on 24 August 2012 to be
held at UWC Library Auditorium at 09.00am.
responsibilities of these positions.
Nomination forms must please be faxed to 021 9337693 or scanned and
e-mailed to Alvina Matthee on alvinam@sun.ac.za by 20 August 2012.
Note that elections will be held at the AGM on 24 August 2012 to be
held at UWC Library Auditorium at 09.00am.
Bulelwa Mandubu
WCHELIG Chairperson
021 9592928 (W)
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