Friday, December 07, 2007

News from LIASA National Office

Renewal Invoices for early bird registration for 2008 are being sent to members electronically, directly from the database which creates a personalized letter and invoice. Since inception some weeks ago we have had tremendous success with the system, with membership being renewed and new members joining at a fast rate and the figures increasing daily.

We wish to thank members who renewed before and since receiving the invoice and trust that all members whose membership is about to expire will use the opportunity to renew before the closing date for early bird registrations, 31 December 2007.

Members who receive this notification but have already submitted their payments to the National Office are requested to please ignore it. Because it is computer generated and the list drawn from the database before your payment has been processed, members who have already paid will still receive the notification.

Your co-operation in making a success of this new system is much appreciated.

Best Regards

Membership Administrator: LIASA

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