Monday, February 25, 2008

WIPO study on copyright exceptions for libraries - survey date extended to 28 February 2008

You are invited to contribute to the WIPO study on copyright exceptions for libraries. In 2006, eIFL libraries took part in the WIPO study on exceptions for blind and visually impaired people.

This study is even more important for us because it is particularly related to libraries.

Professor Kenneth Crews, the author, a well-respected academic in the States, would like to hear your experience working with the copyright law in SA.

1.Does our copyright law allow you to do everything that you need to?
If not, please give some examples.

2.Are there new services that you would like to provide, but can't because of copyright restrictions?

3.Have you experienced problems with our copyright law?

4.Have you worked on any projects that were delayed or stopped because of copyright restrictions?

5.Have you overcome any problems and/or worked together with rights holders to resolve problems?

6.Have any projects been delayed because of copyright, e.g. digitization, institutional repositories, etc.?

7.Have you experienced any technological protection measures embedded in works, e.g. encryption, passwords, etc. on CDs, or other media, which
limit or prevent access?

8.Have you any specific examples where the copyright law has hampered,restricted or prevented you from accessing information or carrying out your duties or offering a service or work?

9.Have you found it difficult to get clearance to reproduce copyright material, e.g. 'orphan works' where rightsowners cannot be traced? If yes, please give some examples.

10.Does our copyright law prevent you from sharing information in
print or digitally?

11.What copyright exceptions do you think are crucial for libraries?

Please let me have your responses/inputs/contributions before Thursday 28 February 2008. To facilitate matters, please enter your responses directly under the relevant questions. Your assistance in this regard will be much appreciated.

Denise Nicholson
SA representative for eIFL

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