The follwoing nominations have been received:
Ms. Joanne Arendse as Membership Secretary
Mr. Reggie Raju as Second Representative to Council
Ms. Susan Hardy as Additional Member
In line with the AGM resolution, we now require LIASA Western Cape
members to affirm or reject these nominations. These can be sent to Nazeem Hardy by Fax: 021 400 4076 or E-mail :
Nazeem Hardy can be reached on telephone number at Tel: 021 400 3933
and to reach Nazeem Hardy by no later than 31 August 2008.
We need acceptance by at least a quorum of the membership, which constitutes 10% of the current paid-up membership, i.e. 24 members.
The following portfolios are however still unfilled:
Public Relations Officer
One additional member
In line with the AGM resolution a second call for nominations is still
open to the LIASA Western Membership for the remaining portfolios.
Please find the 2nd call nomination form on the LIASA Website at
Please send the completed nomination form to Nazeem Hardy Fax: 021 400
4076 or E-mail :
Nazeem Hardy can be reached on telephone number at Tel: 021 400 3933
Completed forms to reach Nazeem Hardy by no later than 31 August 2008.
Below is a description of the remaining portfolios.
The following is a brief description of the duties of the different
portfolios on the Branch Executive Committee (BEC) to aid you in your
* Deputize for Chair when necessary
* Support Chair in all activities
* Assist Chair with strategy and planning for the Branch
* Attend all BEC meetings.
* Member of fundraising committee
* Liaise with sub-branches
* Undertake any other duties specified by the BEC
* Responsible for Constitutional amendments and updates
* Undertake all liaison and public relations work on behalf of the BEC and the Branch
* Submit a report on the liaison and public relations work at the BEC meetings and Annual General Meeting
* Undertake such tasks as may be assigned to him/her by the BEC
* Draw up Public Relations Strategy for the year in conjunction
with the branch business plan including a communication strategy
* Plan, organise and co-ordinate in conjunction with the BEC, Branch functions
* Collect information on the activities in the Western Cape for a
display on National Library Week at the annual conference.
* Submit regular written reports to the Western Cape newsletter
and to LIASA-IN-TOUCH, including photographic records
* Liaise with the local press regarding professional activities
and events within the branch
* Keep minutes of all committee and Annual General Meetings
* Distribute agenda, minutes and reports to BEC prior to
* Make sure all minutes are signed and filed after approval
* Responsible for archiving of all minutes, documentation and
reports of BEC
* To remind BEC of deadlines and to receive all reports from BEC,
and Interest Groups
* Undertake duties/tasks as may be assigned to him/her by the
* Organise AGM and Elections when necessary
Additional members may be elected to the BEC at the AGM. Such members
attend all meetings, are assigned tasks by the Chair and BEC, and assist
portfolio holders where necessary.
National Elected Officials may also serve ex-officio It provides an
opportunity for young professionals and to prepare them to serve on the