Friday, August 29, 2008

LIASA Western Cape Branch Elections - follow up

As you are aware, a decision was made at the recent LIASA:WC AGM to send out a second call for nominations. I am happy to report that we have had nominations for some of these vacant portfolios.

The follwoing nominations have been received:
Ms. Joanne Arendse as Membership Secretary
Mr. Reggie Raju as Second Representative to Council
Ms. Susan Hardy as Additional Member

In line with the AGM resolution, we now require LIASA Western Cape
members to affirm or reject these nominations. These can be sent to Nazeem Hardy by Fax: 021 400 4076 or E-mail :
Nazeem Hardy can be reached on telephone number at Tel: 021 400 3933
and to reach Nazeem Hardy by no later than 31 August 2008.

We need acceptance by at least a quorum of the membership, which constitutes 10% of the current paid-up membership, i.e. 24 members.

The following portfolios are however still unfilled:
Public Relations Officer
One additional member

In line with the AGM resolution a second call for nominations is still
open to the LIASA Western Membership for the remaining portfolios.

Please find the 2nd call nomination form on the LIASA Website at

Please send the completed nomination form to Nazeem Hardy Fax: 021 400
4076 or E-mail :
Nazeem Hardy can be reached on telephone number at Tel: 021 400 3933

Completed forms to reach Nazeem Hardy by no later than 31 August 2008.

Below is a description of the remaining portfolios.


The following is a brief description of the duties of the different
portfolios on the Branch Executive Committee (BEC) to aid you in your

* Deputize for Chair when necessary
* Support Chair in all activities
* Assist Chair with strategy and planning for the Branch
* Attend all BEC meetings.
* Member of fundraising committee
* Liaise with sub-branches
* Undertake any other duties specified by the BEC
* Responsible for Constitutional amendments and updates


* Undertake all liaison and public relations work on behalf of the BEC and the Branch
* Submit a report on the liaison and public relations work at the BEC meetings and Annual General Meeting
* Undertake such tasks as may be assigned to him/her by the BEC
* Draw up Public Relations Strategy for the year in conjunction
with the branch business plan including a communication strategy
* Plan, organise and co-ordinate in conjunction with the BEC, Branch functions
* Collect information on the activities in the Western Cape for a
display on National Library Week at the annual conference.
* Submit regular written reports to the Western Cape newsletter
and to LIASA-IN-TOUCH, including photographic records
* Liaise with the local press regarding professional activities
and events within the branch


* Keep minutes of all committee and Annual General Meetings
* Distribute agenda, minutes and reports to BEC prior to
* Make sure all minutes are signed and filed after approval
* Responsible for archiving of all minutes, documentation and
reports of BEC
* To remind BEC of deadlines and to receive all reports from BEC,
and Interest Groups
* Undertake duties/tasks as may be assigned to him/her by the
* Organise AGM and Elections when necessary

Additional members may be elected to the BEC at the AGM. Such members
attend all meetings, are assigned tasks by the Chair and BEC, and assist
portfolio holders where necessary.
National Elected Officials may also serve ex-officio It provides an
opportunity for young professionals and to prepare them to serve on the

Reminder: Early Bird Registration for LIASA Conference closes Sunday 31/8

A reminder that the Early Bird Registration for the LIASA Conference closes on Sunday 31 August 2008. Normal fees then apply from 1 - 29 September 2008.

The rates are as follows:-
Early bird registration for members : R3 500
Normal registration for members : R4 000

Online registration for the conference and pre- and post-conference workshops is available at ( )

The LIASA main conference programme is available at:

What you can look forward to :-
* National and international speakers on topics such as the Generation Gap, Advocacy, Branding and Marketing of Libraries, Urban Renewal and Libraries, Open Access and other topics related to the Changing Role of Libraries.
* An opportunity to contribute to the Libraries Transformation Charter under the auspices of the National Council for Library and Information Services (NCLIS) and the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC)
* Parallel sessions run by the Interest Groups which would include their business meetings
* A record-number of exhibitions to visit in the exhibition hall and a chance to chill at the LIASA stand
* Networking opportunities
* An opportunity to attend the Welcome Function at the Artscape Theatre
* An opportunity to attend the formal LIASA Gala Dinner where the 2008 LIASA Librarian of the Year will be announced
* An opportunity to attend the LIASA Olympics - an informal social & dance at the CPUT Sports Hall
* Free LIASA Conference jacket comes with each registration
* An opportunity to register separately for a variety of workshops including Fundraising, Customer Advocacy, Literacy and Reading Programmes, FAIFE HIV/AIDS Training Workshop, Wikis amongst others
* An opportunity to take part in the traditional LIASA Fun Walk/Run

Contact Network SA, the Conference Organisers, for information on accommodation and registration at telephone number 021 683 2114, fax number 086 631 7138 or

Ingrid Thomson
National PR

LIASA Western Cape News: August edition

The latest edition of Western Cape News is now available:

Kind Regards,
MariƩ Roux

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

LIASA Conference programme available

The provisional LIASA Conference programme is up on the LIASA page at

Please note that the programme is subject to change and we will post any updates/changes to the listserv.

A reminder that early bird registration is open until 31 August 2008.

Applications for Grants to attend close on 22 August 2008 - so please get those in as soon as possible.

Also the library tours (an option for Monday 6 October) are fully booked!

Kind regards
Ingrid Thomson
National PR

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Extension of dates and conference programme

*On behalf of the National Executive Committee *

We wish to apologise for the delay in getting the Conference programme out timeously.

The Conference Programme Committee has been hard at work at finalising what will be an exciting and interesting programme. We undertake to have the programme available on Monday 18 August on the LIASA website.
A listserv notice will be posted as soon as this is done.

The Early Bird registration date has been extended to 31 August 2008 to enable colleagues to take advantage of the Early Bird rate and who needed the detailed conference programme before being able to register.

In view of this, the closing date for applications for the DAC and SWETS grants have been extended to Friday 22 August 2008.

Issued by:
LIASA National Executive Committee

For Information: Flight Specials in time for Conference

This is for information for those intending to travel to Cape Town for Conference.

Some LIASA members who are SAA's mailing list have received emails announcing what appears to be good discounted fares for travel during September/October, and have asked that this info be passed on to others.

Seats need to be booked between 15 August (today) and 19th August (Tuesday) for travel from 1 September - 31 October. Prices quoted are one way and all inclusive (with terms and conditions etc according to the email). Jhb - Cape Town Economy class is from R624, while Dbn - CT is from R617. Check out

Kind regards
Ingrid Thomson

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

LIASA Conference: SWETS grants for registration fee only

Apply now for grants generously sponsored by SWETS

SWETS will be sponsoring 3 paid-up LIASA members for registration only at the early bird rate.

Criteria: Only one applicant per institution can apply
Should not previously have received a SWETS grant
Have NOT YET paid their registration fees

We thank SWETS for their generous sponsorship.

Application forms will be available on the website or from

Deadline for applications: 15 August 2008

Closing date for DAC grant applications is 18th August

The closing date for DAC grant applications to attend LIASA conference is Monday 18th August, and not the 10th as in the email,

Apologies for any inconvenience
Ingrid Thomson

LIASA Conference Grants available sponsored generously by DAC

Apply now for grants sponsored generously by the Department of Arts and Culture for the 10th LIASA Annual Conference. The closing date for applications is end of business on Monday 10 August 2008.

The grants will cover your registration fee only – you have to find alternative sponsorships for accommodation and travel.

The following criteria will apply:
Only paid up LIASA members will be considered

Applicant must not have registered already

Preference will be given to first time attendees

Public Library staff are encouraged to apply

South African Citizens only

No correspondence will be entered into- only successful candidates will be contacted

You will find the application forms on the website at and you can request the forms from:

GRANTS: LIASA Conference 2008
Network SA professional Conference Organizers
Contact tel: +27 21 683 2114 or

Monday, August 11, 2008

Serving on Committees by Rheina Epstein

Further to the 2nd call for nominations in the Western Cape, Rheina Epstein would like to share the following article, penned in April 2003 for the Cape Librarian with you.

COMMITTEES * a chore, a bore or a learning opportunity?

At the opening of National Library Week in March, Professor Shirley Walters of the University of the Western Cape stressed the importance of life-long learning * learning that continues beyond and outside formal education, under many different circumstances, at different times and in many different ways. A frequently underestimated learning opportunity and a very rewarding one is membership of a professional association and more significantly as a member of the committee or sub-committees of these associations, particularly at a local level.

Many years ago the Chairman of the former Cape Town Film Society said that, although an interest in films was a prerequisite for a member of his committee, what was more important for him was that committee member’s particular skills, whether it be bookkeeping, minute keeping, organisational ability or a flair for publicity. To me this is the essence of a committee - essentially a group of people combining their interest, talents, and skills to either create or maintain a dynamic, viable organisation, enterprise or project. And it is in this combination that a number of skills can be learnt or further developed either by the team as a whole or by individuals in their different portfolios. So what is the knowledge or skills that membership of a committee provides?

The first lesson that anybody learns is to operate as a team through the proper Rules of Procedure and Conduct of meetings. The essence of these rules is to ensure that issues are comprehensively debated, that everybody has an opportunity to be heard and that the decisions that are reached are, at least, consensual if not unanimous and hopefully fair.

Another lesson is exposure not only to different points of view but also to different levels of expertise and experience. This is particularly applicable in a professional committee where position and status figure less than that which the member brings to the table and is willing to share. This interaction cannot be over-estimated as the learning generated is often intangible and only appreciated when it is applied in another place and time.

Each portfolio also offers its own lessons*
Chairing a committee requires its own particular skills of applying procedure, keeping control (yes control, as committees can be sometimes somewhat unruly), delegating tasks to portfolio members and finally chairing plenary meetings of the membership. Not everybody can be a chairperson * often it is an inborn talent or gift requiring an ability to actively listen and to sum up with tact. Exposure to a good chairperson or different styles of chairing is an education in itself.

The secretary has the unenviable honour of being the lynchpin that keeps the committee together through efficient administration including minute keeping, correspondence and organising meetings.

Minute keeping develops the skill of being able to keep up with the discussion as well as ensuring that what is said and, more specifically, decided is accurately noted, with no possibility of misinterpretation. And the art of writing letters is not only universally applicable but also an asset in any professional career.

Organising meetings and functions usually involves a number of people. The experience and skills acquired can apply in any work situation as the basic organisational and logistical needs are often the same * they only differ in the number of people for whom the function or meeting is being organised.

Anybody carrying the liaison or public relations portfolio has the enviable opportunity to develop relationships and create links with the media, to learn how to write effective press releases, and to speak in public.

The ability to perform these committee functions is invaluable in any library, professional or civic context. But besides the skills learnt in committees * the visible outcomes as it were- there are also many intangible benefits such as:

Interacting with different people from different organisations and particularly meeting interesting guest speakers.

Networking opportunities- or more blatantly put- making useful contacts. It is so much easier to telephone or email somebody you know in another organisation for either direct help or referral * on the understanding, of course, that you will reciprocate where and when necessary.

Sharing problems and solutions * very often there are problems common to any library and the solutions may be there for the sharing.

Keeping abreast of new developments not only in other libraries but in the profession as a whole and finally

The thrill and satisfaction of working together with others on a project or task and the good feeling when it comes to its successful fruition - whatever its size or complexity.

Of course, there is a price to be paid * relatively insignificant in my opinion in relation to the benefits * and that is the willingness to devote time and energy to attending meetings and to getting allocated tasks done. Often this has to be done in one’s own time, unless the exigencies of work allow, but whatever the cost, the learning gained is invaluable.

One accepts that not everybody is a committee animal and that some people have a particular aptitude. And it is true that badly run meetings can be time-consuming and often time-wasting. But the point that I am making is that for those who want to broaden their professional horizons and extend their personal development, serving on a committee is one of the more pleasurable ways of so doing. Incidentally it cannot be emphasised enough that a network of organisations and their committees in civil society is an essential element of any democracy involving, as they do, constitutions, candidates, elections, mandated power to take decisions on behalf of their constituents or interest group and, finally, to implement them.

LIASA Western Cape Branch - 2nd call for nominations - 31 August 2008

The message is sent out as per the AGM decision this morning on 6 August 2008.

Call for nominations for the Branch portfoilios was sent on the 13 of May 2008 and several times since then on both the LIASA Western Cape Distribution List and the LIASAOnline. Most recently a , on 21 July 2008, a message was sent to update members of the nominations results and a call for expression of interest.

By AGM decision, the following was confirmed:
Nazeem Hardy as Chair
Julian Shroeder as Treasurer
MariĆØ Roux as Newsletter Editor

The following portfolios are therefore still unfilled:
Public Relations Officer
Membership Secretary
Second Representative to Council
Two additional members

The AGM therefore resolved that a second call for nominations be sent to LIASA Western Membership for the remaining portfolios.

Please find the 2nd call nomination form on the LIASA Website at

Please send the completed nomination form to Nazeem Hardy Fax: 021 400 4076 or E-mail : Nazeem Hardy can be reached on telephone number at Tel: 021 400 3933

Completed forms to reach Nazeem Hardy by no later than 31 August 2008.

Below is a description of the remaining portfolios.


The following is a brief description of the duties of the different portfolios on the Branch Executive Committee (BEC) to aid you in your nominations.

* Deputize for Chair when necessary
* Support Chair in all activities
* Assist Chair with strategy and planning for the Branch
* Attend all BEC meetings.
* Member of fundraising committee
* Liaise with sub-branches
* Undertake any other duties specified by the BEC
* Responsible for Constitutional amendments and updates

* Attend all meetings of the Representative Council of LIASA
* Attend all BEC meetings
* Assist the Chair in reporting to and from the Representative Council m eetings
* Undertake tasks as specified by BEC
* Responsible for fundraising sub committee and acts as Chair of this committee


* Undertake all liaison and public relations work on behalf of the BEC and the Branch
* Submit a report on the liaison and public relations work at the BEC meetings and Annual General Meeting
* Undertake such tasks as may be assigned to him/her by the BEC
* Draw up Public Relations Strategy for the year in conjunction with the branch business plan including a communication strategy
* Plan, organise and co-ordinate in conjunction with the BEC, Branch functions
* Collect information on the activities in the Western Cape for a display on National Library Week at the annual conference.
* Submit regular written reports to the Western Cape newsletter and to LIASA-IN-TOUCH, including photographic records
* Liaise with the local press regarding professional activities and events within the branch


* Keep minutes of all committee and Annual General Meetings
* Distribute agenda, minutes and reports to BEC prior to meetings
* Make sure all minutes are signed and filed after approval
* Responsible for archiving of all minutes, documentation and reports of BEC
* To remind BEC of deadlines and to receive all reports from BEC, and Interest Groups
* Undertake duties/tasks as may be assigned to him/her by the BEC
* Organise AGM and Elections when necessary

Membership secretary

Maintain accurate and up to date membership records of the Branch
Receive and process membership applications and renewals
Deposit membership fees in the national LIASA bank account
Submit a membership report to BEC meetings and the AGM
Undertake such tasks as may be assigned to him/her by the BEC
Update and maintain the Branch Membership database

Additional members may be elected to the BEC at the AGM. Such members attend all meetings,
are assigned tasks by the Chair and BEC, and assist portfolio holders where necessary.
National Elected Officials may also serve ex-officio
It provides an opportunity for young professionals and to prepare them to serve on the BEC

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Monday, August 04, 2008

Final reminder LIASA Western Cape Branch AGM - with directions

Please r.s.v.p. by Monday, 4 August 2008 10:00 AM to Fatima Darries at or fax 021 460 3699.

Date: Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Venue: Goodwood Public Library Hall (Directions below)
Time : 08H 30 for 09H00

You are invited to attend the 2008 Annual General Meeting of the Western Cape Branch of LIASA.

Our speaker is Ms Valdi Van Reenen Le Roux from at the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation.
The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation was launched in May 2000 and is self-consciously located in post-TRC (Truth and Reconciliation Commission) South Africa. The Institute is committed to using the insights generated through its work in South Africa to engage in dialogue with other African countries.
The Institute draws on the insights and research resources of scholars, intellectuals and people of creative perception - while promoting debate and programmes of action in the society as a whole.

Ms Valdi Van Reenen Le Roux is the Programme Manager for Reconstruction and Reconciliation and will be speaking about diversity and belongingness.

Directions to Goodwood Library

Travelling on the N2 from Cape Town or the N2 towards Cape Town, take the N7 (Goodwood) turnoff onto Vanguard Drive. Drive till you reach Voortrekker Rd and turn right. Follow the road until McDonald St. and turn left. The library is on your left.

On the N1 from Paarl or Bellville turn to the left at the N7. Drive till Voortrekker Rd. Turn left from Voortrekker into McDonald St.

On the N1 from Cape Town take the Sable Rd turnoff. Driving past Century City take the Goodwood off ramp and drive till Voortrekker Rd. Turn left and follow the road to McDonald St. Turn left into McDonald.


09:00 Guest speaker: Valdi van Reenen – Le Roux from Institute of Justice and Reconciliation
09:45 Questions and discussion
10:00 Business meeting
 Welcome and apologies
 Minutes of 2007 AGM
 Chair’s report for 2007/2008
 Treasurer’s Report
Questions and discussion

10:45 Tea
11:15 Announcements
11:30 09 Election results
Chair’s acceptance
12:00 Closure

LIASA Western Cape Branch Chair, 2006-2008

LIASA 10th Annual Conference LOC Chair 2008

Friday, August 01, 2008

LIASA Conference update about Accommodation

Please note the updated accommodation rates for the official hotels for
LIASA Conference 2008 which is available at this link
and listed below.

Delegates must make their bookings with the Professional Conference Organisers in order to qualify for these Group Block Booking rates.

Network SA – Professional Conference and Event Organisers
P O Box 605, Constantia, 7848, Cape Town
Fax: 086 631 7138
Phone: +27 21 683 2114
Email: or

The hotels are:-
* Formula 1 Hotel Cape Town (22 rooms) R337.34 per room excluding breakfast

* Southern Sun Stay Easy Century City (100 rooms) R627.36 per room per night incl of Continental Breakfast

* Holiday Inn Express Cape Town City Centre (150 rooms) R757.50 per room per night incl of Breakfast

* City Lodge Waterfront (10 rooms) R936.27 [single] R1198.87 [double estimated rate, rate increase 1 Aug. Room only

* Cape Castle (20 rooms) R989.80 [single] R1464.50 [double] per night
incl Breakfast

Ingrid Thomson
National PRO

LIASA Western Cape - Nominations Librarian of the Year 2008

A last reminder that nominations for the Librarian of the year 2008 has been called for.

The deadline is 01 August 2008 for the Branch level round.

This is an opportunity for you to give recognition to librarians who are impacting positively in the community they serve as librarians.
Please speak to the criteria in the motivation statement.

The recognition of Branch Librarian of the Year is the first part of a process that is completed with the selection of a Librarian of the year
2008. The winner will be announced and awarded this prestigious aknowledgement at the Gala dinner at the 10th Annual Conference at the CTICC in October 2008.

Previous LIASA Western Cape Branch Winners were: Fatima Darries, 2006, and Rose Damon 2007.

More details below.

Please send your nominations to Fatima Darries at or on fax number 021 460 3879.

LIASA Conference Early Bird Registration Extended

The Early Bird Registration has been extended to 15th August 2008.

Please note: to qualify for the Early Bird fee, your payment has to be in our account by the deadline.

The normal registration fee will apply from 16 August to 5 September 2008.

Late registration fee will apply from 6 September - 29 September 2008.

Ingrid Thomson
National Public Relations Officer
Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA