As I am sure you know by now, 2008 is an election year for LIASA.
I would like to encourage LIASA Western Cape members to serve on the executive committee of the Branch.
This is a lengthy e-mail, with the following to note:
Call for Nominations
Nomination form
Description of Branch portfolios
The three documents are also now available at
You are invited to nominate LIASA Branch members to serve on the Western Cape Branch Executive Committee (BEC):
The BEC consists of the following portfolios:
Chair (ex officio on Rep Council) Vice-Chair Public Relations Officer
Treasurer Secretary Membership Secretary
Newsletter Editor Second Representative to Council
Two additional members
Please note:
* All paid-up members may nominate or be nominated
* Only paid-up members for 2008 have the right to vote
* Institutional members have one vote only
* The term of office is August 2008 - August 2010
* A brief CV and election manifesto must accompany each nomination form
* Each nomination form should be signed by two paid-up members as well as by the nominee who thereby accepts the nomination
* You may send in as many nominations as you wish, please duplicate the nomination form for this purpose
* Please send completed and signed nomination forms to: The Secretary, Elections 2008, P O Box 34181, Rhodesgift, 7707 or fax to 021 460 3699 to reach us by 30 June 2008.
I the undersigned, being a paid-up member of LIASA
Hereby nominate ______________________________________________________________
(Full Name and Membership number of candidate)
To serve as__________________________________________________________________ (Portfolio)
Proposed by_________________________________________________________________
(Full Name of Proposer)
Membership number___________________________________________________________
Seconded by_________________________________________________________________
(Full name of Seconder)
Membership number___________________________________________________________
Declaration by nominee:
I, ____________________________________________________________________________(Full name in block letters)
accept nomination for the above position and promise, that, if elected, I am prepared to serve LIASA loyally and commit the time and effort that my duties and responsibilities in this position will demand of me.
The following is a brief description of the duties of the different portfolios on the Branch Executive Committee (BEC) to aid you in your nominations.
* Chair all BEC meetings
* Chair all other meetings of the Branch
* Attend all Representative Council Meetings
* Responsible for strategic planning for Branch
* Responsible for Business plan for Branch
* Overall Responsible for all activities of Branch
* Responsible for Annual Budget of Branch
* Written Reports to Branch AGM and National Office as required
* Liaise with Interest Groups and Sub Branches
* Liaise with local, national and international library associations
* Liaise with local and national government officials
* Make presentations on LIASA to groups and individuals as requested
* To ensure proper fiscal management of the Branch
* Deputize for Chair when necessary
* Support Chair in all activities
* Assist Chair with strategy and planning for the Branch
* Attend all BEC meetings.
* Member of fundraising committee
* Liaise with sub-branches
* Undertake any other duties specified by the BEC
* Responsible for Constitutional amendments and updates
* Attend all meetings of the Representative Council of LIASA
* Attend all BEC meetings
* Assist the Chair in reporting to and from the Representative Council meetings
* Undertake tasks as specified by BEC
* Responsible for fundraising sub committee and acts as Chair of this committee
* Undertake all liaison and public relations work on behalf of the BEC and the Branch
* Submit a report on the liaison and public relations work at the BEC meetings and Annual General Meeting
* Undertake such tasks as may be assigned to him/her by the BEC
* Draw up Public Relations Strategy for the year in conjunction with the branch business plan including a communication strategy
* Plan, organise and co-ordinate in conjunction with the BEC, Branch functions
* Collect information on the activities in the Western Cape for a display on National Library Week at the annual conference.
* Submit regular written reports to the Western Cape newsletter and to LIASA-IN-TOUCH, including photographic records
* Liaise with the local press regarding professional activities and events within the branch
* Keep minutes of all committee and Annual General Meetings
* Distribute agenda, minutes and reports to BEC prior to meetings
* Make sure all minutes are signed and filed after approval
* Responsible for archiving of all minutes, documentation and reports of BEC
* To remind BEC of deadlines and to receive all reports from BEC, and Interest Groups
* Undertake duties/tasks as may be assigned to him/her by the BEC
* Organise AGM and Elections when necessary
* Responsible for all financial matters of the Branch
* Keep proper records of all financial transactions of the Branch
* Submit a treasurer’s report to every BEC meeting
* Responsible for Branch Bank account
* Apply for subsidies from the National Office
* Attend all BEC meetings
* Undertake any tasks assigned by the BEC
Membership secretary
Maintain accurate and up to date membership records of the Branch
Receive and process membership applications and renewals
Deposit membership fees in the national LIASA bank account
Submit a membership report to BEC meetings and the AGM
Undertake such tasks as may be assigned to him/her by the BEC
Update and maintain the Branch Membership database
* Compile, edit and design the quarterly Branch Newsletter)
Attend all BEC Meetings
* Calls for and receive items of interest from membership and the BEC
* Coordinate the submission of such items and set deadlines based on the frequency of newsletter
* Submit final draft to Chair for review
* Liaise with printer regarding printing and distribution of the newsletter
* Assist in any matter as delegated by the BEC
Additional members may be elected to the BEC at the AGM. Such members attend all meetings,
are assigned tasks by the Chair and BEC, and assist portfolio holders where necessary.
National Elected Officials may also serve ex-officio
It provides an opportunity for young professionals and to prepare them to serve on the BEC
Fatima Darries
LIASA Western Cape Branch Chair, 2006-2008
LIASA 10th Annual Conference LOC Chair 2008
Faculty Librarian : Design & Informatics
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
P.O. Box 652
Tel. +27 +21 460 3879
Fax. +27 +21 460 3699
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
PACLIG COMPETITION: Reading Programme for Primary Schools
Design an original and sustainable reading programme for primary school children in the public library Competition
Two delegates’ registration fees will be paid for the 2008 LIASA conference in Cape Town, sponsored by PACLIG
All entries willbe judged according to the following basic principles:
* original – mustbe a new and South African orientated programme;
* creative – mustproject the elements of “reading is fun” through activities;
* sustainable – the programme must be a continuous project that will guide and sustain readers over years; and must be applicable to in a public or community library environment.
Rules: the following rules will structure and guide
the entries and outcome of the competition:
* the judge’s decision is final.
* no PACLIG NEC members can enter the competition.
* the prizes are only valid for the registration fees of the 2008 LIASA conference in Cape Town from 6 to 10 October 2008 – no additional cost such as traveling, accommodation or additional workshops will be covered by the prizes.
* the prize is not transferable for cash or can not be carried forward for any other conference or personal choice whatsoever,
* winners who do not use the prizes for the specified conference will forfeit the prizes.
* the competition is only open to LIASA paid-up members.
* only electronic entries will be accepted.
* Please e-mailyour entry to flippievdw at ;
* entries must not exceed 2A4 pages in Times New Roman font, size 12.
* late entries will not be considered.
* all entries must be new and original designs and PACLICwill not be held responsible for any entered programme that are already in use at present or being presented by a public or community library.
*all entries will be made freely available for communal use as managed by PACLIG structures.
* Winners must attend the pre-conference session on Monday, 6 October 2008, to give a short presentation on their winning programme.
* Closing date 23 June 2008.
* All entries must be accompanied by a completed entry form.
Entry Form
LIASA Membership number:______________________
Contact detail Telephone number:_____________________________ Cell number:__________________________________
Postal Address:_______________________________________________________
Title of programme entered:_____________________________________________
Acknowledgement statement:
I, _________________________ acknowledge the rules of the PACLIG “Design an original and sustainable reading programme for primary school children in the public library competition”, and declare that my entry titled:
_________________________________________________________is my own work.
e-mail your entry to: flippievdw at
Ingrid Thomson
Two delegates’ registration fees will be paid for the 2008 LIASA conference in Cape Town, sponsored by PACLIG
All entries willbe judged according to the following basic principles:
* original – mustbe a new and South African orientated programme;
* creative – mustproject the elements of “reading is fun” through activities;
* sustainable – the programme must be a continuous project that will guide and sustain readers over years; and must be applicable to in a public or community library environment.
Rules: the following rules will structure and guide
the entries and outcome of the competition:
* the judge’s decision is final.
* no PACLIG NEC members can enter the competition.
* the prizes are only valid for the registration fees of the 2008 LIASA conference in Cape Town from 6 to 10 October 2008 – no additional cost such as traveling, accommodation or additional workshops will be covered by the prizes.
* the prize is not transferable for cash or can not be carried forward for any other conference or personal choice whatsoever,
* winners who do not use the prizes for the specified conference will forfeit the prizes.
* the competition is only open to LIASA paid-up members.
* only electronic entries will be accepted.
* Please e-mailyour entry to flippievdw at ;
* entries must not exceed 2A4 pages in Times New Roman font, size 12.
* late entries will not be considered.
* all entries must be new and original designs and PACLICwill not be held responsible for any entered programme that are already in use at present or being presented by a public or community library.
*all entries will be made freely available for communal use as managed by PACLIG structures.
* Winners must attend the pre-conference session on Monday, 6 October 2008, to give a short presentation on their winning programme.
* Closing date 23 June 2008.
* All entries must be accompanied by a completed entry form.
Entry Form
LIASA Membership number:______________________
Contact detail Telephone number:_____________________________ Cell number:__________________________________
Postal Address:_______________________________________________________
Title of programme entered:_____________________________________________
Acknowledgement statement:
I, _________________________ acknowledge the rules of the PACLIG “Design an original and sustainable reading programme for primary school children in the public library competition”, and declare that my entry titled:
_________________________________________________________is my own work.
e-mail your entry to: flippievdw at
Ingrid Thomson
LIASA 10th Annual Conference Registration Form
The registration form for the 10th LIASA Annual Conference is now available on our website at
Online registration will open on 25 June 2008.
Please note that dates have been extended. The Early Bird deadline has been extended to 31 July 2008.
Ingrid Thomson
National PRO
Online registration will open on 25 June 2008.
Please note that dates have been extended. The Early Bird deadline has been extended to 31 July 2008.
Ingrid Thomson
National PRO
LIASA Western Cape Branch Award
The Western Cape Branch of LIASA is calling for nominations for the 2008 Branch Award.
The LIASA Western Cape Branch Award recognizes an individual librarian or library team from any library (public, school, academic or special library) who has demonstrated exceptional creativity and resourcefulness in marketing, promoting and advocating for a single library or libraries in the Western Cape.
This award is aimed at recognizing and honouring the librarians for their creativity in the promotion and marketing of, as well as advocating for their libraries, through innovative and imaginative programmes, projects and events.
What type of programmes or projects would be considered?
We are looking for imaginative and innovative programmes or projects which include the promotion and expansion or outreach of library services to the community where it did not exist before or in response to community needs.
These could include:-
a. support for educational programmes
b. library programmes including promotion of library resources
c. literacy, literature and reading programmes
d. community outreach
e. building or strengthening of local political, fiscal and public
CRITERIA - Please speak to the criteria in you application
All nominations will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1. How innovative and imaginative the marketing was
2. The obstacles and challenges faced
3. The partnerships developed
4. How creatively resources were used
5. The results obtained (outcomes)
6. How the library is using these results
7. Sustainability
Only programmes or projects carried out from January to December 2007
are eligible.
Who may be nominated?
If an individual librarian is nominated, he/she should be a current paid-up (2008) individual LIASA member. In the case of a library team being nominated, at least one member of the library team should be a current paid-up (2008) individual member.
Who may nominate?
Current paid-up (2008) Western Cape individual members may nominate individuals or library teams. Each entry must be accompanied by a written motivation from the nominator.
Judging Panel
The judging panel will comprise the Chair of the Western Cape Branch of LIASA; the Public Relations Officer of the Western Cape Branch of LIASA, or any other member of the Western Cape Branch Executive Committee; the convenor or a representative from each of the active Western Cape interest groups; Rheina Epstein, donor; and an independent marketing specialist.
The decision of the judging panel is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
What do you need to do to enter?
1. You must be a current paid-up (2008) member of LIASA or at least one member of your team needs to a current paid-up member.
2. You or your library team must be nominated by a current paid-up (2008) member of LIASA. Each nomination must be accompanied by a written motivation.
3. Only programmes or projects carried out from January to December 2007 are eligible.
4. Together with the proposer's written motivation, you need to submit a portfolio which includes:-
a. A written description of the programme expanding on the planning and execution, obstacles and challenges faced, the resources used and the results obtained. (Please speak to the criteria)
b. Statistical information about the library, including the community served, circulation figures and staffing must be included as this will be helpful in giving context to the written submission
c. Supporting material such as brochures, testimonials, press clippings, flyers and photographs should be included to substantiate the nomination. (These will not be returned as they will be used in other advocacy or marketing activities by the Branch and relevant interest groups.)
5. The individual or representative of the team that has been nominated should be available to provide further information either through interviews or site visits.
Nomination Forms
Nomination forms for the 2008 LIASA Western Cape Branch Award will soon be available from the branch website at or the branch blog at . You can also request a form any branch or branch interest group committee members.
It is also included at the end of this message.
Closing Date
All nominations and supporting material must be received by 30 September 2008.
Announcement of Winner
Short-listed candidates will be invited to attend the Annual Western Cape Recruitment Breakfast where the winner of the 2008 LIASA Western Cape Branch Award will be announced.
(In the case of a team, a representative will be invited to the function.)
Need more info?
Contact the branch Chair, Fatima Darries at (021) 460 3879 or and branch PRO, Selma Kloppers at (021) 808 4889 or
*Closing Date for Nominations is 30 September 2008 *
Tel no:
Cell no:
LIASA membership no:
Date of joining:
I/We hereby accept the nomination.
Signature(s) of nominee(s):
Name LIASA Membership No
Tel no:
Cell no:
LIASA membership no:
Date of joining:
Signature of proposer:
For office use only
The Western Cape Branch of LIASA is calling for nominations for the 2008 Branch Award.
The LIASA Western Cape Branch Award recognizes an individual librarian or library team from any library (public, school, academic or special library) who has demonstrated exceptional creativity and resourcefulness in marketing, promoting and advocating for a single library or libraries in the Western Cape.
This award is aimed at recognizing and honouring the librarians for their creativity in the promotion and marketing of, as well as advocating for their libraries, through innovative and imaginative programmes, projects and events.
What type of programmes or projects would be considered?
We are looking for imaginative and innovative programmes or projects which include the promotion and expansion or outreach of library services to the community where it did not exist before or in response to community needs.
These could include:-
a. support for educational programmes
b. library programmes including promotion of library resources
c. literacy, literature and reading programmes
d. community outreach
e. building or strengthening of local political, fiscal and public
CRITERIA - Please speak to the criteria in you application
All nominations will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1. How innovative and imaginative the marketing was
2. The obstacles and challenges faced
3. The partnerships developed
4. How creatively resources were used
5. The results obtained (outcomes)
6. How the library is using these results
7. Sustainability
Only programmes or projects carried out from January to December 2007
are eligible.
Who may be nominated?
If an individual librarian is nominated, he/she should be a current paid-up (2008) individual LIASA member. In the case of a library team being nominated, at least one member of the library team should be a current paid-up (2008) individual member.
Who may nominate?
Current paid-up (2008) Western Cape individual members may nominate individuals or library teams. Each entry must be accompanied by a written motivation from the nominator.
Judging Panel
The judging panel will comprise the Chair of the Western Cape Branch of LIASA; the Public Relations Officer of the Western Cape Branch of LIASA, or any other member of the Western Cape Branch Executive Committee; the convenor or a representative from each of the active Western Cape interest groups; Rheina Epstein, donor; and an independent marketing specialist.
The decision of the judging panel is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
What do you need to do to enter?
1. You must be a current paid-up (2008) member of LIASA or at least one member of your team needs to a current paid-up member.
2. You or your library team must be nominated by a current paid-up (2008) member of LIASA. Each nomination must be accompanied by a written motivation.
3. Only programmes or projects carried out from January to December 2007 are eligible.
4. Together with the proposer's written motivation, you need to submit a portfolio which includes:-
a. A written description of the programme expanding on the planning and execution, obstacles and challenges faced, the resources used and the results obtained. (Please speak to the criteria)
b. Statistical information about the library, including the community served, circulation figures and staffing must be included as this will be helpful in giving context to the written submission
c. Supporting material such as brochures, testimonials, press clippings, flyers and photographs should be included to substantiate the nomination. (These will not be returned as they will be used in other advocacy or marketing activities by the Branch and relevant interest groups.)
5. The individual or representative of the team that has been nominated should be available to provide further information either through interviews or site visits.
Nomination Forms
Nomination forms for the 2008 LIASA Western Cape Branch Award will soon be available from the branch website at or the branch blog at . You can also request a form any branch or branch interest group committee members.
It is also included at the end of this message.
Closing Date
All nominations and supporting material must be received by 30 September 2008.
Announcement of Winner
Short-listed candidates will be invited to attend the Annual Western Cape Recruitment Breakfast where the winner of the 2008 LIASA Western Cape Branch Award will be announced.
(In the case of a team, a representative will be invited to the function.)
Need more info?
Contact the branch Chair, Fatima Darries at (021) 460 3879 or and branch PRO, Selma Kloppers at (021) 808 4889 or
*Closing Date for Nominations is 30 September 2008 *
Tel no:
Cell no:
LIASA membership no:
Date of joining:
I/We hereby accept the nomination.
Signature(s) of nominee(s):
Name LIASA Membership No
Tel no:
Cell no:
LIASA membership no:
Date of joining:
Signature of proposer:
For office use only
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Minister Pallo Jordan's Budget Speech
Minister of Arts and Culture Z Pallo Jordan, Budget Vote Speech, Room E249, Parliament, Cape Town
6 June 2008
Madam Speaker, Honourable members, Comrades and friends,
I rise to move the budget for the Department of Arts and Culture at a time of deep humiliation. South Africa and her people have been profoundly shamed before the world and the African continent as a result of the actions of what in reality were a few hundred xenophobic individuals, who are a tiny minority of our population.
There are no excuses and there is no acceptable explanation for these xenophobic attacks that have targeted the humble dwellings, the businesses and the very persons of fellow Africans merely because they were born outside South Africa's borders.
This violence, in words and in deeds, is totally unacceptable and must be unequivocally condemned as barbaric. Even as we bow our heads in condolences for those who have lost their lives we must make a collective vow, Never, never again!
We commend the actions of the thousands of ordinary South Africans who have given assistance to, sheltered and protected the victims of this violence. We compliment our government, at all three tiers, for its efforts to offer shelter, warmth, food and protection for those driven from their homes. The true face of South Africa, the humanity and warmth of our nation was expressed in the actions of thousands including primary and high school pupils who have responded to this crisis with profound generosity.
We congratulate also the law enforcement services of our country for the manner in which they have responded, arresting and charging those responsible for these brutal acts of xenophobia.
Yet, this is not a moment to be despondent. We seize this moment to be introspective; to examine critically what we as a Ministry and as a Department of Arts and Culture have achieved since the last time I stood here; to weigh our shortcomings and our successes. The terrible violence we have witnessed in our country, I think, requires us all to discover what is it that has gone so terribly wrong that South African citizens could be reduced to acting against other human beings with such callous cruelty.
Glaring problems in the arts and culture sector
Virtually the whole arts community was deeply embarrassed by the incident at the Naledi Theatre Awards of this year. The acrimonious exchanges among those working in theatre said a great deal about the deficiencies in a discipline in performing arts that many feel remains un-affected by the tumultuous changes the South African polity has undergone over the last one and half decades.
Though the Department of Arts and Culture actually provided the seed funding to get them off the ground and lent its support to the Naledi Theatre Awards for the years 2005 to 2007, in my continuing dialogue with the organisers I have repeatedly expressed a deep sense of unease. The DAC did not offer the Naledi Theatre Awards any financial support this year.
We have tried to convey the sense of alienation the overwhelming majority of our people feel towards theatre the principals of Naledi. That alienation exploded on the night of the awards and the days that followed. It is regrettable that it required such incidents before theatre operators, owners and repertory companies could take to heart what seemed rather obvious: that theatre in South Africa has no future if the majority of potential theatre audiences find it irrelevant.
It is facile to critique and point fingers at the stakeholders in theatre. The country and, I am certain, the thespians and South African public require solutions. The DAC will be taking the initiative to convene a workshop on theatre in this country by way of contributing to the search for answers to the issues so volubly raised at the Naledi Awards. The experience of the rest of the African continent should also inform such discussions.
This applies equally to the alarming deterioration in the management of the Robben Island Museum. After the Museum received two consecutive negative reports from the Auditor General, the Council has instituted a forensic audit that has uncovered shocking mismanagement. The law will take its course in the instance that any trace of corruption is discovered.
It is important to acknowledge the challenges faced by the Robben Island Museum and the management thereof. It is also quite essential to take cognizance of the role played by the DAC in developing mechanisms to help the institution to deal with these challenges. A 12 months strategy to address the current challenges has been developed, and is being implemented as of June 2008. This strategy will not only stabilise the institution but will also elevate its efficiency and management strategy.
Yet another forensic report on the Performing Arts Centre of the Free State (PACOFS) will very likely lead to prosecutions. I want to commend the council for its timeouts intervention that put an end to the rot. The abuses in Bloemfontein are a warning that our controls are not rigorous enough.
The medieval city of Mapungubwe has also been dragged into controversy by claims and counter-claims, all of which are probably of equal validity. The arguments around it demonstrate a deep misunderstanding of how we should relate to our ancient civilisations. By declaring Mapungubwe first a national heritage site, we affirmed that it belongs to us all, as South Africans. When that site was embraced as a world heritage site, the international community laid equal claim to it as part of the human family's collective heritage. For one or other section of the South African nation to lay exclusive claim to it reduces and diminishes its status, no matter the intentions of the claimants.
Over these last twelve months we succeeded in stabilising the African World Heritage Fund. This South African initiative continues to attract funding support from the international community. The Department of Arts and Culture contributed R5 million for the 2007/2008 financial year and is in the process of transferring another final tranche of R5million for this current financial year.
This follows a decision in 2006 when cabinet approved that South Africa contribute through the departments of Arts and Culture, Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Education in equal shares of R20 million each. Currently the funds for the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) housed at Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) amount to R 34,572,870 ($4,5million) and following the Advocacy meeting in Nigeria, Abuja a further amount of $2million was pledged by Egypt and Nigeria which will then increase the funds to R61,462,880 ($8million). Further, initiatives are being implemented to raise funds. These funds are towards the operationalisation of the fund.
Through United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco), South Africa is playing a significant role in shaping the international cultural landscape. This vindicates our strategy for international relations which seeks to place South Africa among the key players in global cultural affairs. South Africa has honed her skills on the issues of cultural diversity, intangible heritage and indigenous knowledge. In the person of Professor Asmal, we safely piloted the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions through the councils of Unesco, in the teeth of vigorous opposition from the world's only super power. I would once again like to acknowledge Professor Asmal's contribution. South Africa is now a party to the Convention and * in the person of Professor Abdel-Kader Asmal was elected to serve on the Intergovernmental Committee of the Convention for four years.
Our international co-operation has also grown exponentially. Beginning April this year, we have put a number of South African acts on the stages of China. In marking ten years of bilateral relations we have mounted a major cultural expo in China this year, including the performing arts, fashion design, film and crafts.
Together with India, Brazil is an important strategic partner in South African diplomacy. We have strengthened our relations with Brazil and participated in the Art Mundi Craft Exhibition that took place in Sao Paulo during 2007.We hosted the IBSA Summit last September, culminating in a Memorandum of Understanding on Cultural Co-operation among South Africa, India and Brazil. During a visit to India in December 2007 we renewed our Programme of Co-operation which will shortly be signed. To mark the visit, I officially opened a visual arts exhibition, "Scratches on the Face", that was mounted in New Delhi and Mumbai.
South Africa's relations with the rest of the world contribute very directly to the well being of our people. The numerous Africans from beyond our borders who have settled here add to the cultural and ethnic diversity of our country and bring with them important skills, specialised knowledge and technique that are needed for the growth and success of our economy. On closer scrutiny we find that far from competing with South Africans over scarce resources, African immigrants have contributed to South Africa's human resource base and are imparting valuable technical skills to the native population.
It is highly commendable that, in response to the wave of xenophobia violence, our artists have launched the "Not in My Lifetime" campaign castigating xenophobia and racism.
Reading, writing, literature and libraries
My department established and launched the South African Book Development Council two years ago. A culture of reading books is desperately needed in South Africa if our country is to fulfil its potential. More readers would lead directly to the growth of the publishing industry.
We have been able to consolidate industry indicators that are fundamental to the development of the book publishing sector. The net turnover of the book sector in South Africa was estimated at about R5 billion in 2007:
* about R3,2-billion earned through publishing
* R1, 8-billion from book sales.
The second Cape Town International Book Fair, in June 2007, attracted almost 50 000 people from all over the world. We believe that number will increase this year.
Publishing is and will continue to be a profitable business.
Publishing literature in the indigenous languages is self-evidently an area with the greatest growth potential. The reluctance of the mainstream publishing industry to venture into African language publishing has convinced of the need to intervene. I have therefore allocated a substantial budget to the National Library to fund its project to reprint literary classics written in our indigenous languages.
Through advertising on the electronic and print media, the public have been invited to identify and recommend titles they would like to see republished. There is already enthusiastic debate and intellectual discourse about the definition of "a classic".
Books in the indigenous languages will be a critical vehicle for developing and preserving our languages and literature and will enhance social cohesion. As Ngugi Wa Thiongo maintains "language is the vehicle of a people's culture and heritage".
This publishing project will officially be launched when we open the new National Library building in August.
The library sector will, figuratively, have its new home when the new building for the National Library in Pretoria is officially opened. It will provide a state-of-the-art flagship for the library sector. Already, the National Library is making its presence felt through the publication of the first catalogue of works in the nine indigenous languages. A second volume is in the pipeline.
The spacious and well-equipped National Library is a major investment in the nation's future. The expansion of our library services and facilitation of public access to them remain critical elements in making South Africa a successful and well-performing country.
We are increasing the allocation to libraries by R180 million, to R380 million for 2008.
South Africa successfully hosted the World Library and Information Congress in Durban in August 2007. More than 4 000 library and information specialists from across the world attended. Significantly, this was the biggest turn out of African librarians at any such gathering.
2007 year also marked the first year of the three year community library conditional grant of R1 billion.
The Library sector, led by the National Library and the National Council for Library and Information Services (NCLIS), is drafting its Transformation Charter. The National Council for Library and Information Services has ensured that the process is consultative and is as representative as possible. They are expected to complete their work by end of next month, July. Other legislation we are planning includes drafting a South African Community Libraries Bill to set the norms and standards for a transformed community library sector. This bill will be tabled in Parliament in 2009.
Well-equipped libraries that are located within easy reach of the public can play the additional role of being information and cultural centres. During 2007 the National English Literary Museum (NELM) in Grahamstown mounted a successful exhibition celebrating the centenary of the first African language novel published: Thomas Mofolo's "Moeti oa Bochabela", "The Traveller to the East". The event coincided with African Book Week at the biggest cultural festival in the southern hemisphere, the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown.
South Africa's a rich literary heritage earned us the privilege of hosting the coveted Commonwealth Writer's Prize in Franschhoek a few weeks ago. We were chosen from among 53 Commonwealth countries to be the second African country * after Ghana to play host. The Commonwealth's Culture and Diversity Programme encourages understanding and respect among different peoples and cultures. Numerous South African winners, including Nadine Gordimer, JM Coetzee, Zakes Mda, K Sello Duiker, Maxine Case and Shaun Johnson have ensured that we take our rightful place on the world literary stage.
My department has supported the establishment of "Baobab" a new literary journal for South African writing. Our objective is to create a regular publishing platform for emergent South African writers where they can sharpen their skills by vigorous interaction with the peers and seniors. The first issue will include seasoned writers such as Lewis Nkosi, Kole Omotoso, Nontsizi Mgqwetho, alongside the young and vibrant voices of Gabeba Baderoon, Zukiswa Wanner and Palesa Mazamisa.
The younger generation of writers continues to make its imprint on the world stage, with the works of writers like Zakes Mda, Niq Mhlongo and the late K. Sello Duiker being translated into Dutch, German and Spanish.
National Language Service
The work of the National Language Services in the DAC continues to assist the marginalised indigenous languages to come centre stage.
To promote multilingualism the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) is involved in the development of human language technology applications. This will enhance indigenous languages thereby empowering the native speakers.
The development of spellcheckers and machine-aided translation tools will in their turn contribute to consistency and quality of documents rendered in or translated into all official languages.
The development and management of new terminology is also critical for improving scientific and technical communication by developing the vocabulary that will equip these languages to function beyond their traditional domains. The DAC bursary scheme to encourage the academic study of African languages is gathering momentum.
At the end of 2007, 49 post-graduate students had won the scholarship and 30 under-graduate students obtained degrees thanks to this scholarship. As the DAC, we are working hard to facilitate the establishment of a South African Language Practitioners' Council, to regulate the language profession. A professional body will elevate the status of language practitioners in general and ensure that an acceptable standard of service is provided by interpreters and translators.
Amendments to the National Archives Act and to the Heraldry Act are also being prepared.
Heritage and museums
When I assumed office as Minister in 2004, the budget of the DAC was very badly tilted in favour of the Heritage Sector that used more than sixty per cent of the budget. Over the past four years we have managed to reduce this by twenty percent, so that only forty two percent of our budget now goes towards heritage. It still looks high, but considering that these funds go towards the maintenance of bricks and mortar structures, this is inevitable.
We established an African chapter of the Memory of the World when South Africa hosted a successful conference of that organisation during 2007. An invaluable South African archival collection, the Rivonia Trial Collection, is to be included in the Memory of the World Register. A suitable ceremony, marking the 35th anniversary of that trial and the registration, will be held this year.
The Timbuktu Manuscripts Project, one of the first Nepad Programmes of Cultural cooperation, is scheduled to be completed this year. We hope that President Mbeki will be able to hand over the new library and archives building in Timbuktu to the people of Mali in November this year. We also look forward to the exhibition of Timbuktu manuscripts, which will tour the major centres in South Africa from this month, June.
"The Meanings of Timbuktu", a collection of scholarly writings arising from an academic conference we hosted two years ago, is already on the shelves. As I noted the night we launched this book, its contents will compel us to revise our understanding of the history of this continent.
While we have done well, the major challenge in our own archives is the lack of specialised staff. We have undertaken a major survey to determine training needs for the sector. We have observed that the records management responsibilities of the National Archives have been particularly hard hit by staff shortages.
The department has also presented:
* The 2003 Unesco Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage
* The 2001 Unesco Convention on Underwater Cultural Heritage
to parliament and cabinet for ratification. We await the necessary parliament process to complete ratification.
It is estimated that there are over 2500 shipwrecks, some dating as far back as the thirteenth century, in the seas along our coast. It is speculated that they came mainly from European states like the Netherlands, Spain, England and Portugal. But recent research suggests some might be Asian. It is our obligation, as global citizens, to preserve this heritage for future generations.
Our co-operation agreements with a number of countries have given us access to important skills such as museology and curating. Bilateral co-operation between South Africa and the United Kingdom has allowed South Africans to be trained within the Curatorial Training Programme.
Twenty (20) curators have been trained at different museums in the United Kingdom (UK) since 2006.
Ten (10) more curators will be placed for the final curatorship training taking place in 2008/09.
Also, the Third Bilateral Symposium/Workshop between South Africa and Germany took place in March 2008. The events took place in Durban, Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town. India and Germany have joined the list of countries that are sharing important skills with us in the field of arts and culture thanks to such cooperation agreements.
But South Africa's Heritage Landscape still remains badly skewed and unrepresentative. The successful commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the SS Mendi, the 40th anniversary of the death of Chief Albert Luthuli, and the 30th anniversary of the murder to Steve Biko once again highlighted that reality.
A key recommendation of the policy review we undertook in 2006 is the development of a national museum policy that will, amongst other things, provide criteria for grading, systematic and adequate funding of museums, as well as setting norms and standards. Such a policy will also pronounce on other important aspects of museums such as research, the contribution they make to local economic development, and effective outreach to attract new and more representative clientele.
It gives me pleasure to announce that national public hearings on the standardisation of geographical names were launched in Cape Town on 30 May 2008. This was an historic and momentous occasion. An event that is unprecedented in the history of this country. These hearings will help to facilitate a national dialogue on matters of the standardisation of geographical place names. The nationwide public hearings are also one of various attempts to provide a platform for proper and effective consultation and communication.
Investing in culture
The single most important unit in the department is its Investing in Culture Programme. This is our poverty eradication programme aimed at creating employment. Through it we hope to integrate crafters into the "first economy" by making them agents of change, economic transformation and the creation of opportunity. This flagship programme provides people with skills and has turned many into self-determining entrepreneurs who are now self-employed.
Three of the projects supported by this programme have won much-coveted prizes in the "Sowetan Old Mutual Community Builder of the Year Award".
Since 2005 the programme has spent over R200-million to empower people to take charge of their own lives. It supports 394 projects, especially in the rural areas and has created 7 374 jobs: 45 % are for women; 39% for youth and four percent for the disabled.
The programme invested 40% of its funds in nodal municipalities in support of Integrated Sustainable Rural Development (ISRDP) and Urban Renewal programmes (URP) since 2005.
Twenty percent (20%) of the projects the programme supports have grown into small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs).
This has made it possible for the department to participate in the Jobs for Growth Task Team that will establish the Mzantsi Stores amongst other major initiatives later this year as a means of breaking into high value markets.
These Mzantsi Stores will also create myriad opportunities especially since our country is hosting the 2010 Soccer World Cup. South African crafters have less than 737 days to produce world class goods, in great numbers, that can be souvenirs for the influx of tourists and football lovers who will arrive on our shores.
The Investing in Culture Programme will receive R100,06 million this year.
Music and dance
The Department funds a number of musical ensembles directly and indirectly, through the National Arts Council. We funded the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra to attend the Berlin Orchestral Conference in April and South Africa was invited to participate in the India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) Cultural Festival held in Brazil in October 2007 where we were represented by the Phambili Marimba Cultural Group. In both instances our musicians acted as highly effective cultural ambassadors. The South African Musical Education Training programme and the Music is a Great Investment (MIAGI) Youth Orchestra will also be funded this year.
Moshito, the music business conferencing and exhibition we have supported for the last five years, has grown by leaps and bounds. In addition to providing a platform where government, the music industry and artists can interact and conduct a continuing dialogue, Moshito has helped open South Africa up to the rest of the world.
The launch of Association of Independent Record Companies of South Africa (AIRCO) will definitely chart a new paradigm for the recording industry and give artists easier access. I want to reiterate my call to both the established as well as the new independent record companies to explore in earnest the use of modern information and communications technology to reach the world audience. Many small companies in the United States of America (USA) and Brazil have done this to great effect. It is probably the fastest route to an international audience that is extremely cost effective into the bargain.
The small, independent music producers will struggle to reach global markets if they aster unwilling to explore this route. The DAC strengthened AIRCO by supporting it to attend Midem (World Music Market) to join discussion on global music industry development and other trends with their counterparts from United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Canada, Japan, the European Union, New Zealand, Brazil.
There can be no doubt that South African music has earned a strong position in the world market. The Soweto Gospel Choir won a Grammy for the second consecutive year, Fikile Mvinjelwa, an outstanding baritone from Cape Town, will be performing the lead in Rigoletto at the New York Metropolitan Opera. We congratulate them and the many other artists who have raised our flag and inspired pride among all of us.
After the successful establishment of the Cape Town Jazz Orchestra, we are investigating the establishment of yet another such ensemble in Johannesburg.
I have also used the Minister's discretionary fund to actively promote excellence in music. Two extremely successful concerts, "Sistas Healing Our Souls", featuring South Africa divas from the fifties, the sixties and the present, were staged here in Cape Town. We are also attempting a revival of the once popular genre of Mbaqanga, through the Cups Nkanuka Big Band which has performed to packed audiences in the townships and at Artscape.
We are committed to addressing the needs of young people, particularly young people who do not have ready access to economic opportunities. Towards this end we began the process of creating Youth Bands and can report that in this financial year we have amassed enough instruments to support the inception of bands in two provinces. These Youth Bands, will also serve as incubators for future musicians, will in time, be established in all provinces. South African Field Brass Bands are participating in festivals in Norway this year. We have also been very busy with plans to participate at the Expo Zaragoza 2008 Project in Spain. The Department will be responsible for the cultural programme content. This is an Inter-Department initiative, led by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, whose high point will be South African Youth Day, 16 June.
We are working towards the development of a theatre and dance strategy for the development and sustainability of the sector. The project will culminate in the establishment of the National Committee to work hand in hand with Government on sustaining the sector. In the past year we undertook and concluded research on these sectors. This will be followed by theatre izimbizos in all the nine provinces. The purposes of these izimbizos will be to bring together the sector and gather information in preparation for a national conference where the theatre and dance sectors can nominate the National Theatre and Dance Working Committees.
While South Africans dance, we still do not have a national dance company. South African theatre has wowed the world, but we have no national theatre company.
In order to promote dance in our country and to give a higher profile to Dance, the theme for this year's Heritage Month is Dance. To lend weight to this commitment, DAC will be making a grant to "Dance for All", the development project started by Phillip Boyd and the late prima ballerina, Phyllis Spira. South Africa will be represented by The Eastern Cape Ensemble at an international dance festival in Byelorussia later this year.
The importance of these cultural exchanges is that it is a form of people-to-people diplomacy in which our creative artists communicate about us and our country to the rest of the world. The long term relationships that can thus be created involve not merely the arts communities of the respective countries, but through a deeper appreciation of each others cultures, rebound to the benefit of both societies.
South Africa's encounter with China has seen visiting Chinese troupes and exhibitions come to South Africa almost annually. A visit by the Dutch Minister for European Affairs and International Cultural Cooperation, Frans Timmermans in February, coincided with the opening of the Marlene Dumas exhibition at the Standard Bank Gallery and the National Gallery here in Cape Town.
Marlene Dumas is a South African born artist who is now based in Holland and is the highest-earning living female artist. One of her works sold for R25, 6 million in 2005.
Officials of the Department and the South African Heritage Agency are working towards an international seminar on the Dutch language, at home and abroad, with their counterparts at the Dutch Embassy. The outcomes of that conference I hope will at long last put to rest the ridiculous claims about this governments antipathy towards Afrikaans.
Die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en *monument is tans besig met 'n navorsingsprojek wat fokus op die insameling van die kulturele erfenis van die Kamiesbergstreek. Die doel van die navorsing is om die gemeenskap bewus te maak van hul ryk kulturele erfenis; om gesprekvoering rondom kulturele- en erfenisvraagstukke aan te moedig; om 'n bewustheid van kulturele erfenis te bevorder en sodoende 'n bydrae te lewer tot die bewaring en uitbouing van die verskeie variante van Afrikaans (in hierdie geval Namakwa-Afrikaans). Daar word verder gepoog om die bevindings te dokumenteer sodat dit vir toekomstige navorsing toeganklik kan wees.
Visual arts, film and video
South Africa continues to participate in the Cannes Film Festival as well as others that have helped to catapult our film industry into the world cinema fraternity. The department is assisting the Federation of Pan-African Film Producers (FEPACI) while it is headquartered in South Africa, following the pan-African Film Summit that we hosted in 2006. This body provides a 'creative home' for filmmakers from the African continent and can serve as a marketing platform for African films on the continent.
South Africa has now risen from being a filmmaking destination to a film-producing country. However, the economics of film distribution and exhibition still gravely impair the capacity of our industry to produce high-earning blockbusters. The National Film and Video Foundation have been promising for some time now to devise the strategy to break out of these constraints.
We shall be embarking on an audit of the Visual Arts sector to identify areas for skills training, development, job creation and policy development. The Visual Century Project, conceived by the South African-born CEO of the National Arts Gallery in Oslo, Norway, is undertaking exhaustive research on the visual arts in South Africa over the last century. The project will involve exhibitions at all our major galleries, publications and documentary films. This exciting project could possibly result in a re-visioning of the history of South African visual arts.
Women artists will be our special focus during August, Women's month. A special award for outstanding Women visual artists will be inaugurated and there will be a special exhibition of their work at the Museum Africa.
There are a number of people who deserve special mention during this budget debate. I want to single out Ms Nicola Danby, who worked as CEO of Business Arts South Africa (BASA) and built it into an extremely effective funding body, and Mrs Mary Slack, another who was integrally involved with BASA since its inception. Both are retiring from BASA and on behalf of a grateful nation, I want to say thank you to both of them. Mr Phakamani Buthelezi, the CEO of SAHRA, under whose leadership the Heritage Rights Agency and the DAC have developed a very close working relationship. Ms Elitha van der Sandt, the CEO of the South African Book Development Council.
My thanks go too to Ms Ntombazana Botha, the Deputy Minister, on whom I lean when the going get rough. Mr Temba Wakashe, the new Director-General of Arts and Culture, who is proving worth his weight in gold, and the entire staff of the DAC working under his guidance. The personnel on the Ministerial Office, who have to bare the brunt of my changing moods, but whose good humour means that we can get things done.
I owe profound thanks also to Professor Keorapetse Kgositsile, my advisor, for whom I can blame every error I make.
Lastly, we salute the many, far too many, South African artists and performers who left us during the course of this past year. May their perseverance, their commitment and their talent continue to inspire us as we strive for a better South Africa in a better world.
Thank you.
Issued by: Department of Arts and Culture
6 June 2008
6 June 2008
Madam Speaker, Honourable members, Comrades and friends,
I rise to move the budget for the Department of Arts and Culture at a time of deep humiliation. South Africa and her people have been profoundly shamed before the world and the African continent as a result of the actions of what in reality were a few hundred xenophobic individuals, who are a tiny minority of our population.
There are no excuses and there is no acceptable explanation for these xenophobic attacks that have targeted the humble dwellings, the businesses and the very persons of fellow Africans merely because they were born outside South Africa's borders.
This violence, in words and in deeds, is totally unacceptable and must be unequivocally condemned as barbaric. Even as we bow our heads in condolences for those who have lost their lives we must make a collective vow, Never, never again!
We commend the actions of the thousands of ordinary South Africans who have given assistance to, sheltered and protected the victims of this violence. We compliment our government, at all three tiers, for its efforts to offer shelter, warmth, food and protection for those driven from their homes. The true face of South Africa, the humanity and warmth of our nation was expressed in the actions of thousands including primary and high school pupils who have responded to this crisis with profound generosity.
We congratulate also the law enforcement services of our country for the manner in which they have responded, arresting and charging those responsible for these brutal acts of xenophobia.
Yet, this is not a moment to be despondent. We seize this moment to be introspective; to examine critically what we as a Ministry and as a Department of Arts and Culture have achieved since the last time I stood here; to weigh our shortcomings and our successes. The terrible violence we have witnessed in our country, I think, requires us all to discover what is it that has gone so terribly wrong that South African citizens could be reduced to acting against other human beings with such callous cruelty.
Glaring problems in the arts and culture sector
Virtually the whole arts community was deeply embarrassed by the incident at the Naledi Theatre Awards of this year. The acrimonious exchanges among those working in theatre said a great deal about the deficiencies in a discipline in performing arts that many feel remains un-affected by the tumultuous changes the South African polity has undergone over the last one and half decades.
Though the Department of Arts and Culture actually provided the seed funding to get them off the ground and lent its support to the Naledi Theatre Awards for the years 2005 to 2007, in my continuing dialogue with the organisers I have repeatedly expressed a deep sense of unease. The DAC did not offer the Naledi Theatre Awards any financial support this year.
We have tried to convey the sense of alienation the overwhelming majority of our people feel towards theatre the principals of Naledi. That alienation exploded on the night of the awards and the days that followed. It is regrettable that it required such incidents before theatre operators, owners and repertory companies could take to heart what seemed rather obvious: that theatre in South Africa has no future if the majority of potential theatre audiences find it irrelevant.
It is facile to critique and point fingers at the stakeholders in theatre. The country and, I am certain, the thespians and South African public require solutions. The DAC will be taking the initiative to convene a workshop on theatre in this country by way of contributing to the search for answers to the issues so volubly raised at the Naledi Awards. The experience of the rest of the African continent should also inform such discussions.
This applies equally to the alarming deterioration in the management of the Robben Island Museum. After the Museum received two consecutive negative reports from the Auditor General, the Council has instituted a forensic audit that has uncovered shocking mismanagement. The law will take its course in the instance that any trace of corruption is discovered.
It is important to acknowledge the challenges faced by the Robben Island Museum and the management thereof. It is also quite essential to take cognizance of the role played by the DAC in developing mechanisms to help the institution to deal with these challenges. A 12 months strategy to address the current challenges has been developed, and is being implemented as of June 2008. This strategy will not only stabilise the institution but will also elevate its efficiency and management strategy.
Yet another forensic report on the Performing Arts Centre of the Free State (PACOFS) will very likely lead to prosecutions. I want to commend the council for its timeouts intervention that put an end to the rot. The abuses in Bloemfontein are a warning that our controls are not rigorous enough.
The medieval city of Mapungubwe has also been dragged into controversy by claims and counter-claims, all of which are probably of equal validity. The arguments around it demonstrate a deep misunderstanding of how we should relate to our ancient civilisations. By declaring Mapungubwe first a national heritage site, we affirmed that it belongs to us all, as South Africans. When that site was embraced as a world heritage site, the international community laid equal claim to it as part of the human family's collective heritage. For one or other section of the South African nation to lay exclusive claim to it reduces and diminishes its status, no matter the intentions of the claimants.
Over these last twelve months we succeeded in stabilising the African World Heritage Fund. This South African initiative continues to attract funding support from the international community. The Department of Arts and Culture contributed R5 million for the 2007/2008 financial year and is in the process of transferring another final tranche of R5million for this current financial year.
This follows a decision in 2006 when cabinet approved that South Africa contribute through the departments of Arts and Culture, Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Education in equal shares of R20 million each. Currently the funds for the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) housed at Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) amount to R 34,572,870 ($4,5million) and following the Advocacy meeting in Nigeria, Abuja a further amount of $2million was pledged by Egypt and Nigeria which will then increase the funds to R61,462,880 ($8million). Further, initiatives are being implemented to raise funds. These funds are towards the operationalisation of the fund.
Through United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco), South Africa is playing a significant role in shaping the international cultural landscape. This vindicates our strategy for international relations which seeks to place South Africa among the key players in global cultural affairs. South Africa has honed her skills on the issues of cultural diversity, intangible heritage and indigenous knowledge. In the person of Professor Asmal, we safely piloted the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions through the councils of Unesco, in the teeth of vigorous opposition from the world's only super power. I would once again like to acknowledge Professor Asmal's contribution. South Africa is now a party to the Convention and * in the person of Professor Abdel-Kader Asmal was elected to serve on the Intergovernmental Committee of the Convention for four years.
Our international co-operation has also grown exponentially. Beginning April this year, we have put a number of South African acts on the stages of China. In marking ten years of bilateral relations we have mounted a major cultural expo in China this year, including the performing arts, fashion design, film and crafts.
Together with India, Brazil is an important strategic partner in South African diplomacy. We have strengthened our relations with Brazil and participated in the Art Mundi Craft Exhibition that took place in Sao Paulo during 2007.We hosted the IBSA Summit last September, culminating in a Memorandum of Understanding on Cultural Co-operation among South Africa, India and Brazil. During a visit to India in December 2007 we renewed our Programme of Co-operation which will shortly be signed. To mark the visit, I officially opened a visual arts exhibition, "Scratches on the Face", that was mounted in New Delhi and Mumbai.
South Africa's relations with the rest of the world contribute very directly to the well being of our people. The numerous Africans from beyond our borders who have settled here add to the cultural and ethnic diversity of our country and bring with them important skills, specialised knowledge and technique that are needed for the growth and success of our economy. On closer scrutiny we find that far from competing with South Africans over scarce resources, African immigrants have contributed to South Africa's human resource base and are imparting valuable technical skills to the native population.
It is highly commendable that, in response to the wave of xenophobia violence, our artists have launched the "Not in My Lifetime" campaign castigating xenophobia and racism.
Reading, writing, literature and libraries
My department established and launched the South African Book Development Council two years ago. A culture of reading books is desperately needed in South Africa if our country is to fulfil its potential. More readers would lead directly to the growth of the publishing industry.
We have been able to consolidate industry indicators that are fundamental to the development of the book publishing sector. The net turnover of the book sector in South Africa was estimated at about R5 billion in 2007:
* about R3,2-billion earned through publishing
* R1, 8-billion from book sales.
The second Cape Town International Book Fair, in June 2007, attracted almost 50 000 people from all over the world. We believe that number will increase this year.
Publishing is and will continue to be a profitable business.
Publishing literature in the indigenous languages is self-evidently an area with the greatest growth potential. The reluctance of the mainstream publishing industry to venture into African language publishing has convinced of the need to intervene. I have therefore allocated a substantial budget to the National Library to fund its project to reprint literary classics written in our indigenous languages.
Through advertising on the electronic and print media, the public have been invited to identify and recommend titles they would like to see republished. There is already enthusiastic debate and intellectual discourse about the definition of "a classic".
Books in the indigenous languages will be a critical vehicle for developing and preserving our languages and literature and will enhance social cohesion. As Ngugi Wa Thiongo maintains "language is the vehicle of a people's culture and heritage".
This publishing project will officially be launched when we open the new National Library building in August.
The library sector will, figuratively, have its new home when the new building for the National Library in Pretoria is officially opened. It will provide a state-of-the-art flagship for the library sector. Already, the National Library is making its presence felt through the publication of the first catalogue of works in the nine indigenous languages. A second volume is in the pipeline.
The spacious and well-equipped National Library is a major investment in the nation's future. The expansion of our library services and facilitation of public access to them remain critical elements in making South Africa a successful and well-performing country.
We are increasing the allocation to libraries by R180 million, to R380 million for 2008.
South Africa successfully hosted the World Library and Information Congress in Durban in August 2007. More than 4 000 library and information specialists from across the world attended. Significantly, this was the biggest turn out of African librarians at any such gathering.
2007 year also marked the first year of the three year community library conditional grant of R1 billion.
The Library sector, led by the National Library and the National Council for Library and Information Services (NCLIS), is drafting its Transformation Charter. The National Council for Library and Information Services has ensured that the process is consultative and is as representative as possible. They are expected to complete their work by end of next month, July. Other legislation we are planning includes drafting a South African Community Libraries Bill to set the norms and standards for a transformed community library sector. This bill will be tabled in Parliament in 2009.
Well-equipped libraries that are located within easy reach of the public can play the additional role of being information and cultural centres. During 2007 the National English Literary Museum (NELM) in Grahamstown mounted a successful exhibition celebrating the centenary of the first African language novel published: Thomas Mofolo's "Moeti oa Bochabela", "The Traveller to the East". The event coincided with African Book Week at the biggest cultural festival in the southern hemisphere, the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown.
South Africa's a rich literary heritage earned us the privilege of hosting the coveted Commonwealth Writer's Prize in Franschhoek a few weeks ago. We were chosen from among 53 Commonwealth countries to be the second African country * after Ghana to play host. The Commonwealth's Culture and Diversity Programme encourages understanding and respect among different peoples and cultures. Numerous South African winners, including Nadine Gordimer, JM Coetzee, Zakes Mda, K Sello Duiker, Maxine Case and Shaun Johnson have ensured that we take our rightful place on the world literary stage.
My department has supported the establishment of "Baobab" a new literary journal for South African writing. Our objective is to create a regular publishing platform for emergent South African writers where they can sharpen their skills by vigorous interaction with the peers and seniors. The first issue will include seasoned writers such as Lewis Nkosi, Kole Omotoso, Nontsizi Mgqwetho, alongside the young and vibrant voices of Gabeba Baderoon, Zukiswa Wanner and Palesa Mazamisa.
The younger generation of writers continues to make its imprint on the world stage, with the works of writers like Zakes Mda, Niq Mhlongo and the late K. Sello Duiker being translated into Dutch, German and Spanish.
National Language Service
The work of the National Language Services in the DAC continues to assist the marginalised indigenous languages to come centre stage.
To promote multilingualism the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) is involved in the development of human language technology applications. This will enhance indigenous languages thereby empowering the native speakers.
The development of spellcheckers and machine-aided translation tools will in their turn contribute to consistency and quality of documents rendered in or translated into all official languages.
The development and management of new terminology is also critical for improving scientific and technical communication by developing the vocabulary that will equip these languages to function beyond their traditional domains. The DAC bursary scheme to encourage the academic study of African languages is gathering momentum.
At the end of 2007, 49 post-graduate students had won the scholarship and 30 under-graduate students obtained degrees thanks to this scholarship. As the DAC, we are working hard to facilitate the establishment of a South African Language Practitioners' Council, to regulate the language profession. A professional body will elevate the status of language practitioners in general and ensure that an acceptable standard of service is provided by interpreters and translators.
Amendments to the National Archives Act and to the Heraldry Act are also being prepared.
Heritage and museums
When I assumed office as Minister in 2004, the budget of the DAC was very badly tilted in favour of the Heritage Sector that used more than sixty per cent of the budget. Over the past four years we have managed to reduce this by twenty percent, so that only forty two percent of our budget now goes towards heritage. It still looks high, but considering that these funds go towards the maintenance of bricks and mortar structures, this is inevitable.
We established an African chapter of the Memory of the World when South Africa hosted a successful conference of that organisation during 2007. An invaluable South African archival collection, the Rivonia Trial Collection, is to be included in the Memory of the World Register. A suitable ceremony, marking the 35th anniversary of that trial and the registration, will be held this year.
The Timbuktu Manuscripts Project, one of the first Nepad Programmes of Cultural cooperation, is scheduled to be completed this year. We hope that President Mbeki will be able to hand over the new library and archives building in Timbuktu to the people of Mali in November this year. We also look forward to the exhibition of Timbuktu manuscripts, which will tour the major centres in South Africa from this month, June.
"The Meanings of Timbuktu", a collection of scholarly writings arising from an academic conference we hosted two years ago, is already on the shelves. As I noted the night we launched this book, its contents will compel us to revise our understanding of the history of this continent.
While we have done well, the major challenge in our own archives is the lack of specialised staff. We have undertaken a major survey to determine training needs for the sector. We have observed that the records management responsibilities of the National Archives have been particularly hard hit by staff shortages.
The department has also presented:
* The 2003 Unesco Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage
* The 2001 Unesco Convention on Underwater Cultural Heritage
to parliament and cabinet for ratification. We await the necessary parliament process to complete ratification.
It is estimated that there are over 2500 shipwrecks, some dating as far back as the thirteenth century, in the seas along our coast. It is speculated that they came mainly from European states like the Netherlands, Spain, England and Portugal. But recent research suggests some might be Asian. It is our obligation, as global citizens, to preserve this heritage for future generations.
Our co-operation agreements with a number of countries have given us access to important skills such as museology and curating. Bilateral co-operation between South Africa and the United Kingdom has allowed South Africans to be trained within the Curatorial Training Programme.
Twenty (20) curators have been trained at different museums in the United Kingdom (UK) since 2006.
Ten (10) more curators will be placed for the final curatorship training taking place in 2008/09.
Also, the Third Bilateral Symposium/Workshop between South Africa and Germany took place in March 2008. The events took place in Durban, Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town. India and Germany have joined the list of countries that are sharing important skills with us in the field of arts and culture thanks to such cooperation agreements.
But South Africa's Heritage Landscape still remains badly skewed and unrepresentative. The successful commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the SS Mendi, the 40th anniversary of the death of Chief Albert Luthuli, and the 30th anniversary of the murder to Steve Biko once again highlighted that reality.
A key recommendation of the policy review we undertook in 2006 is the development of a national museum policy that will, amongst other things, provide criteria for grading, systematic and adequate funding of museums, as well as setting norms and standards. Such a policy will also pronounce on other important aspects of museums such as research, the contribution they make to local economic development, and effective outreach to attract new and more representative clientele.
It gives me pleasure to announce that national public hearings on the standardisation of geographical names were launched in Cape Town on 30 May 2008. This was an historic and momentous occasion. An event that is unprecedented in the history of this country. These hearings will help to facilitate a national dialogue on matters of the standardisation of geographical place names. The nationwide public hearings are also one of various attempts to provide a platform for proper and effective consultation and communication.
Investing in culture
The single most important unit in the department is its Investing in Culture Programme. This is our poverty eradication programme aimed at creating employment. Through it we hope to integrate crafters into the "first economy" by making them agents of change, economic transformation and the creation of opportunity. This flagship programme provides people with skills and has turned many into self-determining entrepreneurs who are now self-employed.
Three of the projects supported by this programme have won much-coveted prizes in the "Sowetan Old Mutual Community Builder of the Year Award".
Since 2005 the programme has spent over R200-million to empower people to take charge of their own lives. It supports 394 projects, especially in the rural areas and has created 7 374 jobs: 45 % are for women; 39% for youth and four percent for the disabled.
The programme invested 40% of its funds in nodal municipalities in support of Integrated Sustainable Rural Development (ISRDP) and Urban Renewal programmes (URP) since 2005.
Twenty percent (20%) of the projects the programme supports have grown into small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs).
This has made it possible for the department to participate in the Jobs for Growth Task Team that will establish the Mzantsi Stores amongst other major initiatives later this year as a means of breaking into high value markets.
These Mzantsi Stores will also create myriad opportunities especially since our country is hosting the 2010 Soccer World Cup. South African crafters have less than 737 days to produce world class goods, in great numbers, that can be souvenirs for the influx of tourists and football lovers who will arrive on our shores.
The Investing in Culture Programme will receive R100,06 million this year.
Music and dance
The Department funds a number of musical ensembles directly and indirectly, through the National Arts Council. We funded the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra to attend the Berlin Orchestral Conference in April and South Africa was invited to participate in the India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) Cultural Festival held in Brazil in October 2007 where we were represented by the Phambili Marimba Cultural Group. In both instances our musicians acted as highly effective cultural ambassadors. The South African Musical Education Training programme and the Music is a Great Investment (MIAGI) Youth Orchestra will also be funded this year.
Moshito, the music business conferencing and exhibition we have supported for the last five years, has grown by leaps and bounds. In addition to providing a platform where government, the music industry and artists can interact and conduct a continuing dialogue, Moshito has helped open South Africa up to the rest of the world.
The launch of Association of Independent Record Companies of South Africa (AIRCO) will definitely chart a new paradigm for the recording industry and give artists easier access. I want to reiterate my call to both the established as well as the new independent record companies to explore in earnest the use of modern information and communications technology to reach the world audience. Many small companies in the United States of America (USA) and Brazil have done this to great effect. It is probably the fastest route to an international audience that is extremely cost effective into the bargain.
The small, independent music producers will struggle to reach global markets if they aster unwilling to explore this route. The DAC strengthened AIRCO by supporting it to attend Midem (World Music Market) to join discussion on global music industry development and other trends with their counterparts from United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Canada, Japan, the European Union, New Zealand, Brazil.
There can be no doubt that South African music has earned a strong position in the world market. The Soweto Gospel Choir won a Grammy for the second consecutive year, Fikile Mvinjelwa, an outstanding baritone from Cape Town, will be performing the lead in Rigoletto at the New York Metropolitan Opera. We congratulate them and the many other artists who have raised our flag and inspired pride among all of us.
After the successful establishment of the Cape Town Jazz Orchestra, we are investigating the establishment of yet another such ensemble in Johannesburg.
I have also used the Minister's discretionary fund to actively promote excellence in music. Two extremely successful concerts, "Sistas Healing Our Souls", featuring South Africa divas from the fifties, the sixties and the present, were staged here in Cape Town. We are also attempting a revival of the once popular genre of Mbaqanga, through the Cups Nkanuka Big Band which has performed to packed audiences in the townships and at Artscape.
We are committed to addressing the needs of young people, particularly young people who do not have ready access to economic opportunities. Towards this end we began the process of creating Youth Bands and can report that in this financial year we have amassed enough instruments to support the inception of bands in two provinces. These Youth Bands, will also serve as incubators for future musicians, will in time, be established in all provinces. South African Field Brass Bands are participating in festivals in Norway this year. We have also been very busy with plans to participate at the Expo Zaragoza 2008 Project in Spain. The Department will be responsible for the cultural programme content. This is an Inter-Department initiative, led by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, whose high point will be South African Youth Day, 16 June.
We are working towards the development of a theatre and dance strategy for the development and sustainability of the sector. The project will culminate in the establishment of the National Committee to work hand in hand with Government on sustaining the sector. In the past year we undertook and concluded research on these sectors. This will be followed by theatre izimbizos in all the nine provinces. The purposes of these izimbizos will be to bring together the sector and gather information in preparation for a national conference where the theatre and dance sectors can nominate the National Theatre and Dance Working Committees.
While South Africans dance, we still do not have a national dance company. South African theatre has wowed the world, but we have no national theatre company.
In order to promote dance in our country and to give a higher profile to Dance, the theme for this year's Heritage Month is Dance. To lend weight to this commitment, DAC will be making a grant to "Dance for All", the development project started by Phillip Boyd and the late prima ballerina, Phyllis Spira. South Africa will be represented by The Eastern Cape Ensemble at an international dance festival in Byelorussia later this year.
The importance of these cultural exchanges is that it is a form of people-to-people diplomacy in which our creative artists communicate about us and our country to the rest of the world. The long term relationships that can thus be created involve not merely the arts communities of the respective countries, but through a deeper appreciation of each others cultures, rebound to the benefit of both societies.
South Africa's encounter with China has seen visiting Chinese troupes and exhibitions come to South Africa almost annually. A visit by the Dutch Minister for European Affairs and International Cultural Cooperation, Frans Timmermans in February, coincided with the opening of the Marlene Dumas exhibition at the Standard Bank Gallery and the National Gallery here in Cape Town.
Marlene Dumas is a South African born artist who is now based in Holland and is the highest-earning living female artist. One of her works sold for R25, 6 million in 2005.
Officials of the Department and the South African Heritage Agency are working towards an international seminar on the Dutch language, at home and abroad, with their counterparts at the Dutch Embassy. The outcomes of that conference I hope will at long last put to rest the ridiculous claims about this governments antipathy towards Afrikaans.
Die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en *monument is tans besig met 'n navorsingsprojek wat fokus op die insameling van die kulturele erfenis van die Kamiesbergstreek. Die doel van die navorsing is om die gemeenskap bewus te maak van hul ryk kulturele erfenis; om gesprekvoering rondom kulturele- en erfenisvraagstukke aan te moedig; om 'n bewustheid van kulturele erfenis te bevorder en sodoende 'n bydrae te lewer tot die bewaring en uitbouing van die verskeie variante van Afrikaans (in hierdie geval Namakwa-Afrikaans). Daar word verder gepoog om die bevindings te dokumenteer sodat dit vir toekomstige navorsing toeganklik kan wees.
Visual arts, film and video
South Africa continues to participate in the Cannes Film Festival as well as others that have helped to catapult our film industry into the world cinema fraternity. The department is assisting the Federation of Pan-African Film Producers (FEPACI) while it is headquartered in South Africa, following the pan-African Film Summit that we hosted in 2006. This body provides a 'creative home' for filmmakers from the African continent and can serve as a marketing platform for African films on the continent.
South Africa has now risen from being a filmmaking destination to a film-producing country. However, the economics of film distribution and exhibition still gravely impair the capacity of our industry to produce high-earning blockbusters. The National Film and Video Foundation have been promising for some time now to devise the strategy to break out of these constraints.
We shall be embarking on an audit of the Visual Arts sector to identify areas for skills training, development, job creation and policy development. The Visual Century Project, conceived by the South African-born CEO of the National Arts Gallery in Oslo, Norway, is undertaking exhaustive research on the visual arts in South Africa over the last century. The project will involve exhibitions at all our major galleries, publications and documentary films. This exciting project could possibly result in a re-visioning of the history of South African visual arts.
Women artists will be our special focus during August, Women's month. A special award for outstanding Women visual artists will be inaugurated and there will be a special exhibition of their work at the Museum Africa.
There are a number of people who deserve special mention during this budget debate. I want to single out Ms Nicola Danby, who worked as CEO of Business Arts South Africa (BASA) and built it into an extremely effective funding body, and Mrs Mary Slack, another who was integrally involved with BASA since its inception. Both are retiring from BASA and on behalf of a grateful nation, I want to say thank you to both of them. Mr Phakamani Buthelezi, the CEO of SAHRA, under whose leadership the Heritage Rights Agency and the DAC have developed a very close working relationship. Ms Elitha van der Sandt, the CEO of the South African Book Development Council.
My thanks go too to Ms Ntombazana Botha, the Deputy Minister, on whom I lean when the going get rough. Mr Temba Wakashe, the new Director-General of Arts and Culture, who is proving worth his weight in gold, and the entire staff of the DAC working under his guidance. The personnel on the Ministerial Office, who have to bare the brunt of my changing moods, but whose good humour means that we can get things done.
I owe profound thanks also to Professor Keorapetse Kgositsile, my advisor, for whom I can blame every error I make.
Lastly, we salute the many, far too many, South African artists and performers who left us during the course of this past year. May their perseverance, their commitment and their talent continue to inspire us as we strive for a better South Africa in a better world.
Thank you.
Issued by: Department of Arts and Culture
6 June 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Nominations sought for Librarian of the Year 2008
It is that time of the year again in the calendar of the LIASA that we want to celebrate our own intelligent, committed and excellent librarians that have made a difference in the LIS profession.
We are calling for nominations for the Librarian of the Year Award for 2008. This prestigious award is meant to recognise the most outstanding librarian whose contributions have had a great impact with the profession. The Librarian of the Year will be a role model who will be acknowledged for inspiring leadership, innovative LIS projects, excellent service to the community, commitment to the profession, etc.
The deadline for submission of nominations to respective branches is 1 August 2008. Nominations received after the deadline will not be considered. The Branches are responsible for the Branch adjudication process and have to submit the name of the Branch Winner to the LIASA National Office by 1September 2008. The Branches will announce the Branch winner at their Annual General Meetings or any time prior to
the conference.
The Branch winners will become the finalists of the LIASA Librarian of the Year and will be adjudicated at national level by an independent panel. The overall winner and two runner-ups will be announced at the LIASA conference Gala Dinner to be held on the 8th October 2008 at Cape Town Convention Center.
Prizes to be awarded:
1st R25,000
2nd R3,000
3rd R2,000
The prizes shall be used for educational purposes including study tours abroad, visits to relevant institutions, attendance of local or international conferences, seminars, workshops, relevant courses, etc.
All finalists will receive certificates of merit.
All paid up individual LIASA members in RSA are eligible for nomination including Branch Executives as well as Representative Council members who were excluded in the past. Nominees are not permitted to serve on adjudication panels in the branches. In the case of a branch chair being nominated a substitute for the adjudication panel should be appointed.
Previous winners of this award are not eligible for nomination.
Selection Criteria
All nominations received will be treated with strictest confidence. The Panel decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Criteria for evaluation will be based on the following:
The nominee should be:
* Paid-up LIASA member for a minimum five consecutive years
* Knowledgeable about LIS and its systems
* Able to demonstrate high level of professionalism
* Currently employed within the LIS sector, with minimum five years
* Qualified librarian with recognised LIS qualification
More information , including the rules, is available on the LIASA
website at
Nomination forms are also on the LIASA website at
Please send your nominations to Fatima Darries at
or on fax number 021 460 3879.
Fatima Darries
LIASA Western Cape Branch Chair, 2006-2008
We are calling for nominations for the Librarian of the Year Award for 2008. This prestigious award is meant to recognise the most outstanding librarian whose contributions have had a great impact with the profession. The Librarian of the Year will be a role model who will be acknowledged for inspiring leadership, innovative LIS projects, excellent service to the community, commitment to the profession, etc.
The deadline for submission of nominations to respective branches is 1 August 2008. Nominations received after the deadline will not be considered. The Branches are responsible for the Branch adjudication process and have to submit the name of the Branch Winner to the LIASA National Office by 1September 2008. The Branches will announce the Branch winner at their Annual General Meetings or any time prior to
the conference.
The Branch winners will become the finalists of the LIASA Librarian of the Year and will be adjudicated at national level by an independent panel. The overall winner and two runner-ups will be announced at the LIASA conference Gala Dinner to be held on the 8th October 2008 at Cape Town Convention Center.
Prizes to be awarded:
1st R25,000
2nd R3,000
3rd R2,000
The prizes shall be used for educational purposes including study tours abroad, visits to relevant institutions, attendance of local or international conferences, seminars, workshops, relevant courses, etc.
All finalists will receive certificates of merit.
All paid up individual LIASA members in RSA are eligible for nomination including Branch Executives as well as Representative Council members who were excluded in the past. Nominees are not permitted to serve on adjudication panels in the branches. In the case of a branch chair being nominated a substitute for the adjudication panel should be appointed.
Previous winners of this award are not eligible for nomination.
Selection Criteria
All nominations received will be treated with strictest confidence. The Panel decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Criteria for evaluation will be based on the following:
The nominee should be:
* Paid-up LIASA member for a minimum five consecutive years
* Knowledgeable about LIS and its systems
* Able to demonstrate high level of professionalism
* Currently employed within the LIS sector, with minimum five years
* Qualified librarian with recognised LIS qualification
More information , including the rules, is available on the LIASA
website at
Nomination forms are also on the LIASA website at
Please send your nominations to Fatima Darries at
or on fax number 021 460 3879.
Fatima Darries
LIASA Western Cape Branch Chair, 2006-2008
Invitation: Western Cape: National Library Transformation Charter
An invitation has been extended to all LIASA members to attend the Transformation Charter Public Consultative Session for the Western Cape.
Date: Wednesday 18th June 2008
Time: 08h30 - 15h30
Venue: Centre for the Book (62 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town)
The invitation reads:
You are cordially requested to extend an invitation to the members of your library uster to this August occasion. The Honourable MEC of Sports Arts and Culture will give a keynote address that will contextualise challenges and developments in the library sector in the Western Cape Province.
The transformation charter of the library sector is a premium project of National Council for Library and Information Services (NCLIS) and a key milestone of the Minister of Arts and Culture.
We will appreciate the views and contributions of the members, as this will be added to voice of the bigger community of the Western Cape Province.
The R.S.V.P. details to: Cinga Raba Concepts Joint Venture
(Tel) 011 783 4211
(Cell) 076 303 2321
Ingrid Thomson
National Public Relations Officer
Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA)
Date: Wednesday 18th June 2008
Time: 08h30 - 15h30
Venue: Centre for the Book (62 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town)
The invitation reads:
You are cordially requested to extend an invitation to the members of your library uster to this August occasion. The Honourable MEC of Sports Arts and Culture will give a keynote address that will contextualise challenges and developments in the library sector in the Western Cape Province.
The transformation charter of the library sector is a premium project of National Council for Library and Information Services (NCLIS) and a key milestone of the Minister of Arts and Culture.
We will appreciate the views and contributions of the members, as this will be added to voice of the bigger community of the Western Cape Province.
The R.S.V.P. details to: Cinga Raba Concepts Joint Venture
(Tel) 011 783 4211
(Cell) 076 303 2321
Ingrid Thomson
National Public Relations Officer
Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Librarian of the Year
Busi Dlamini Awards Committee Chair recently wrote: “It is that time of year again in the calendar of LIASA that we want to celebrate our own intelligent, committees and excellent librarians that have made a difference in the LIS profession.” Busi is talking about the LIASA Librarian of the Year Award 2008.
As the current Librarian of the Year 2007 I want to encourage the LIASA branches to nominate people. Be the bigger person and nominate your colleagues, so many opportunities are often missed because people to not permit others to shine.
I would like to share with you what my nomination meant for my career. I was so thrilled to be nominated, excited to be the North West Branch Librarian of the Year and ecstatic to be chosen as the LIASA/SABINET 2007 Librarian of the Year.
The award opened doors for me. I am currently employed as an Information Facilitator at a Primary School. Our school recently received a donation to build a brand new Media Centre. The sponsors mentioned that they feel that their investment is secure in the hands of the Librarian of the Year! Their sponsorship will change my working
environment in the same positive way the Award changed me.
In two weeks time I am leaving for the American Library Association Conference in Anaheim California (yes Disney World!). I am using my Award winnings to fund this once in a life time opportunity. I hope to rub shoulders with Librarians and Teacher Librarians from all over the world and to bring back many ideas on how to improve our LIS service. I will write a full report on my return. In the meanwhile – nominate that special librarian in your province!
René Schoombee
Besoek ons webwerf:
René Schoombee
Laerskool Rustenburg
Posbus 577
* 014 5920528/9
* 014 5928014
* 0829409957
As the current Librarian of the Year 2007 I want to encourage the LIASA branches to nominate people. Be the bigger person and nominate your colleagues, so many opportunities are often missed because people to not permit others to shine.
I would like to share with you what my nomination meant for my career. I was so thrilled to be nominated, excited to be the North West Branch Librarian of the Year and ecstatic to be chosen as the LIASA/SABINET 2007 Librarian of the Year.
The award opened doors for me. I am currently employed as an Information Facilitator at a Primary School. Our school recently received a donation to build a brand new Media Centre. The sponsors mentioned that they feel that their investment is secure in the hands of the Librarian of the Year! Their sponsorship will change my working
environment in the same positive way the Award changed me.
In two weeks time I am leaving for the American Library Association Conference in Anaheim California (yes Disney World!). I am using my Award winnings to fund this once in a life time opportunity. I hope to rub shoulders with Librarians and Teacher Librarians from all over the world and to bring back many ideas on how to improve our LIS service. I will write a full report on my return. In the meanwhile – nominate that special librarian in your province!
René Schoombee
Besoek ons webwerf:
René Schoombee
Laerskool Rustenburg
Posbus 577
* 014 5920528/9
* 014 5928014
* 0829409957
Stellenbosch Library Symposium: 2nd Announcement
Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service Tenth Annual Symposium: Second Announcement
The Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service takes pleasure in announcing its Tenth Annual Symposium which will take place from 6-7 November 2008 at the JS Gericke Library in Stellenbosch. The theme for this year's symposium is:
Shall the twain ever meet?: supplying the demand in an academic library and information service environment
It is anticipated that this event would see the gathering of national and international researchers and practitioners to engage discourse
The fundamental tenet of librarianship has not changed: the clients' (that is, the users) demand for information still remains one of the founding principles of librarianship and the libraries' role of supplying (or satisfying) the demand is even more critical in the current information explosion era. However, the exponential growth in information has meant that libraries continuously re-engineer themselves
to meet the corresponding exponential demand for information from traditional subscription sources and digital sources via changing technologies.
Rising subscriptions, rapidly evolving technology, new paradigms and a new generation of researchers and research methods are posting new challenges when supplying the demand. All of these challenges must be viewed against the backdrop of new avenues of accessing new information platforms.
Cost: R1100-00 per person (full symposium), R550-00 per person (one day)
Registration opens: 1 September 2008
Enquiries:Lucia Schoombee, tel.: 021 808-2125, e-mail:
fax: 021 808-3723
Venue: JS Gericke Library, Stellenbosch University
We look forward to welcoming you at Stellenbosch!
Lucia Schoombee
Webbestuur en Kommunikasie / Web Management and Communication
Universiteit Stellenbosch University Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens /
Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service
Privaatsak / Private Bag X5036, Stellenbosch, 7599
Tel.: + 27 (0) 21 808-2125
Faks / Fax: + 27 (0) 21 808-3723
E-pos / E-mail:
The Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service takes pleasure in announcing its Tenth Annual Symposium which will take place from 6-7 November 2008 at the JS Gericke Library in Stellenbosch. The theme for this year's symposium is:
Shall the twain ever meet?: supplying the demand in an academic library and information service environment
It is anticipated that this event would see the gathering of national and international researchers and practitioners to engage discourse
The fundamental tenet of librarianship has not changed: the clients' (that is, the users) demand for information still remains one of the founding principles of librarianship and the libraries' role of supplying (or satisfying) the demand is even more critical in the current information explosion era. However, the exponential growth in information has meant that libraries continuously re-engineer themselves
to meet the corresponding exponential demand for information from traditional subscription sources and digital sources via changing technologies.
Rising subscriptions, rapidly evolving technology, new paradigms and a new generation of researchers and research methods are posting new challenges when supplying the demand. All of these challenges must be viewed against the backdrop of new avenues of accessing new information platforms.
Cost: R1100-00 per person (full symposium), R550-00 per person (one day)
Registration opens: 1 September 2008
Enquiries:Lucia Schoombee, tel.: 021 808-2125, e-mail:
fax: 021 808-3723
Venue: JS Gericke Library, Stellenbosch University
We look forward to welcoming you at Stellenbosch!
Lucia Schoombee
Webbestuur en Kommunikasie / Web Management and Communication
Universiteit Stellenbosch University Biblioteek- en Inligtingsdiens /
Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service
Privaatsak / Private Bag X5036, Stellenbosch, 7599
Tel.: + 27 (0) 21 808-2125
Faks / Fax: + 27 (0) 21 808-3723
E-pos / E-mail:
Monday, June 09, 2008
Pre-LIASA Conference Workshop: Training the trainers in Information Literacy
UNESCO, in association with the Centre for Information Literacy at the University of Cape Town, and with the support of INASP, will be presenting a pre-LIASA Conference Workshop, "Training the Trainers in Information Literacy." It will be held from 4-6 October 2008 in Cape Town.
Main Theme of the Workshop: Developing Information literacy Skills for
Problem-Solving as part of Lifelong Learning.
Programme and further information available from the Departmental
website at
§ To develop strategies incorporating information literacy skills in the teaching, learning, and research processes
§ To develop strategies for a working relationship between librarians and facilitators of the teaching, learning and research processes in the
teaching of information literacy skills program.
§ Creating common understanding of designing and developing information
literacy skills program.
§ To promote the use of IFLA information literacy guidelines/standards as a benchmark for a successful implementation of the information
literacy skills program.
Expected participants: Between 30-40 African librarians from public, government and academic libraries, who are actively involved in information literacy in their organisations.
Criteria of participant selection: Participants will be selected from librarians and information professionals, who are responsible for planning and delivering ILS programs in their respective countries.
Requirements for the application for the participation. Please attach the following documents for the application to
participate in the Pre-conference:
• An application letter
• A detailed CV
• A 3-page report summarizing your institutional and national
information literacy developments.
Please note that the registration fee of R400 is payable in advance.
Deadline for an application: 1st September, 2008
Associate Professor Mary Nassimbeni, Centre for Information Literacy, University of Cape Town
Professor Albert Boekhorst
Professor Peter Underwood Centre for Information Literacy, University
of Cape Town
Associate Professor Karin deJager Centre for Information Literacy,
University of Cape Town
Duration: 20 hours, plus 5 more of homework
Dates: October 4-6 (Sat-Mon)
Time: Saturday and Sunday, 9 - 12:00, 14 - 17:00; Monday 9-12:00
Objectives. Participants will be able to recognize key information literacy concepts and be able to draft an institutional program, using the IFLA Information Literacy Guidelines for Lifelong Learning.
Methodology. The workshop will be a hands-on experience. Each topic will be will be introduced using .ppt presentations, followed by examples, and group or individual exercises. Readings and homework activities will be included. Participants will create a final portfolio with their own institutional information literacy program. Parts of the course program may be altered during the workshop to meet the
participants’ needs.
For applications and information , contact:
Kate Benbow-Hebbert
Administrative Assistant
Centre for Open Learning (COL) & Centre for Information Literacy (CIL)
University of Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 650 2318
Fax: +27 21 650 5497
Main Theme of the Workshop: Developing Information literacy Skills for
Problem-Solving as part of Lifelong Learning.
Programme and further information available from the Departmental
website at
§ To develop strategies incorporating information literacy skills in the teaching, learning, and research processes
§ To develop strategies for a working relationship between librarians and facilitators of the teaching, learning and research processes in the
teaching of information literacy skills program.
§ Creating common understanding of designing and developing information
literacy skills program.
§ To promote the use of IFLA information literacy guidelines/standards as a benchmark for a successful implementation of the information
literacy skills program.
Expected participants: Between 30-40 African librarians from public, government and academic libraries, who are actively involved in information literacy in their organisations.
Criteria of participant selection: Participants will be selected from librarians and information professionals, who are responsible for planning and delivering ILS programs in their respective countries.
Requirements for the application for the participation. Please attach the following documents for the application to
participate in the Pre-conference:
• An application letter
• A detailed CV
• A 3-page report summarizing your institutional and national
information literacy developments.
Please note that the registration fee of R400 is payable in advance.
Deadline for an application: 1st September, 2008
Associate Professor Mary Nassimbeni, Centre for Information Literacy, University of Cape Town
Professor Albert Boekhorst
Professor Peter Underwood Centre for Information Literacy, University
of Cape Town
Associate Professor Karin deJager Centre for Information Literacy,
University of Cape Town
Duration: 20 hours, plus 5 more of homework
Dates: October 4-6 (Sat-Mon)
Time: Saturday and Sunday, 9 - 12:00, 14 - 17:00; Monday 9-12:00
Objectives. Participants will be able to recognize key information literacy concepts and be able to draft an institutional program, using the IFLA Information Literacy Guidelines for Lifelong Learning.
Methodology. The workshop will be a hands-on experience. Each topic will be will be introduced using .ppt presentations, followed by examples, and group or individual exercises. Readings and homework activities will be included. Participants will create a final portfolio with their own institutional information literacy program. Parts of the course program may be altered during the workshop to meet the
participants’ needs.
For applications and information , contact:
Kate Benbow-Hebbert
Administrative Assistant
Centre for Open Learning (COL) & Centre for Information Literacy (CIL)
University of Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 650 2318
Fax: +27 21 650 5497
Thursday, June 05, 2008
LACIG Pre-conference reminder
Pre – Conference of LIASA Tenth Annual Conference, 2008
6 October 2008
UNISA Regional Branch, Parow. Cape Town
Registration fees and deadlines
Registration fee LIASA Members: R1000.00
Non LIASA Members: R1500.00
Duration: 1 full day
Target Group
People behind the scenes no one know they are there but their absence is felt if they are not there: Acquisition Librarians, Collection Developers, Cataloguers, Technical service support staff, Library and Information collections: policy makers
Look out for the online registration by 11 June 2008
Contact: Lindi Nhlapo
LACIG National Chairperson
Tel: +2711 471 2826
Fax: +2711 471 2200
6 October 2008
UNISA Regional Branch, Parow. Cape Town
Registration fees and deadlines
Registration fee LIASA Members: R1000.00
Non LIASA Members: R1500.00
Duration: 1 full day
Target Group
People behind the scenes no one know they are there but their absence is felt if they are not there: Acquisition Librarians, Collection Developers, Cataloguers, Technical service support staff, Library and Information collections: policy makers
Look out for the online registration by 11 June 2008
Contact: Lindi Nhlapo
LACIG National Chairperson
Tel: +2711 471 2826
Fax: +2711 471 2200
Call for applications for post of Editor-in-Chief of South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science
You might be aware that the term of office of the Editor-in-Chief for the South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science runs concurrently with that of the Representative Council. Since this is an election year, the Representative Council also needs to look at the appointment of the Editor-in-Chief for the next term of office.
The journal, which is an accredited publication, seeks to embrace a wide range of practical and research componentsincluding literacy, management, children's literature, ethics, globalisation, impact of the digital divide, technology, communications, indigenous knowledge systems, etc. The objective is to serve and reflect the interests of the South African LIS community across the spectrum of its wide-ranging activities and research.
More information is available at APPLICATIONS are awaited for the honorary post of the Editor-in-Chief: South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science Please note that this is an honorary position; there is no salary attached. Closing date for applications: Saturday 29 July 2008 All applications have to be sent to: The Secretary, Naomi Haasbroek,LIASA, P.O Box 1598, Pretoria 0001, South Africa
Fax: +27 (0) 12 337 6108 or email naomi at SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION SCIENCE FUNCTIONS OF THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF 1. Manages the Journal editorial process with the Journal Editorial Management Team (JMT) 2. Solicits and selects articles for the Journal, and submits contributions to referees to ensure that articles published by the Journal are relevant and of international quality and standard, by employing an effective peer review process. 3. Convenes and chairs JMT meetings; oversees the activities of JMT. Represents the Journal on the Representative Council of LIASA. 4. Identifies, together with JMT, suitable members for the international Editorial Advisory Board. 5. Represents the Journal at various scholarly and professional activities both at the national and international level. 6. Provides reports on the publication pattern in the Journal annually. 7. Performs any other relevant task given by the LIASA Representative Council relating to the Journal.
The journal, which is an accredited publication, seeks to embrace a wide range of practical and research componentsincluding literacy, management, children's literature, ethics, globalisation, impact of the digital divide, technology, communications, indigenous knowledge systems, etc. The objective is to serve and reflect the interests of the South African LIS community across the spectrum of its wide-ranging activities and research.
More information is available at APPLICATIONS are awaited for the honorary post of the Editor-in-Chief: South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science Please note that this is an honorary position; there is no salary attached. Closing date for applications: Saturday 29 July 2008 All applications have to be sent to: The Secretary, Naomi Haasbroek,LIASA, P.O Box 1598, Pretoria 0001, South Africa
Fax: +27 (0) 12 337 6108 or email naomi at SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION SCIENCE FUNCTIONS OF THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF 1. Manages the Journal editorial process with the Journal Editorial Management Team (JMT) 2. Solicits and selects articles for the Journal, and submits contributions to referees to ensure that articles published by the Journal are relevant and of international quality and standard, by employing an effective peer review process. 3. Convenes and chairs JMT meetings; oversees the activities of JMT. Represents the Journal on the Representative Council of LIASA. 4. Identifies, together with JMT, suitable members for the international Editorial Advisory Board. 5. Represents the Journal at various scholarly and professional activities both at the national and international level. 6. Provides reports on the publication pattern in the Journal annually. 7. Performs any other relevant task given by the LIASA Representative Council relating to the Journal.
Call for applications for posts of Editor of LIASA-In-Touch and Editorial Assistant: Advertisements
You might be aware that the term of office of the Editor for the LIASA-In-Touch and the Editorial Assistant: Advertisements runs concurrently with that of the Representative Council. Since this is an election year, the Representative Council also needs to look at the appointment of the Editor of LIASA-in-Touch and the Editorial Assistant: Advertisements, for the next term of office.APPLICATIONS are awaited for the honorary posts of the Editor for the LIASA-In-Touch and the Editorial Assistant: Advertisements Please note that these posts are honorary positions; there is no salary attached. Closing date for applications: Saturday 26 July 2008.
All applications have to be sent to: The Secretary, Naomi Haasbroek, LIASA, P.O Box 1598, Pretoria 0001, South Africa
Fax: +27 (0) 12 337 6108 or e-mail naomi at
Following is a description outlining the current status of the magazine as well a job description of the Editor and Editorial Assistant: Advertisements.
Please read through it carefully and if you wish to apply for one of the positions please inform the Secretary: Naomi Haasbroek (naomi ( )at, no later than 26 July 2008.
LIASA-IN-TOUCH LIASA-in-Touch is the official magazine of the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA). It is published quarterly in March, June, September and December and distributed to all LIASA individual and institutional members, partners, sponsors and stakeholders such as library associations throughout Africa and abroad, relevant national government ministers and officials, and other
interested parties. Currently the magazine averages 16 to 24 pages and can vary from a mixture of colour and black and white pages to full-colour depending on the number of advertisements booked and photographs submitted. The print run varies between 1,200 and 1,500 copies. Overruns are distributed to the President and National Librarian to use as gifts for guests or when they are travelling. Free copies
are also distributed to the Portfolio Committee for Arts and Culture and other members of parliament through the office of the National Librarian.
The magazine is funded through the sale of advertising space, other funding sources and membership fees.
Job objective
To keep the LIASA membership informed about the organisation and its activities and national and international developments in the LIS sector by gathering and disseminating relevant information as elicited from a number of sources from within the Association and the broader LIS community.
1. Serve as ex officio member on the Representative Council
2. Newsgathering: - Invite contributions from the membership, the LIASA Executive and the LIASA National Office - Monitor LIASAonline, minutes of Representative Council meetings, reports and the broad media for items of interest - Invite contributions from regular columnists such as NLSA and the NC for IFLA/WLIC 2007
3. Coordinate the submission of such items and set deadlines based on the frequency of the magazine
4. Issue timely reminders with regards to set deadlines
5. Correspond with those who have submitted articles regarding acceptance or non-acceptance of their items
6. Responsible for proofreading, layout, design and editorial of magazine
7. Monitor the complimentary mailing list and update information on targeted recipients outside of the LIASA membership
8. Edit, approve/reject and distribute general information between issues
9. Assist with the budget forecast and funding proposals.
10. Liaise closely with the Editor: Advertisements and the various Interest Groups and Branch PRO's
11. Report to the Representative Council all matters related to the magazine
1. Good communication skills in English
2. Access to efficient ICT
3. Easy access to graphic designer for design, layout and printing of magazine
Job objective To ensure that the LIASA-In-Touch is financially sustainable through selling advertisements to library and book related suppliers.
1. Maintain relations with current advertisers
2. Market advertising space to potential advertisers
3. Liaise with advertisers regarding deadlines
4. Liaise with editor regarding available advertising space
5. Collect final advertisements from advertisers and send it to the Editor in electronic format
6. Ensure that advertisements are placed according to specifications before LIT goes to the printers
7. Liaise with the National Office regarding the invoicing process
8. Review advertising fees annually
Good communication skills in English
Access to efficient ICT
Ingrid Thomson
National Public Relations Officer
Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA)
All applications have to be sent to: The Secretary, Naomi Haasbroek, LIASA, P.O Box 1598, Pretoria 0001, South Africa
Fax: +27 (0) 12 337 6108 or e-mail naomi at
Following is a description outlining the current status of the magazine as well a job description of the Editor and Editorial Assistant: Advertisements.
Please read through it carefully and if you wish to apply for one of the positions please inform the Secretary: Naomi Haasbroek (naomi ( )at, no later than 26 July 2008.
LIASA-IN-TOUCH LIASA-in-Touch is the official magazine of the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA). It is published quarterly in March, June, September and December and distributed to all LIASA individual and institutional members, partners, sponsors and stakeholders such as library associations throughout Africa and abroad, relevant national government ministers and officials, and other
interested parties. Currently the magazine averages 16 to 24 pages and can vary from a mixture of colour and black and white pages to full-colour depending on the number of advertisements booked and photographs submitted. The print run varies between 1,200 and 1,500 copies. Overruns are distributed to the President and National Librarian to use as gifts for guests or when they are travelling. Free copies
are also distributed to the Portfolio Committee for Arts and Culture and other members of parliament through the office of the National Librarian.
The magazine is funded through the sale of advertising space, other funding sources and membership fees.
Job objective
To keep the LIASA membership informed about the organisation and its activities and national and international developments in the LIS sector by gathering and disseminating relevant information as elicited from a number of sources from within the Association and the broader LIS community.
1. Serve as ex officio member on the Representative Council
2. Newsgathering: - Invite contributions from the membership, the LIASA Executive and the LIASA National Office - Monitor LIASAonline, minutes of Representative Council meetings, reports and the broad media for items of interest - Invite contributions from regular columnists such as NLSA and the NC for IFLA/WLIC 2007
3. Coordinate the submission of such items and set deadlines based on the frequency of the magazine
4. Issue timely reminders with regards to set deadlines
5. Correspond with those who have submitted articles regarding acceptance or non-acceptance of their items
6. Responsible for proofreading, layout, design and editorial of magazine
7. Monitor the complimentary mailing list and update information on targeted recipients outside of the LIASA membership
8. Edit, approve/reject and distribute general information between issues
9. Assist with the budget forecast and funding proposals.
10. Liaise closely with the Editor: Advertisements and the various Interest Groups and Branch PRO's
11. Report to the Representative Council all matters related to the magazine
1. Good communication skills in English
2. Access to efficient ICT
3. Easy access to graphic designer for design, layout and printing of magazine
Job objective To ensure that the LIASA-In-Touch is financially sustainable through selling advertisements to library and book related suppliers.
1. Maintain relations with current advertisers
2. Market advertising space to potential advertisers
3. Liaise with advertisers regarding deadlines
4. Liaise with editor regarding available advertising space
5. Collect final advertisements from advertisers and send it to the Editor in electronic format
6. Ensure that advertisements are placed according to specifications before LIT goes to the printers
7. Liaise with the National Office regarding the invoicing process
8. Review advertising fees annually
Good communication skills in English
Access to efficient ICT
Ingrid Thomson
National Public Relations Officer
Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA)
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Reminder of Call for Nominations
This is a reminder that the deadline for the submission of nominations for the forthcoming elections is 15 June.
You are invited to nominate LIASA members for the portfolios of:
Public Relations Officer
You should have received the forms with the delivery of your latest copy of the LIASA-in-Touch and it is also available via the website.
This is an opportunity for you to participate by nominating your choice of leadership for the future or by making yourself available for one of the portfolios.
It is important to note that you have to:
Be committed to serve LIASA;
Support the ethics, constitution and spirit of LIASA;
Be prepared to put in many voluntary hours;
Have the full support of your supervisor and institution;
Be able to attend meetings as necessary;
Familiarize yourself with the tasks & responsibilities that will be required of you
In order to nominate or be nominated you and the nominee has to be fully paid-up members of LIASA. This will be verified otherwise the nomination will be invalid.
Naomi Haasbroek
National Secretary
Library Association of South Africa
Tel: +27 21 843 1000
Tel: +27 21 843 1259 (Direct)
Fax: 0866116096 or +27 21 843 3525
You are invited to nominate LIASA members for the portfolios of:
Public Relations Officer
You should have received the forms with the delivery of your latest copy of the LIASA-in-Touch and it is also available via the website.
This is an opportunity for you to participate by nominating your choice of leadership for the future or by making yourself available for one of the portfolios.
It is important to note that you have to:
Be committed to serve LIASA;
Support the ethics, constitution and spirit of LIASA;
Be prepared to put in many voluntary hours;
Have the full support of your supervisor and institution;
Be able to attend meetings as necessary;
Familiarize yourself with the tasks & responsibilities that will be required of you
In order to nominate or be nominated you and the nominee has to be fully paid-up members of LIASA. This will be verified otherwise the nomination will be invalid.
Naomi Haasbroek
National Secretary
Library Association of South Africa
Tel: +27 21 843 1000
Tel: +27 21 843 1259 (Direct)
Fax: 0866116096 or +27 21 843 3525
Cape Town Book Fair International Conference Centre (CTICC)14 -17 June 2008 Cape Town
The Cape Town Book Fair is a unique platform for the African and international book industry to establish and grow relationships amongst and with the African publishing community.
At the same time, it was a huge cultural event for the public that had more than 350 events taking place in 2007, covering the entire range from readings, book launches, discussions and seminars. Visitors not only discovered the newest releases but were also able to purchase them at the fair.
The Cape Town Book Fair is a strategic partnership between the Publishers' Association of South Africa and the Frankfurter Buchmesse, allowing for the exchange of ideas and expertise to establish a foundation for this annual event.
The fair's primary objective is to provide an intellectual forum for all sectors of the book industry within South Africa and those interested in Africa to showcase their materials and discuss amongst peers the challenges of the industry in a globally benchmarked environment.
The Cape Town Book Fair is committed to the establishment of a viable commercial rights market place, a vibrant meeting place and sees itself as a catalyst for the support to the development of publishing in South Africa and the rest of the continent.
In support of these objectives, it will endorse, collaborate and organize a series of workshops and forums to achieve one of its key objectives viz introducing Africa as a place of literary origination.
Participants and collaborators to these events will include South African and African government officials and policy makers, authors from around the world, as well as new and established South African authors.
For more information please visit
At the same time, it was a huge cultural event for the public that had more than 350 events taking place in 2007, covering the entire range from readings, book launches, discussions and seminars. Visitors not only discovered the newest releases but were also able to purchase them at the fair.
The Cape Town Book Fair is a strategic partnership between the Publishers' Association of South Africa and the Frankfurter Buchmesse, allowing for the exchange of ideas and expertise to establish a foundation for this annual event.
The fair's primary objective is to provide an intellectual forum for all sectors of the book industry within South Africa and those interested in Africa to showcase their materials and discuss amongst peers the challenges of the industry in a globally benchmarked environment.
The Cape Town Book Fair is committed to the establishment of a viable commercial rights market place, a vibrant meeting place and sees itself as a catalyst for the support to the development of publishing in South Africa and the rest of the continent.
In support of these objectives, it will endorse, collaborate and organize a series of workshops and forums to achieve one of its key objectives viz introducing Africa as a place of literary origination.
Participants and collaborators to these events will include South African and African government officials and policy makers, authors from around the world, as well as new and established South African authors.
For more information please visit
LIASA statement on Xenophobia
LIASA is saddened and outraged by the xenophobic violence that is taking place in South Africa.
We endorse sentiments expressed in statements of support for refugees made by a wide-ranging number of civil society organisations. We are sure that many of our members are assisting in whichever way they are able, through either individual, community or institutional efforts.
Libraries are places where, as the SA Library Week theme for this year shows, one can go from local to global, where one can explore the world and broaden one's horizons and be exposed to other cultures and peoples.
Libraries are places where there should be no barriers to the sharing of human knowledge and where everyone should be welcome, so that all of us can gain from each person's growth.
If we do believe, in terms of the Freedom Charter, that libraries open the doors of learning and culture, then libraries should be places where the only unwelcome thing is unfair discrimination. But as libraries really need librarians to give them life and keep them growing, so libraries need librarians to defend their wider purpose.
For this and for other reasons closely connected to our common humanity, LIASA rejects and condemns the xenophobic attacks that have been perpetrated in this country against fellow citizens of Africa.
Ingrid Thomson
National Public Relations Officer
on behalf of
Tommy Matthee, President of LIASA and the LIASA National Executive Committee
We endorse sentiments expressed in statements of support for refugees made by a wide-ranging number of civil society organisations. We are sure that many of our members are assisting in whichever way they are able, through either individual, community or institutional efforts.
Libraries are places where, as the SA Library Week theme for this year shows, one can go from local to global, where one can explore the world and broaden one's horizons and be exposed to other cultures and peoples.
Libraries are places where there should be no barriers to the sharing of human knowledge and where everyone should be welcome, so that all of us can gain from each person's growth.
If we do believe, in terms of the Freedom Charter, that libraries open the doors of learning and culture, then libraries should be places where the only unwelcome thing is unfair discrimination. But as libraries really need librarians to give them life and keep them growing, so libraries need librarians to defend their wider purpose.
For this and for other reasons closely connected to our common humanity, LIASA rejects and condemns the xenophobic attacks that have been perpetrated in this country against fellow citizens of Africa.
Ingrid Thomson
National Public Relations Officer
on behalf of
Tommy Matthee, President of LIASA and the LIASA National Executive Committee
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