Tuesday, September 02, 2008

FAIFE HIV/AIDS Pre-conference afternoon workshop, 6 October 2008

IFLA FAIFE in conjunction with LIASA FAIFE invites information professionals and librarians from all libraries in South Africa to attend a Workshop on Role of Libraries and Librarians in HIV/AIDS issues.

To train South African Librarians to train other librarians and educators to advocate for HIV and AIDS, and implement programmes in their libraries that would create awareness, inform and educate library users on HIV/AIDS prevention and care.

* IFLA Committee on Freedom of Access and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) http://www.ifla.org/faife/index.htm
* LIASA FAIFE Standing Committee

Swedish Information Development Agency (SIDA)

Registration for the workshop is free of charge.

Please complete the application form and send it to Fatima Darries at DarriesFa@cput.ac.za or fax to 021 460 3879.

Please note there are limited seating and only 100 attendees can be accommodated.

Date: 6 October 2008,

Time: Afternoon

Venue: CTICC, Cape Town


14H00 Welcome

14H10 Introduction of FAIFE’s activities (http://www.ifla.org/faife/index.htm )
Background on FAIFE’s work on advocacy in providing HIV/AIDS information- Barbara Jones

14H40 Background on HIV/AIDS in SA- Carol Jacobs (AIDS Training, Information and Counselling Centre)

15H10 Education and Awareness Programmes Overview - Ashraf Muhammad

15H30 Tea

16H00 Role of Libraries - Rene Schoombee

16H30 Library HIV/AIDS Awareness Programme at Bonteheuwel - Julian Shroeder

17H00 Beyond Awareness/Education - Barbara Jones
* Examples of successful library programs in Africa.
* Librarians as advocates.
* Librarians collaborating with public health and medical professionals-some suggestions.
* Information on grants.
* Information on web and other sources on HIV/AIDS from around the world.

Application form

FAIFE HIV/AIDS Afternoon Workshop
6 October 2008, CTICC



Female 0 Male 0

Title: Ms 0 Mrs 0 Mr 0
Dr 0 Prof 0 Other, please specify_____________

LIASA membership number:_______________________________


Library type: Academic 0 Research 0 Public/Community0
School 0 Corporate 0 NGO 0 Other, please specify____________________

Do you have or have in the past, ran a HIV/AIDS programme in your Library?

(Should you be a successful applicant, you will be requested to bring along examples of your programmes to share with others at the workshop. It is not a prerequisite to attend the workshop however.)

Please send completed for to Fatima Darries at Darriesfa@cput.ac.za or fax to 021 460 3699.

Fatima Darries

LIASA 10th Annual Conference

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