Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Fatima is the LIASA/SABINET LIbrarian of the Year
Fatima was nominated by the Western Cape Branch.
She receives an awardof R25 000 to be used for any educational purpose (further studies, visits to relevant institutions locally orinternationally, attending relevant conferences).
The Librarian of the Year is seen to be a role model to the rest of the Library and Information community and a person whose contributions make a lasting impact on the sector.
The motivation from the Western Cape branch reads (in part): "In addition to fulfilling all the criteria for this prestigious award, Ms Darries has been very actively involved in LIASA ... She demonstrates excellence in promoting library and information services and the Association through her work at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and LIASA activities.
Her leadership is demonstrated by the various initiatives such as the establishment of the WCHELIG (Western CapeHigher Education Libraries Interest Group) and the successful Colloquiums hosted by this interest group. An exceptional achievement was her selection to attend the HERS-SAAcademy as one of four Cape Technikon women. In 2005, Fatima was one of six South African women to attend the Bryn Mawr Summer Institute and also presented a paper there, promoting librarians and making valuable contacts.
She is also an accredited EDT practitioner and her involvement with training is evidence of her commitment to the development of LIS professionals."
There was also a story on the Voice of the Cape radio station.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Photos of Western Cape delegates at the conference

Congratulations to LIASA President, Tommy Matthee, on being re-elected for another term of office. Tommy reportedly is a gold medalist in the Fun Run on Monday, 25 September 2006.
Our first attempt at the conference to have a group photo.

Another attempt.

More attendees, and of course Ingrid, who also presented at conference, below.

The Western Cape Exhibition

Highlights of the conference in another blog.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
LIASA Western Cape Newsletter available
Highlights include:
* News from the Branch Annual General Meeting
* Round up of events and activities for SA Library Week
* Reminder about the Branch Award (closing date at the end of the month)
* Contact List for the new Branch Committee.
and other news.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
New LIASA Acquisitions Interest Group/YBP Library Services Award
The YBP awards are designed to recognize the contribution of members of the profession who work, often behind the scenes, in collection and technical services (library acquisitions), and to promote leadership, innovation, research,publication and practice in collection services. It has been said that these are the folk whose labours go largely unremarked, and "who make library administrators look good".
Nominations are invited from:
# all paidup individual members of LIASA (for the past two years)
#paidup interest group/ LACIG members (for the past two years)
The successful recipients(s) will be required to:
1. Prepare a comprehensive report which may be published in theLIASA in Touch and Acquisitions in Touch
2. Make a presentation at the next LIASA Conference (2007) or event and assume all costs associated with attending such an event. The presentation will outline the project/professional travel and its outcomes and will acknowledge the support given by the YBP award under the auspices of LIASA:LACIG.
In awarding the YBP/Lindsay & Croft Award, LIASA reserves the right to make broad adjustments to the proposed project to ensure optimal relevance for the association and the wider profession.
With the nomination form include the following:
# Nominee's CV with full work address
# attach an outline of why you are a deserving candidate (nominee)
# attach a brief outline by selector (why you chose the nominee and what your working relationship with the nominee is)
Nominations will be considered by the LIASA Awards Committee with recommendation of the LACIG Committee.
N.B. Nominations close on 8 September 2006, so don't delay.
Send or fax forms to UNISA: FLORIDA CAMPUS Private Bag X90 FLORIDA 1710
Tel: (+27 11) 471-2826 Fax: (+27 11) 471-2200
I, the undersigned, being a 2006 paid-up members of LIASA, hereby nominate
__________________________________ (name of candidate)
LIASA membership no _______who is working in technical services or collection development in a library.
Position held in the library: __________________________
Name of library: __________________________________
Reason for the nomination - unique contribution made by the nominee in the field of collection development and technicalservices. (If necessary, append an additional sheet)
If the nominee should win the award, the nominee will use this award to further his/her expertise in the field ofcollection development or technical services (library acquisitions) by doing the following:
Proposed by:
Full name in block letters: ________________________________________________
LIASA membership no ________ Signature: _____________________
Seconded by:
Full name in block letters: ________________________________________________
LIASA membership no ________ Signature:_____________________
Declaration by nominee:
I, _________________________________________________________ (full name in block letters)
LIASA membership number __________, accept the nomination for the above award and promise, if elected, to adhere to therules and requirements as set by LIASA
Signature: ____________________________Date:__________________
Monday, August 28, 2006
Please support Western Cape candidates for National Office
It is your right as a 2006 paid-up member to have your say in the ongoing development, direction and growth of LIASA by exercising your vote and electing the national executive committee of LIASA.
Since the inception of LIASA almost 10 years ago, there has been at least one member of the national executive from the Western Cape -- almost a tradition! A very strong indication of the leadership skills and talent that the branch has to offer the national association and this year is no different.
*Three* Western Cape branch members have been nominated for portfolios at national level.
Please support the following nominations:
* Tommy Matthee as President. He is currently serving as President of LIASA.
* Naomi Haasbroek as President-Elect. She has just completed her term as Branch Chair.
* Ingrid Thomson as National PRO. She has just served two terms as Branch PRO.
Full details of all the nominations, including cvs and manifestos, and ballots are on the LIASA home page. These will also be shortly winging their way into your postbox.
Completed ballots can either be faxed through or posted to the national office.
To make it easy for you to get your completed ballot to the national office before the closing date (12 pm on 27th September), Western Cape members going to the LIASA conference are willing to collect ballots (in sealed envelopes) and drop them in the ballot box at conference.
Watch your email for names and contact details of colleagues going to conference.
Concern about Bonteheuwel Library and other public libraries in the Western Cape
A week after the LIASA Western Cape Branch congratulated MarkShuttleworth for his generous donation for the upgrade of theDurbanville libraries, we are concerned to note that no such respite exists for Bonteheuwel Library.
According to the report in the Cape Argus, Deputy MayorAndrew Arnolds
has given his assurance that council was "working" on the problem but LIASA needs to point out that the Bonteheuwel community has been without a library service for a year.
Why has it taken Council so long to appointa contractor if there is a budget available for the renovations?
LIASA Western Cape also has also noted with concern the problems surrounding public libraries in the Helderberg and closure of the Lansdowne Public Library since February this year.
We are happy that the immediate problems which led to the closure of Lansdowne appear to be resolved with appointment of more staff and its re-opening.
UCT Libraries first in South Africa in OCLC's Enhance programme
Congratulations to Norma Read and her team of cataloguers from the Chancellor Oppenheimer Library at the University of Cape Town, on their acceptance into OCLC’s Enhance program. The Library is the first South African library to achieve this status.
OCLC ‘s Enhance program was established in 1983 in an attempt to decentralize quality control responsibility for WorldCat. The program now includes more than 180 institutions.
Enhance status libraries are mandated to correct or add information tobibliographic records in WorldCat to improve the overall quality of WorldCat. Libraries applying are subjected to strict reviewing of their cataloguing on WorldCat over the past year and acceptance is based on a point system.
Through their participation in this program, the University of Cape Town Library will be able to improve the quality of WorldCat records held by South African libraries and this will also result in better quality records in the SACat.
Source: media statement (just released) by SABINET
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Congratulations to Mark Shuttleworth on his generous donation
generation of learners that are gifted with curiosity about the world in
which they live, and the tools to understand and shape that world'
- Mark Shuttleworth
Mark has lived up to this statement (taken off the Shuttleworth
Foundation website through his very generous donation of R12 million
for the upgrading of the two libraries in Durbanville, his home town.
The announcement was made at the 200th anniversary celebrations of the
town by his mother, who was representing the Foundation.
"My son has always been passionate about maths and science but this time
he has decided to extend his donations to education. Mark, the African,
Durbanviller, Londoner is donating R12m for the extension of libraries
and stocking of books."
LIASA Western Cape commends Mark on his very generous donation
to improving Library Services in Durbanville and hopes that his fine
example is emulated by other members of the business community to rescue an
ailing, but absolutely essential, Library Service in the Western Cape.
Here is the link to the story available on the IOL web page:
Saturday, August 05, 2006
New Branch Exec Committee for 2006 -2008

The 2006 - 2008 Branch Executive Committee for the Western Cape Branch of LIASA are: (back row, left to right) Busi Khangala (Secretary); Wilhelmina Zaal (Membership Secretary); Lormarcia Zwaan (Treasurer); Alvina Matthee (Second Branch Representative); Sharon Adams (Additional Member); Julian Schroeder (Additional Member); (seated, left to right) Fadeela Davids (PRO); Nazeem Hardy (Vice Chair); Fatima Darries (Chair) and Ingrid Thomson (Newsletter Editor).
LIASA/SABINET Western Cape Librarian of the Year
Congratulations Fatima!!!!!
Photo is of Fatima receiving a certificate from the chair of the Western Cape branch, Naomi Haasbroek.

Thursday, July 27, 2006
Unofficial wiki for LIASA 2006 Conference
The url is
This follows the international trend of wikis being set up for conferences -- Computers in Libraries, ALA conferences, PLA conference.
What is a wiki?
A wiki is a kind of free-form website that is easy toedit. It is *collaborative*, allowing any visitor with the site's password can edit any page on the site. It can be made public to allow anyone to read a wiki, while still restricting editing to those who know the wiki's password.
Edits are done in plain text and don't require learning fancy or complex codes like HTML. Just start typing! It's also easy to create new pages and make links to pages already made. If you feel nervous, go to the site and start playing in the sandbox.
he unofficial conference wiki should contain all sorts of information-- official and unofficial -- and will be a useful reference source, but the content is only going to be as good as as the contributions you make.
If you look at the front page of the wiki, you'll see that there is some content and some links (some pages don't exist yet). If you would like to collaborate and have useful information for your fellow LIASA members or have ideas for content (information that you would like to have), please contact me (ingrid at uctlib dot uct dot ac dot za) to get the password.
PBwiki is a free wiki service, gives 10.0 MB space which should be more than sufficient for us. As we go along, we start adding tags and developing the site further.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Results of Western Cape's Shelver of the Year Award
There were 9 participants from various institutions: Edulis, UWC, UCT,
The three judges were: Julian Hindley (UCT Libraries), Beulah Isaacs
(UWC Library) and Nondumiso Sinyenyeko (UWC Library).
First Place: Cornelius Basson of UCT Libraries.
Joint Second Place: Erica Lucas of Edulis/Kuilsriver and Ruchel Klaase
of Edulis/Bellville
Third Place: Kodisang Masephatsi of CPUT/Bellville
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Official notice of Branch AGM sent by post
You are cordially invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Western Cape Branch of the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA).
Date: Wednesday 2nd August 2006
Time: 9 am for 9.30 am - 12 pm
Venue: UWC Library Auditorium, University of the Western Cape
RSVP: Wilhelmina Zaal at (021) 8431004 or fax (021) 8433525 or via email wilhelmina at tlabs do ac dot za by Friday 28th July. Please indicate menu preference.
President Thabo Mbeki has described the Timbuktu Manuscripts Project as an outstanding example of the dream of wider partnership and collaboration across Africa. The project is a South African presidential project, co-ordinated by the Presidency and the Department of Arts and Culture through the National Archives, and it is the first official cultural project of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (Nepad).
Our guest speakers, who will give us a fascinating look into the Project, are Alexio Motsi (Project Leader) and Dr Mary Maniki (Conservator).
Proposed agenda (details still to be confirmed):
Registration and voting
1. Opening and welcome
2. Introduction of guest speakers
3. Guest speakers: Timbuktu Manuscripts Project
4. Vote of Thanks to speakers
Business Meeting
5. Confirmation of previous minutes
6. Matters arising
7. Chair's report
8. Treasurer's report
9. Announcement of election results
10. Handover to new office bearers
11. Acceptance speech by new chair
12. Closure
After the meeting, a light finger lunch will be served.
Please note that only current paid-up members will be able to vote. Please bring your membership cards.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Opportunity to quiz the Mayor of Cape Town and Premier of the Western Cape about libraries
And the news on KFM this morning, was they would be doing something
similar each Monday morning after 8 am, with both the Mayor and the
Premier of the Western Cape. According to KFM, they will probably play the "highlights" the
following day for those who can't listen in. I don't see a link on their webpage as
yet --
So this is an opportunity for us to ask questions about libraries in the Western Cape.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Support Staff Interest Group AGM
Date: Wednesday 19th July 2006
Time: 1 pm for 2 pm
Venue: UWC Library Auditorium
NB NB The winners of the annual shelvers' competition will also be
As this is an election year, you are requested to consider nominations
for office bearers.
Person nominated:
Liasa no:
Position nominated for (see 1 below):
Nominated by:
Liasa no:
1. Positions that may be nominated for are: Chair, Vice-Chair,
Secretary, Treasurer, PRO, Media Editor
2. A member can nominate for more than one committee position but
each nomination must be on a separate properly completed form.
3. Each nomination form must bear the signature of the nominee and 1
paid-up member who is eligible to vote and whose signature must
also be on the form.
4. Nominations must be received by one of the members of the WCSSIG
Committee by 12 pm Tuesday July 18th , 2006. Facsimiles will be
accepted (at 021-959 2659), but not e-mail.
5. Nominees should provide a short (1/2 page) resume to be used for
balloting with the completed nomination form
For more information, please contact Beulah Isaacs at beisaacs at
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Call for Nominations for the LIASA WC BEC for 2006 - 2008
This year is an election year at national, branch, interest group and
branch interest group level.
To ensure that the branch, which won the first-ever Presidential Award
in 2005, continues to grow from strength to strength, LIASA Western
Cape needs your assistance and input.
This is an opportunity for you to participate in these elections by
either nominating someone to serve on the Branch Executive Committee (BEC) and
then casting your vote at the AGM or by making yourself available to be
nominated to serve on the BEC. One of the factors that will ensure the branch's
continued success is that there is proper leadership succession and continuity.
This notice serves as a call for nominations as well as alerting LIASA
Western Cape members of the current position regarding members of the
BEC and to ensure that there are sufficient nominations for the incoming
Together with the official written AGM notification, you'll be sent
nomination forms and brief descriptions of the portfolios. The
forms will also shortly be available via the branch's web page.
Details of where to send them will also be made available in due course.
The closing date for nominations is Friday 28th July 2006.
However, full job descriptions for each portfolio are available from the current
BEC members.
Important points to note
* Only paid-up members are allowed to nominate or be nominated.
* A nominee has to agree to stand for election and the nomination
has to be supported by at least two other paid-up members.
* The term of office is two consecutive years. One cannot serve
more than four consecutive terms (i.e. 8 years) and portfolio holders
cannot serve more than two consecutive terms (i.e. 4 years) in the same
NB: Before you agree to make yourself available for nomination, please
ensure that you have the necessary support from your institution; you
are able to attend regular BEC meetings; you have access to resources
such as email, internet, fax and telephone; you have some personal time
The BEC Office Bearers, elected by members are:-
* Chair (who then represents the branch on the national Representative
Council of LIASA)
* Vice-Chair
* Secretary
* Treasurer
* Public Relations Officer
* Membership Secretary
* Newsletter Editor
* A minimum of two other members
* Second Branch Representative on the national Representative
The closing date for nominations is FRIDAY 28 July 2006.
The following BEC members were elected in 2004, so they have therefore
completed one term. In terms of the branch Constitution, they may be
re-elected, should they be willing to stand for nomination.
* Lormarcia Zwaan (Treasurer)
* Joanita le Kay (Secretary)
* Rolf Proske (Newsletter Editor)
* Wilhelmina Zaal (Membership Secretary)
* Busisiwe Khangala (Member)
* Laddy McKechnie (Member, also Chair of Support Staff Interest
The following BEC members have served more than one term, but less than
four consecutive terms on the BEC. In terms of the branch Constitution,
they may be re-elected, should they be willing to stand for nomination.
* Nohra Moerat (Vice Chair)
* Alvina Matthee (Second Branch Representative)
* Ingrid Thomson (Public Relations Officer. In terms of the
branch Constitution, she cannot be nominated for this portfolio as she
has served two consecutive terms in this portfolio.)
* Naomi Haasbroek (Chair. In Naomi's term of office as
Deputy-President of LIASA, she served on the BEC ex officio [as described below] -- so
she has *not* yet served four consecutive terms as an elected branch representative)
Other members serving on the BEC are ex officio either as
representatives or convenors of interest groups active in the Western
Cape, or as office bearers or convenors at national level, working in
the Western Cape. They may be available to stand for nomination to the
* Tommy Matthee (President, LIASA. Past Chair of Branch)
* Wynand van der Walt (National Convenor: ICTLIG)
* Caroline Dean (Chair: ICTLIG)
* Fadeelah Davids (Chair: PACLIG)
* Fatima Darries (Chair: WCHELIG & National Secretary: HELIG. Past
Secretary of Branch)
* Cherezaan Basadien (Vice Chair: SSIG)
* Jean Uys (Interim Chair: RETIG)
* Rose Damon (Chair: SLYSIG)
* Amy Bell Mulaudzi (Chair: LiSLIG & National Convenor: LiSLIG)
* Nolubabalo Memani (Representative: LiSLIG)
Branch AGM 2nd August
This serves to notify you that the LIASA Western Cape Branch AnnualGeneral Meeting (AGM) has been scheduled for Wednesday 2nd August 2006.
You will shortly receive correspondence through your mail box about the AGM, but please diarise this date.
Time: 09h00 for 09h30 until 12h00
Venue: Library Auditorium, University of Western Cape
The agenda and programme will be made available in due course.
Elections for the Branch Executive Committee will be held at the AGM.
Please note that only paid-up LIASA members will be able to vote.
Proxy voting is permitted.
Please bring your current membership card.
RSVP to Wilhelmina Zaal at or tel 021 8431004, or fax 021 843 3525 by Friday 28th July 2006.
Monday, June 26, 2006
LiSLIG AGM 19 July 2006
Date: Wednesday, 19 July 2006
Time: 14:00 for 14:30
Venue: South African Astronomical Observatory Auditorium, Observatory
Cost: FREE
RSVP: AlisonGarlick (021) 509-3604 or
email before Monday 10 July 2006
A map to the Observatory is available upon request.
Join us for a speed networking session, refreshments, and our business meeting.
Note that only paid-up members are allowed to vote according to the constitution, so please make sure that your membership fees are paid. You will be able to pay at the event as well.
A new committee will be elected at the AGM, so please volunteer to serve a term on the committee or nominate somebody(make sure the person is willing to stand).
Our committee meetings are held after hours (so they do not impact on your work), once every two months (so they don’t take up excessive amounts of your time) and the workload is shared between committee members. New committee members bring fresh ideas and input, so please consider volunteering to join.
WCHELIG AGM 27 July 2006
Annual General Meeting 2006
Date: Thursday, 27 July 2006
Venue: UWC Auditorium
The AGM of WCHELIG will be held at13:30 for 14:00 at the above venue. Please diarise!
As this is an election year, you are requested to consider nominations for office bearers.
1. Positions that may be nominated for are: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, PRO, Media Editor
2. A member can nominate for more than one committee position but each nomination must be on a separate properly completed form.
3. Each nomination form must bear the signature of the nominee and 1 paid-up member who is eligible to vote and whose signature must also be on the form.
4. Nominations must be received by one of the members of the WCHELIG Committee by 12am Tuesday July 25, 2006. Facsimiles will be accepted (at 021-8645269), but not e-mail.
5. Nominees should provide a short (1/2 page) resume to be used for balloting with the completed nomination form
6. Names of the nominees (with positions nominated for) will be on the blog at 17:00 on Tuesday 25 July 2006.
7. All members are invited to vote by e-mail to
For enquiries, please phone Mike Moll at 021-8645225 or e-mail:
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Best Shelver of the Year Award
Is there an ace shelver in your library whose books are in perfect order at all times? Whose shelves are the neatest and straightest in the library and whoknows his/her Dewey?
Then perhaps the shelver in your library should be thewinner of LIASA Western Cape Library Support Staff Interest Group's Best Shelver of the Year Award?
Librarians and Managers of Libraries are encouraged to nominate staff to participate in this competition.
The purpose of this award is to acknowledge non- professionals in LIS especially shelvers and to motivate them to become part of LIASA.
* The first prize: R95 Support Staff Interest Group registration for 2007 plus R100 gift voucher.
* The 2nd runner-up will win R100 gift voucher
* The 3rd runner-up will winn a R75 gift voucher.
The winner will take part in the in the National Shelvers'Competition at the LIASA conference in Pretoria. The winning institution would have to pay for conference registration, transport and accommodation of their staff member.
You may enter up to 3 candidates for your institution, who will have to complete a test.
The winner will be announced at the Library Support Staff Interest Group AGM at the National Library of South Africa on 19th July 2006. All participants would have to be present at the AGM.
The test will take place on 28th June 2006 at the University of the Western Cape Library. All participants will have to be present from 09h00 and will be free to leave once they have completed their test.
Closing date for entries: 26th June 2006.
DATE: .........................
Fax to: (021) 959 2659 or email Attention: Beulah Isaacs
Contact details: tel. No (021) 959 2908 or email
Thank you for participating and helping LIASA to give recognition to those workers behind the scenes.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
"What teachers really think about librarians"
and ELIG(SPA) Extension Library Interest Group
a thought-provoking report back by Genevieve Hart (UWC LIS Department) on a survey done in Mpumalanga
"What do Teachers really think about Librarians"
Date : 22 June 2006Time : 9 .30 - 12 noon
Venue : Pelican Park School / Public Library c/o Pelican Park Primary School
Free to all LIASA members
Potential LIASA members pay R10.00
Please contact Shereen to RSVP. and for directions @ Tel/fax 021 3961213
ICTLIG Western Cape AGM 5 July 2006
The meeting will be held at EDULIS (15 KruskalAvenue, Bellville).
Our guest speaker will address the topic of how cellphone technology can be used in libraries.
For once you'll be asked to keep your phone *ON* in a meeting, so bring it along.
Also at this meeting, the ICTLIG committee for the next term of office(2006-2008) will be elected.
Please start thinking of who you would liketo see on the committee ... (More to follow soon about nominationprocedures.)
For catering purposes, please let me know by 30 June, if you plan to attend the AGM.
And when you reply, please include your cellphone number.
Thank you,
Caroline Dean
Chair: ICTLIG Western Cape
Monday, May 22, 2006
What Every Librarian should know about KM ...
“What Every Librarian Should Know About Knowledge Management But Might
Be Afraid To Ask.”
Date: Wednesday, 31 May 2006
Time: 13:30 for 14:00
Venue: Old Mutual, Pinelands
Cost: LIASA members R30, non LIASA members R50
Payments will be accepted at the venue (cash or cheque)
Speakers: Ian Corbett, Knoco South Africa; Gretchen Smith, Department of
Information and Library Studies UCT; Ben Fouche, Knowledge Leadership
Panel discussion with audience will follow speaker presentations.
RSVP: Caroline Dean tel: +27(0)21 650 3701 or
email: caroline at by Friday 26 May 2006
2nd WCEHLIG Winter Colloquium
Purpose:More and more the need for collaborative efforts are being called for to address the challenges that we face as we buildour country. Collaborative work is not only called for on a national and international level, but also across disciplines, amongst and within institutions. Librarians have worked across all types of borders, and collaborated across all types of divisions both inside and outside the library and the communities we serve. In sharing and making public our collaborative efforts, we reflect on our success in making a difference to the user community we serve. In fully recognising our collaborative efforts we inspire others and ourselves to continue to build on those successes.
For the Colloquium programme and further details visit the WCHELIG blog at . The informationwill also soon be available on the LIASA website at
Registration details:
IT Centre, Bellville Campus, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Wednesday 14 June 2006
Registration closes 7 June 2006
First name
Preferred badge name
Company / Institution
Tel no
Fax no
Mobile no.
Dietary requirements
Registration costs:
LIASA member: R 150.00 Non-member: R 300.00
Method of payment:
* Cheque. Post to with registration form to be attachedWCHELIG Colloquium 2006, c/o Rolf Proske Cape Peninsula University of Technology Library c/r Keizergracht & Tennant Str Zonnebloem7925
* Bank deposit. Proof of payment and registration form to be faxed toRolf Proske at Fax no (021) 460 3699 (tel 021-460 3156) or Audrey Patrick, Fax no 021-9596605
Bank account details: First National BankBranch: Paarl Branch code: 200110 Account no: 50251139760
Reference: your surname, institution, WCHELIG Colloquium
Please note registration will only be confirmed on receipt of proof of payment
Enquiries: Rolf Proske, or tel 021 460 3156
WCHELIG Workshop on Open Access and Respositories
Come join us on 12 June 2006 in the Library on the Bellville Campus of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
Please respond by 5 June 2006 to Rolf Proske at or 021 460 3156.
Programme and registration details below. It is also availble from the WCHELIG blog at and willsoon also be availble from the LIASA website at
Open Access Scholarly Communication and IR’s
12 June 2006
Library, Bellville Campus
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 9:15 Welcome
9:15 – 10:00 Introduction to Open Access Scholarly Communication- Allison Moller
10:00 – 11:00 The What & The Why of Institutional Repository- Susan Veldsman
11:00 – 11:15 Tea
11:15 – 12:15 Policy Issues in IR - Susan Veldsman
12:15 – 13:15 Lunch
13:15 – 14:15 Metadata & e-preservation - Dr Dale Peters
14:15 – 14:30 Tea
14:30 – 15:15 New Roles and activities for Librarians - Dr Dale Peters
15:15 – 15:45 IR’s so far – UWC (To be confirmed) - SUN (To be confirmed)
15:45 – 16:00 Discussion1
6:00 - 16:15 Thanks and closure - Fatima Darries
Registration details:
Library, Bellville Campus, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Monday 12 June 2006
Registration closes 5 June 2006
First name
Preferred badge name
Company / InstitutionAddress
Tel no
Fax no Mobile no.
Dietary requirements
Registration costs:
LIASA member: R 180.00 Non-member: R270.00
Method of payment:
• Cheque. Post to with registration form to be attached WCHELIG Workshop 2006, c/o Rolf Proske Cape Peninsula University of Technology Library c/r Keizergracht & Tennant Str Zonnebloem 7925
• Bank deposit. Proof of payment and registration form to be faxed to Rolf Proske at Fax no (021) 460 3699 (tel 021-460 3156) or Audrey Patrick, Fax no 021-9596605
Bank account details: First National BankBranch: Paarl Branch code: 200110 Account no: 50251139760
Reference: your surname, institution, WCHELIG Workshop
Please note registration will only be confirmed on receipt of proof of payment
Enquiries: Rolf Proske, or tel 021 460 3156
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Minister Pallo Jordan's speech at the national launch of SA Library Week
Every human society relies on the experience of its older members as the foundation on which to build what is new. Since the birth of the human race our unique ability to pass on our knowledge of the world, our experience in life and our achievements to our off-spring has enabled our species not only to survive but to prosper. Observation is probably the first means by which humans instructed their young. But as the off-springs powers of comprehension improved, human beings educated and socialized their young through speech. The faculty of speech, found only among humans, is extremely versatile. It can be used to command. It can be used to comfort. It can be used to instruct. It can be used to express affection. It can be used to express anger. It can be used to communicate fear. It can be used to convey anxiety. It can be used to express joy as well as sorrow. Constant communication and the exchange of experience are also unique to humans which have given us an incomparable competitive edge over other species.
The human family is unique in its ability and desire to externalize itself through acts of creation reflecting its experience, its environment, its own life as a species and its imagination. The human sings, dances, sculpts, carves, paints, recites poetry, tells stories and records its memories because nature endowed it with certain unique abilities. The human is obsessively curious, always posing the question: why? By consistently posing that question, the human animal arrived at a second, and perhaps more significant one: why not?
The search for the answer to that second question stirred humans to change and constantly transform their environment, and by so doing to make and re-make themselves. Artistic creation is an important dimension of that search and of our urge to create a better world.
The earliest attempts to render the words, thoughts, ideas and feelings of a human as writing were executed on African soil, along the Nile River valley. The invention of writing was probably the most profound cultural revolution experienced by humankind. Mastery of the art of writing was extremely empowering. Its consequences have shaped and reshaped our universe in ways that no one could have anticipated. From then on communication among humans was freed from the need for personal contact. It became possible to communicate directly and to receive accurate communication from some-one who was not there in person. Through the written word humanity is able to commune with the present, the past and the future. Liberated from the constraints of time and space, the thoughts, opinions, emotions, beliefs, values and experiences of people acquired infinite mobility, even immortality.
Africans have recorded their thoughts and emotions in verse, rock art, sculpture and writing for centuries. The act of recording made them eminently transferable from one place to another, from one time to another, from one environment to another, from one people to another. Reading and writing are the cornerstones of literacy. Those who can read and write thus became the custodians of cultural heritage.
Among the amaRharabe clans, living in the western borderlands of the early 19 century Xhosa kingdoms, there emerged a religious figure, Ntiskana, the son of Gabha of the Cirha clan. It is said that this young father, a person of some substance in his own community, began experiencing visions that exhorted him to convert to a new religion. After one particularly acute such experience, he went down to the river and washed-off the red ochre with which the Xhosa people decorated their bodies and adopted this new religion.
Carrying a wooden cross of his own construction, Ntiskana began preaching about 200 years ago. As he had no bell, he used his voice to call his followers to prayer. The chant, known today as Ntsikanas hymn, represented an interesting intersection - cultural change propagated through a traditional mode of expression. Like the Muslim muezzin or azhan, Ntsikana employed a chant to convey his message of change and his call to his people to embrace a new world outlook. Ntsikanas visions, instructing him to read, some authorities say, stimulated the drive for literacy amongst his followers, who constituted one of the earliest communities of Christian Africans.
As a cultural figure Ntsikana represents the face of an indigenous African modernism, concealed within the cocoon of the Christian faith. In social as well as religious terms he was a prophetic figure as a portent of the future of both African communities in South Africa and of Christianity among the Africans.
Ntsikanas hymn, like his mission, represents the van of an African modernism that still values and seeks to preserve every aspect of African tradition and culture that has universal significance. Ntsikana was not a subjugated colonial subject, seeking solace in the faith of his conquerors. He and his growing band of followers were free people, living within their own kingdom under their own rulers, living under their own laws, who had exercised a conscious choice to embrace and adapt to their own uses the skills and the technology that the White colonial society possessed in such abundance. Christianity, freely chosen rather than imposed, represented the ideology and the lifestyle of these modernists chose.
Christian Missionaries had been active among the Black communities in South Africa since the establishment of the Moravian mission station at Genadendal during the latter part of the seventeenth century. Missionaries came in the wake of the colonial soldier and administrator. But, once a colonial presence had been established, they often preceded colonial officialdom into unconquered territories. Such was the case with many late 18 century and 19 century missionaries. Thus Moffat preceded the British colonial office among the Tswana and Ndebele. So too in their day did van de Kemp, Williams, Reade and Phillip precede the colonial conquest of the eastern Cape. Christian teachings were among the numerous ideas the un-colonized Africans became accustomed to within their rapidly changing society. The ambiguities of colonialism were most starkly represented by the ever present threat of aggression on the one hand, but there were also the new opportunities offered by the adaptation of European artifact, skill and technology, on the other.
To Ntsikana and his followers the book, the written word, and literacy were the gateway to the Fountain of Knowledgebecause of important place they occupy in the preservation and transmission of information, knowledge and experience. They are an indispensable educational tool. Hence the importance of an event like todays, marking library week.
It is most appropriate that the South African library week is being marked in a rural setting, far from the hub-bub and bright lights of the city. On the 27 and 28 May 2005 we launched the National Literature Exhibition which included lifetime achievement awards for writers in all the languages recognised by our constitution. The National Literature Exhibition is part of a Department of Arts and Culture led campaign to promote use of the indigenous African languages in literature.
We have eleven official languages. The Department of Arts and Culture, as the guardian of our collective heritage, is committed to ensuring the equitable development and use of all these languages. It cannot be regarded as a coincidence that the major social revolutions around the world have been associated with literary movements. The first African writers in South Africa regarded themselves as the heralds of a new era of great expectations for the African people. Literacy, they thought, would open up the doors of world culture and the immense storehouse of human knowledge to their people. Those who sought to exclude Africans permanently from such vistas, in turn tried to devise various means of ensuring that they remained non literate, innumerate and as un-informed as possible. As a government that takes seriously the challenge of making the 21 century an African century, we are determined to ensure that all our people have access to literacy. The library services are essential to that endeavour.
As Chinua Achebe explained through one of his characters, there is much more of crucial, social significance to storytelling in our era, the writing of books - than mere entertainment. Reading, writing and books as literary and cultural artifacts, have become an essential part of our heritage. That makes it imperative for government, non governmental organizations and the private sector to work together in partnerships that will create greater access to reading materials, to nurture writing potential and stimulate publishing for more of our people. The importance of cultural expression, the full creative potential of the reading, writing and publishing sector will only be realized when all the diverse people of our country and the region have reasonable access to the means to write, to read and to be published. This imposes extremely serious obligations on our writers.
South African writers of our day have a critical role to play in fashioning new paradigms and expanding the boundaries of literary expression. The times we live in require them to go beyond the binary opposites that dominated the literature of the past. South Africa lives in an entirely different terrain. Struggle in our day has to waged on a number of different fronts. Our writers have to wrestle with the challenges of nation building, of national reconciliation, of nurturing a human rights culture, of poverty eradication, of fighting the scourge of HIV and AIDS, and of redefining Africas place in the world. By so saying we are not suggesting that they should now become propagandists for government or for other players in our plural society. We merely highlight these issues because these are the existential dilemmas South Africans, and indeed the African continent confronts.
Mr Chairperson,
I have, on other occasions, indicated that one of the major challenges confronting aspiring writers is the absence of a viable and sustainable literary journal that would provide an appropriate platform to advance their skills. We have made some progress towards the establishment of such a national literary journal. But, to develop the craft of writing in the absence of a wide readership would be foolhardy and wasteful. We need to engender a critical mass readership in all South African languages. In the not too distant future we will be approaching writers to see what they are prepared to contribute towards the attainment of that goal.
This year government is making available one billion rands, to be spent over three years, to upgrade, improve and expand the libraries in this country. Where there are no libraries, we will use these funds to build them. Where the libraries are deficient, we will use these funds to improve them. We shall also begin installing all the new types of equipment that have come on stream during this new information revolution. During the course of this year, the DAC is developing a new funding model to ensure that the funds for community libraries are properly utilized. We want to transform the library sector so that our libraries become vehicles for the delivery of a number of services, located at the heart of communities. LIASA, the professional body of librarians, will be assiduously courted to be our partner in this effort. The other spheres of government, especially local government which bears the principal responsibility for library services, is another important stake holder.
I promised not to be long, so I will now draw the threads together.
The theme for this week is: Libraries: Partners in learning, nation building and development. Libraries are repositories of the accumulated knowledge of the human family. It is through them that we can discover, share the thoughts and experience the emotions of others who lived centuries before us. It is through libraries as well that we can keep in touch with people and cultures that are miles away from us. Libraries also serve to keep us abreast of the rest of the world; they have indeed made the world a much smaller place than it used to be. In addressing this conference, I trust, my words have conveyed to you, who serve at the rock face of this crucial community service, the great importance our government, and indeed our people, attach to the service you deliver.
Thank You.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Newsflashes from Branch Executive Committee (29th March 2006)
* We were joined by Sello Borephe representing RETIG.
* Ingrid Thomson will be part of a team from UCT's Centre forEducationalTechnology presenting a blogging workshop at the eLearning Africa 2006 1stInternational Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in the last week of May. There will be reportbacks on the conference at the WHCELIG colloquium and at the LIASA Conference.
* BEC wishes Anna Louw, longstanding member, a speedy recovery from her recent operation
* LIASA Conference 2006
The plans for LIASA conference are progressing well. We're looking forward to an exciting conference. This will not be a repeat ofNelspruit.
Naomi Haasbroek reported that a site inspection was held at the Saint George Hotel. The facilities are excellent with a large venue for the plenary sessions and numerous breakaway rooms plus large exhibition space. The hotel itself has 130 rooms at very reasonable rates. A discountedrate has been negotiated for LIASA members.
Accommodation and transport bookings have been outsourced to a professional company, and an experienced professional conference organiser have been appointed by the Representative Council.
It was pointed out that the conference falls during Ramadan and that the special needs of our Muslim colleagues would be accommodated. More information will be made available.
Ingrid has created an unofficial wiki for the conference. More information about this will follow.
Conference information, registration forms etc will be available on the LIASA website towards the end of May.
* LIASA/SABINET Librarian of the Year
The nomination forms were sent out to every single member receiving the latest LIASA-in-Touch. Please return the forms to the Western Capebranch asa finalist has to be selected to represent the branch in the national competition. One needs to be a LIASA member to be nominated, butanyone can nominate. Please contact Ingrid or the Chair for forms or more information. The deadline for the nominations is 30 June. A judging panel will be set up to make the selection. So please send in your nominations - YOU can be the 2006 Librarian of the Year.
* BRANCH AGM 2 August 2006
In May, watch out for the AGM notice and nomination forms for the nextBEC committee in your snail mail. As this is election year, information about the BEC portfolios will be made available as well to assist in identifying potential representatives.
It is an election year for the interest groups as well, so make sure you diarise the dates.
The launch event that took place at the Bridgetown Public Library was well attended and a collaboration between LIASA WC, the Provincial Library Services and the City of Cape Town Library Services. A report with photographs will appear in the next newsletter. Don't forget to send through your library week activities and highlights reports to Ingrid!
This is scheduled for online publication in the first week of April.
- Public and Community Libraries: reported back on the ArchieDick/VinceKolbe talk. We hope to make the transcript available via the Western Cape branch page.
- School Libraries and Youth Services: there was an activity on Wednesday29 March.
- Special Libraries: reported on and were congratulated on thelibrary tours that had been arranged during SA Library Week. Hopefully this will become a regular event during SA Library Week, and it was suggested that the tours be run again later in the year. Several public librarians who could not attend because of activities in their own libraries that weekhad expressed interest. There is, of course, nothing stopping individual librarians approaching individual libraries to arrange a visit.
- Interlending: This interest group has taken a decision to disband and has officially notified the chair and the national interest group convenor.
- Higher Education: Another call for papers for the colloquium will be sent out . This is an opportunity for academic and research librarians to share what they are doing with other colleagues.
- Information and Communication Technology: Next meeting will be a joint event with LiSLIG and the KM Practitioners Group on 17 May: Networking in the Profession
- Research Education Training Interest Group: Upcoming workshop on 25th April entitled "Librarians writing for Publication". Details were sent out this morning.
Our annual training workshop takes place in June, and is currently being planned. We are looking at presenting a workshop on "How to share what we do" through presentations, articles, reports and so on. We plan on taking the same workshop to the Southern Cape when we visit during May.
The Cape Town Book Fair takes place from 17-20 June in the Cape Town International Convention Centre. This promised to be a very exciting event. Visit the website at for more information. You will be kept informed of some of the highlights ofthis event.
Librarians Writing For Publication Workshop by Research Education & Training Interest Group Workshop
Librarians writing for publication
At the 2005 LIASA National Conference RETIG Session a call was made to encourage innovative research by librarians.
Western Cape RETIG, through this workshop, aims to provide librarians from all types of libraries with enough information to go out and show the world of research that librarians can do it too! Would you like to see your paper published in LIASA-IN-TOUCH or the Cape Librarian? Join us and learn how.
8.30 am Tea & register
9.00 am Welcome. Marilyn Smith & Jean Uys (UCT)
9.15 am Research and the practicing librarian.
Gavin Davis (Department of Library and Information Science UWC)
10.15 am Writing for publication. What reviewers look for?
Karin de Jager (CIL (Centre for Information Literacy) UCT)
11.00 – 11.15 am TEA
11.15 am Writing support
Lucia Thesen (CHED (Centre for Higher Education Development) UCT)
11.45 am Discussion
Genevieve Hart (Department of Library and Information Science UWC)
There will be a membership table at the event for those who would like to join or renew their LIASA membership
Full membership: R180.00
Interest Group membership: R95.00
The Chancellor Oppenheimer Library
in The ULWAZI Training Room, UCT Libraries
Tuesday 25th April 2006
LIASA members R30
Non-members R40
Only on receipt of proof of payment will attendance be confirmed.
Please deposit or ETF to the LIASA Western Cape Account at FNB.
Account number: 50251139760
Branch name: Paarl
Branch Code: 200110
Reference: Research and your surname
Please fax deposit slip to 021-689-7569 for attention Jean Uys.
RSVP to Jean Uys.
Tel. (021) 650 3119
by 18 April 2006l
Friday, March 17, 2006
School Library and Youth Services Interest Group Workshop
Western Cape will be holding the following workshop:
The role of a teacher-librarian with relation
to Job description and Evaluation, using the IQMS
instrument of the WCED, a committee to
liaise with WCED officials
Panel of Speakers:
Stephen Lategan, Owen Weeder and Shanaaz Galant
Jenny Caroto and Rose Damon
EDULIS/EMDC Metro East Kuils River Library,
Multi-Centre Campus, Nooiensfontein Road, Kuils
Wednesday 29 March 2006
14:00 - 16:30
Sandra van Breda Tel.: 021-957-9604
Jenny Caroto
Khosi Mabandla
Rose Damon
R10 per person
Friday, March 10, 2006
Are you the LIASA/SABINET Librarian of the Year?
LIASA, in association with Sabinet Online, is proud to call for nominations for the Librarian of the Year Award for 2006. A prize of R25, 000 will be awarded to the winner.
This prestigious award shall be used for any educational purpose (either visits to relevant institutions locally or internationally; attending relevant conferences or studies).
The Librarian of the Year will be a role model to the rest of the LIS community and a person whose contributions make a lasting impact on the sector.
The deadline for Branch nominations is 31 May 2006 and nominations must be received by the relevant LIASA Branch by this date to be considered. The Branch winners (finalists) will be announced at the end of July 2006. These winners will then be adjudicated at national level during August. Three finalists will be announced by the end of August and the winner will be announced at the LIASA Conference 2006.
Prizes to be awarded: 1st R25 000; 2nd R3 000; 3rd R2 000. All finalists will receive a certificate of acknowledgement.
More information and the nomination form is available at: or from
Please forward your completed nomination forms to
Librarian of the Year 2006,
LIASA Western Cape Branch,
P O Box 4181,
Rhodesgift, 7707.
The search is on.....YOU might be the 2006 LIASA/SABINET Librarian of the Year.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The Western Cape Branch of LIASA is calling for nominations for the 2006 Branch Award.
The LIASA Western Cape Branch Award recognizes an individual librarian or library team from any library (public, school, academic or special library) who has demonstrated exceptional creativity and resourcefulness in marketing, promoting and advocating for a single library or libraries in the Western Cape.
There are innovative and imaginative programmes, projects and events happening across the Western Cape in all our libraries. This award is aimed at recognizing and honouring the librarians for their creativity in promoting, marketing and advocating in their libraries through these activities.
So regardless of the size or type of library you are in, if your library has had a special programme or project or event in the past year, where you have made a different, raised the profile of your library – we want to hear about it!
What type of programmes or projects would be considered?
We are looking for programmes or projects which include the promotion and expansion or outreach of library services to the community where it did not exist before or in response to community needs. These could include:-
- support for educational programmes
- library programmes including promotion of library resources
- literacy, literature and reading programmes
- community outreach
- building or strengthening of local political, fiscal and public support
All nominations will be evaluated on the following criteria:-
- how innovative and imaginative the marketing was
- the obstacles and challenges faced, the partnerships developed
- how creatively resources were used
- the results obtained (outcomes)
- how the library is using these results
- sustainability
Only programmes or projects carried out from January to December 2005 are eligible.
Who may be nominated?
If an individual librarian is nominated, he/she should be a current paid-up (2006) individual LIASA member. In the case of a library team being nominated, at least one member of the library team should be a current paid-up(2006) individual member.
Who may nominate?
Current paid-up (2006) Western Cape individual members may nominated individuals or library teams. Each entry must be accompanied by a written motivation from the nominator.
Judging Panel
The judging panel will comprise the Chair of the Western Cape Branch of LIASA; the Public Relations Officer of the Western Cape Branch of LIASA; the convenor or a representative from each of the following Western Cape interest groups:- the Public and Community Libraries (PACLIG); Special Libraries (LiSLIG), Higher Education (WCHELIG) and School Libraries and Youth Services (SLYSIG); Rheina Epstein, donor; and an independent marketing specialist.
The decision of the judging panel is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
What do you need to do to enter?
- You must be a current paid-up (2006) member of LIASA or at least one member of your team needs to a current paid-up member.
- You or your library team must be nominated by a current paid-up (2006) member of LIASA. Each nomination must be accompanied by a written motivation.
- Only programmes or projects carried out from January to December 2005 are eligible.
- Together with the proposer’s written motivation, you need to submit a portfolio which includes:-
- A written description of the programme expanding on the planning and execution, obstacles and challenges faced, the resources used and the results obtained
- Statistical information about the library, including the community served, circulation figures and staffing must be included as this will be helpful in giving context to the written submission
- Supporting material such as brochures, testimonials, press clippings, flyers and photographs should be included to substantiate the nomination. (These will not be returned as they will be used in other advocacy or marketing activities by the Branch and relevant interest groups.)
- The individual or representative of the team that has been nominated should be
Nomination Forms
Nomination forms for the 2006 LIASA Western Cape Branch Award will be made available via the branch website at or through the Western Cape branch newsletter or via the branch blog at or from any branch or branch interest group committee members.
Closing Date
All nominations and supporting material must be received by 18 September 2006.
Announcement of Winner
Short-listed candidates will be invited to attend the branch’s end-of-the-year Showcase event where the winner of the 2006 LIASA Western Cape Branch Award will be announced. (In the case of a team, a representative will be invited to the function.)
Need more info? Contact the current branch Chair, Naomi Haasbroek at (021) 843 1259 or or current branch PRO, Ingrid Thomson at (021) 650 3703 or
SA Library Week Diary: LiSLIG Special Library Spyskaart
Choose as many of these library visits as you like.
A librarian will be available to take you on a tour through the library and answer questions about thework they do.
Monday 13 March:
eTV library at 11:00-12:00
Contact Nohra Moerat at 481-4615
Tuesday 14 March:
Library of Parliament at 11:00 – 12:00
Contact Matheku Aphane at 403-2049
Wednesday 15 March:
South African Astronomical Observatory Library at 2:00 – 3:00
Contact Shireen Davis at 447-0025
Thursday 16 March:
United States Consulate Library at 8:00 – 6:00
(this event will coincide with a library open house)
Contact Amy Bell Mulaudzi at 702-7463 – RSVPs are necessary please
Friday 17 March:
Medical Research Council Library at 11:00-12:00
Contact Alvina Matthee at 938-0400
SA Library Week Diary: PACLIG event
TITLE: " The books were just props: public libraries on the Cape Flats in the 1980's"
SPEAKERS: Archie Dick and Vince Kolbe
VENUE: Town Centre Library , Mitchell's Plain
DATE: Wednesday 15 March 2006
TIME:9am for 9.30
COST: R5 for LIASA members and R10 for non-members
RSVP:Beronice at Town Centre Library 021- 3914787/8/9 or Kathleen at
There will be an opportunity to join LIASA or renew membership.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Membership Campaign 2006
LIASA is encouraging all their members and branches to participate in the Membership Campaign for 2006. The campaign runs from January 2006 until 31 December 2006 and the following prizes will be offered in the following categories.
R1500.00 to the Branch who has retained the highest percentage of members in 2006
R1000.00 to the individual who has recruited the most new members in the country.
R500.00 to the Branch who has achieved the highest percentage of new members in 2006
R500.00 to an individual from each branch who has recruited more than 10 members for 2006.
R500.00 to an Interest Group who has achieved the highest percentage of new members for 2006
Winners will be announced in January 2007.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Launch of SA Library Week 2006
You are cordially invited to the launch of South African Library Weekhosted by the City of Cape Town, the Western Cape Provincial Library Service and the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA).
Date: 8 March 2006
Venue: Bridgetown Public Library, c/o Cornflower and Heide Street, Bridgetown
Time: 9:00
RSVP: Szerena Knapp, (021) 483-2483, fax (021) 419-7541 or
e-mail before 6 March 2006
City of Cape Town and the Western Cape Provincial Library Service in partnership with the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA)
presents the launch of
South African Library Week
Libraries: Partners in learning, nation building and development
Wednesday 8 March 2006
Bridgetown Public Library
09:00 Arrival VIP’s and guests arrive (refreshments served)
09:30 Welcome
Mr Gert Bam, Director of Social Development and Planning, City of Cape Town
09:45 Opening and introduction of MEC
Mr Johan Swiegelaar, Director: Western Cape Provincial Library Service
10:00 Keynote address
Mr Philip Mziwonke Whitey Jacobs, Western Cape MEC of Cultural Affairs, Sport and Recreation
10:30 Cultural event
10:45 Marketing library awards (Arts and Culture Award for Library of the Year, LIASA Branch Awards, LIASA/Sabinet Librarian of the Year Award)
Ms Beryl Eichenberger, Hippo Communications; Ms Rheina Epstein, Retired Librarian and Ms Naomi Haasbroek, Western Cape Branch Chair, LIASA
11:30 Welcome new LIASA members
11:40 Vote of thanks
Mr Gert Bam, Director of Social Development and Planning, City of Cape Town
12:00+ Light lunch for VIP’s and invited guests
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Newsflashes from the Branch Executive Committee
Here are some highlights and news from the meeting:-
* SA Library Week 2006 launch will be hosted together with Western Cape Provincial Library Services and City of Cape Town Libraries on Wednesday 8 March atBridgetown Public Library. Watch your email for your invitation and programme details.
* The updated Branch diary for 2006 will soon be posted to the branch webpage and on the branch weblog. The new integrated diary will include the interest group committee meetings.
* The Branch newsletter is scheduled to appear in March, July, October,December. The March issue will appear after the SA Library Week launch.
* There is a new revised fee structure for membership. Full details will be circulated by the national office and will appear in the next LIASA-in-Touch and in the March issue of the Western Cape newsletter.
The membership period will be reverting to a calendar year (January -December) from 2007.
There are special incentives to renew your membership during 2006:If you renew for 2006 between March and September you will pay a reduced fee of R150.00. This membership will be valid until December 2006 after which you have to renew for 2007. If you renew between September and December, you qualify for an early bird special for 2007 of R180.00. Your membership is then valid until December 2007.
New members who join between March and December 2006 pay R180. The fee for 2007 is R210.00.
* A membership campaign is on the go for 2006. There are awards for thebranches who recruit and/or retain the most members, as well as an award of R1000 for an individual who recruits the most members. More about this later!!
* Queries/Complaints about membership should be directed to the Chair, Naomi Haasbroek or Membership Secretary, Wilhelmina Zaal.
* SABINET Librarian of the Year Award: the Branch has to nominate afinalist to go forward to the national competition. Watch this spacefor information about the call for nominations, the process, criteria and deadlines. Are you the SABINET Librarian of the Year? A substantialcash prize accompanies this award.
* The first call for nominations for the 2006 Branch Award will be made in the March newsletter - more details will also be announced at the meeting of the 8th March.
* Conference 2006: the venue is the St Georges' Hotel and ConferenceCentre (between Johannesburg and Pretoria) from 25 - 29 September 2006. Naomi Haasbroek is the interim national Co-ordinator for Conference2006. The national Co-ordinating Committee has already appointed a professional conference organiser. The exhibitors also now have a representative on the Local Organising Committee in order to address their particular needs.
The Branch Executive Committee meeting was followed by a meeting ofInterest Group Chairs and Treasurers with the Chair of the Branch and the Branch Treasurer.
Friday, February 10, 2006
R1bn boost for public libraries
South Africa's libraries are to get a R1bn funds injection over the next three years, Arts and Culture Minister Pallo Jordan announced on Friday, News24 reported earlier.
Briefing the media at parliament, he described the plan to revitalise the country's deteriorating public libraries as a "massive, massive intervention". And this would help to create a culture of reading.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Communicating with IT professionals workshop
We will look at the issues from the librarian’s perspective and from the IT professional’s perspective. Come and hear what each side has to say and draw from each other’s experiences.
We will be launching the ICTLIG blog at the Workshop.
VENUE: Centre for Conflict Resolution, UCT Hiddingh Campus, 31-37 Orange Street, Cape Town. (Go to for Directions)
DATE: 15 February 2006
TIME: 09:00 for 09:30 until approximately 12:00
COST: R10 for LIASA members. R20 for non-LIASA members.
If you plan to attend please let us know by 8 February 2005 by emailing your name and LIASA membership number (if you have one) to or 'phoning 021 6503701.
As space is limited, registration is on a first come, first served basis.
We look forward to seeing you there.
The committee of the Western Cape LIASA ICT in Libraries Interest Group
WCHELIG Winter Workshop and Colloquium
The theme for this years Colloquium, in line with the LIASA 9th AnnualConference theme this year as well as the 2007 WLIS conference inDurban, is 'Collaboration for success'.
Come share your experiences, challenges, lessons learnt and success stories in working with your colleagues in the library, branches, faculties and other departments in the institution and in different parts of the country and of the world.
Important dates:
Submission of abstracts: 24 February 2006
Notification of acceptance: 3 March 2006
Final papers and presentations due: 26 May 2006
Colloquium date: 14 and 15 June 20
Proposals, in electronic format (MS Word) must be submitted to: Annemarie Maritz by 24 February 2006
Email: Fax: 021-808-4336 Tel: 021-808-2743
1. Papers and posters based on practical experience will be given firstpriority.
2. Priority will be given to papers on the theme and topics listed,although papers on related topics may also be considered.
3 Submissions must include:
a. full title of the paper;
b. name(s) of author(s),
c. institutional affiliation,
d. full contact details of author(s).
e short abstract of the paper (200-300 words)
f. the MS-Word document of each proposal should be named with the surname of the presenting author, e.g.: Smith prop.doc
g. brief CV of the author(s)
4. Authors of accepted papers will be notified as soon as possible after3 March 2006.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Branch Bosberaad 28 January 2006
Highlights to watch out for:-
Communicating with IT professionals
Launch of SA Library Week in the Western Cape
Scholarly communication and Open Access Discussion
WCHELIG Winter Colloquium
Internet Searching Workshop
Blogging Workshop
FISH! Philosophy Workshop
Shelver of the Year Competition
LIASA Western Cape Branch Award
It was also noted that this is an election year so June andJuly will be busy months for interest group AGMs. The Branch AGM is scheduled for 2 August.
It was a good bonding and team-building event and much work was done. Thanks to Tommy Matthee, President of LIASA, and the staff of Drakenstein and Paarl Libraries for hosting the branch.
Some photos from the day: